Friday, December 27, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Power Struggles in Capitalist Democracies and the Fate of...
Power Struggles in Capitalist Democracies and the Fate of American Labor Unions To some, capitalistic democracy conjures up the picture of a utopia where the free market is accompanied by individual liberty and social justice. To others, however, the term is more like a paradoxâ€â€despite tremendous economic power, the advanced industrial nations are not immune from the evils of socio-political inequality as well as economical disparity. Amongst the capitalist democracies of the world, it is an established and well-known fact that when compared with the advanced industrial countries in Europe, the United States has the worst condition of economical-political inequality and social injustice. Its government is the least progressive, and†¦show more content†¦The demand constraints limits what the labor class and the state can demand from the capitalist class because it essentially controls the economy through capital investment. As a result, the satisfaction of the interest of capitalists is a necessary condition for the satisfaction of all other inter ests within the system. (Cohen 298). There exists an inherent imbalance of power in a capitalist democracy because its stability and growth depends primarily on the economic well being of the capitalist class. This group holds the power of choosing what, where, and how to invest their resources. Moreover, corporations control a host of decisions unless and until the government specifically intervenes. (Clowson et al, 161) The labor class is dependent on them for employment and income, and the state also relies on them both directly and indirectlyâ€â€directly through income tax of the rich and their businesses (which pays the most for social programs in the socially necessary process of wealth redistribution), and indirectly through income tax levied on the working class who are employed by the capitalists. Thus, it is not surprising that the U.S. government has constantly wooed businesses in hope of economic growth. As aShow MoreRelatedThe Origins Of Cold War1550 Words  | 7 PagesThis research looks at the origins of Cold war, the political, ideological and economical rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union. This research draws upon mostly primary sources including memoirs, interviews and scholarly studies of cold war era conflicts. Most research on this topic focuses on its connection to the famous events and upheavals, which shaped that era. â€Å"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an â€Å"Iron Curtain†has descended across the continent. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Concept of sin, punishment and redemption in The Scarlet Letter free essay sample
The Scarlet Letter is a book about sin, punishment, and the hope of redemption. The book is about the life in colonial Boston of Hester Prynne, Her husband Roger Chillingworth, and Hester’s lover Arthur Dimmesdale. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a very complex and can be interpreted in many ways. Throughout the novel the Concept of sin, punishment, and redemption was portrayed through Hester Prynne, Aurthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth on many ways and on many levels. An element of this theme is sin. The whole bases of the novel are on the sin of Hester and Dimmesdale committed. The sin of adultery had great consequences and haunted both of them until the day they died. In the time this novel was written adultery should have been condemned with murder, but some of the town’s people took pity on Hester because no one knew what happened to her husband. Although the women of the town did not agree with the decision. In this novel, Chillingworth is considered as worst sinner. In the case of The Scarlet Letter the wrong, or sin, is adultery: a very serious breach of Christian morality. A young woman, Hester Prynne, has been found guilty of adultery and must wear a scarlet letter â€Å"A†on her dress as a sign of shame. Furthermore, she must stand on the scaffold for three hours, exposed to public humiliation. Hesters punishment is purely social. She has to stand on the platform of the pillory, with the people gazing curiously at the scarlet letter on her breast. Society has decreed that she shall wear throughout her life a scarlet letter on the boson of her gown. This is the stigma that Hester has to carry always. She becomes a social outcast. Children follow her and shout at her. Strangers gaze at the scarlet on her bosom and make no secret of their contempt for her. She is cruelly treated by society. Her numerous acts of service as a Sister of Mercy do soften the world to some extent, but do not secure her its pardon. Society continues to be firm and harsh. Any other woman in place of Hester would have been won over to the side of the Devil or the Black Man. But the inherent goodness of Hester and her maternal solicitude for Pearl keep her away from any further evil. Crime and penalty are dealt here both on personal and social level. The act of adultery is a crime against the individual, that individual being the wrong husband or wife. But adultery is also a crime against society. Hester Prynne has by her adulterous action, wronged her husband Chillingworth and that is what she tells him in so many words. The wrong that she has done to her husband is a crime to a personal level. But as a member so society she is also a sinner. Hester herself does not consider her adulterous action to be a serious crime or sin. For the reason, she does not experience any deep sense of guilt even after society has pronounced his judgment upon her. Hester believes in the sanctity of love relationship between her and Dimmesdale. The scarlet letter ‘A is the stigma that Hester has to carry always for her misdeed. Children follow her and shout at her. She is cruelly treated by the society. But the inherent goodness of Hester and her maternal solitude to Pearl keep her from further evil. Her crime is the serious one and her punishment is great. But it must be pointed out that the punishment comes from the society and is unaccompanied by any pangs of the society. Hester believes in the sanctity of the love relationship between her and Dimmesdale. What we did, she says to Dimmesdale in the forest, Had a consecration of its own. We felt it so; we said so; we said so to each other. Dimmesdale produces an impression of weakness and timidity. He aggravates his sin of adultery by his prolonged concealment of it and he further aggravates it by trying to keep up an appearance of piety. As the novel is primarily a story of fall of a great priest, we can easily defy Dimmesdale as the tragic hero. His life is also one long misery. He succumbs to temptation once again when in the course of his forest interview with Hester; he agrees to flee from Boston with her, though he could not stick to it. This action also leads him to collapse and makes him a tragic hero. His weakness magnifies rather than lessens the power of story. His fight is internal. His confession to the public is in of the noblest climaxes in stories to tragedy. Dimmesdales castigation comes purely from within. Society does not punish him because it does not know that he is a greater sinner of adultery and also of hypocrisy. He is all the time haunted by the sense of guilt. The fact of concealment serves only to intensify his misery. He undergoes various kinds of penance including vigils, fasts and flagellation. Society does not play the least part in the mental torture, though the role played by Chillingworth cannot be ignored. However, the crime that Dimmesdale done is severe and the more bitter crime is his being hypocrite. But he receives his punishment and through it Hawthorne shows us his noble characteristics. In the forest interview with Dimmesdale, he suggests that they escape from Boston so that they can lead a new life, but she does not do so because, as has been said above, she does not consider her relationship with Dimmesdale to be immoral or sinful. But, as he tells Hester in the forest, it is all reparation and no penitence. One night he even mounts the scaffold as an act of expiation. But, as the author remarks, it is a mockery of penance and not true amend. Soon after this forest interview, he hardens himself and determines to make a public confession of his sin. He carries out his resolves to unburden his heart, and in a few minutes, meets his end on the scaffold. This incident is the climax of his spiritual development. He confesses his guilt and gives away his life, but he has established his right to a place in heaven by virtue of his act of genuine repentance and confession. As Hawthorne points out, a man like Dimmesdale should not commit a crime like adultery. Crime is for the hardened individual who is strong enough to crush the voice of his conscience. Society does not play the least part in the mental torture which Dimmesdale undergoes, though the role played by Roger Chillingworth in this connection can not be ignored. Chillingworth persecutes Dimmesdale and does so in a subtle manner. He greatly aggravates the suffering of the poor minister. Because Reverend Dimmesdales health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, a newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the ministers illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale to be Pearls father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdales vestment aside, Chillingworth sees something startling on the sleeping ministers pale chest: a scarlet â€Å"A†. Chillingworths misshapen body reflects the evil in his soul, which builds as the novel progresses, similar to the way Dimmesdales illness reveals his inner turmoil. The outward man reflects the condition of the heart. Chillingworth the wronged husband turns into a fiend when he dedicates his life to a hideous event. Hester goes through the punishment but she does not need the purification because she does not commit any crime. Love cannot be called a crime, though society tortured her. Dimmesdale is the real sinner and we see him going through his mental purification for seven years. He understands his sin and he confesses his crime before his death. We can call Chillingworth a great sinner here because he is not a good husband and he also chooses a way to torture Dimmesdale which is also a kind of hypocrisy from social point of view. On Election Day, Dimmesdale gives what is declared to be one of his most inspired sermons. But as the procession leaves the church, Dimmesdale stumbles and almost falls. Seeing Hester and Pearl in the crowd watching the parade, he climbs upon the scaffold and confesses his sin, dying in Hesters arms. Later, witnesses swear that they saw a stigmata in the form of a scarlet ‘A’ upon his chest. According to the legal statutes at the time and the prevailing sentiment of keeping in accordance with a strict interpretation of the Bible, adultery was a capital sin that required the execution of both adulterer and adulteressor at the very least, severe public corporal punishment. In Christian Belief, people who die with secret sin, they are more sinners. Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth both commit sin. Hester and Dimmesdale confess to the people and get redemption but Chillingworth does not confess to the people and for this reason he does not get redemption. Chillingworth is died as a sinner but Dimmesdale and Hester freed from sin. For this reason, we can consider Chillingworth as a worst sinner. Sin and knowledge are linked in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The Bible begins with the story of Adam and Eve, who were expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As a result of their knowledge, Adam and Eve are made aware of their disobedience, that which separates them from the divine and from other creatures. Once expelled from the Garden of Eden, they are forced to toil and to procreate – two labors that seem to define the human condition. The experience of Hester and Dimmesdale recalls the story of Adam and Eve because, in both cases, sin results in expulsion and suffering. But it also results in knowledge – specifically, in knowledge of what it means to be human. For Hester, the scarlet letter functions as her passport into regions where other women dared not tread leading her to speculate about her society and herself more boldly than anyone else in New England. As for Dimmesdale, the cheating minister of his sin gives him sympathies so intimate with the sinful brotherhood of mankind, so that his chest vibrates in unison with theirs. In the end, Hawthorne has mainly dealt with the idea of ‘Sin, Punishment, and Redemption and he believed in sin and pre-destination like a true puritan. He inherited his Puritanism from his ancestors.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Arts Deal in the Particula Essay Example For Students
The Arts Deal in the Particula Essay The Arts Deal in the Particular, the Individual and the Personal While the Sciences Deal in the General, the Universal and the Collective. to What Extent Does This Statement Obscure the Nature of Both Areas of Knowledge? By shamelessly The arts deal in the particular, the individual and the personal While the sciences deal in the general, the universal and the collective. To what extent does this statement obscure the nature Of both areas Of knowledge? The arts became a necessity only after physiological, safety, social and self esteem needs had been fulfilled by an individual. It is said that the arts re a way of expressing emotion. We will write a custom essay on The Arts Deal in the Particula specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Thus, it is separated from science, in which everything is objective and emotion free. It is said that the arts deal in the individual and the personal. This is true too certain extent. Artists (musicians, painters, photographers) express their own emotions through their work. The audience/spectators interpret the meaning of the art form in their own particular way, The idea that each person everyone should have their say, that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, does not cause anyone to question everyone elses views, when it comes to art, Therefore everyone believes in his/her version of he truth. This can be seen in Leonardo ad Vines painting, the Teflon Lisa. No one can tell why the background of the painting slants from her right, or why Leonardo painted it(x ray scans confirm this) over the features of a man (it hasnt been verified if the man is Leonardo himself). Many people hue different theories, but at the end of the day, they will all be right because Leonardo never left anything which could explain his true intentions. This theory would be limited, however, if he was alive and/or left something behind which would explain the curious nature Of the painting. The arts are said to deal in the particular. This is almost always true. The world is divided in terms of culture, religion and language, in spite of technology and globalization trying to bridge gaps. The way something is viewed in one part of the world is almost never viewed in the same way in another. Thus, it is obvious that art that is related to culture and religion in one part of the world can never be interpreted in the same way in another part of the world. A very good example of art involving religion can be the Buddha of Banyan in Afghanistan. The Buddha were obviously a religious symbol to the Buddhists living in Afghanistan. They were carved in the 6th century. However, the Buddhist populations decreased and the country was gradually taken over by the Taliban. To them, the statues did not convey any religious meaning, and they were incapable of understanding why it was important to the millions of Buddhists around the world. They (the Taliban) were incapable of interpreting What the statues meant. The statues were destroyed, even though it avgas possible that the government could prosper from the tourists visiting the site. The Taliban found art involving statues (images of people) insulting, and proceeded to destroy them. However, there are anomalies to this rule as well. A famous example is Picasso Queering, which depicts the killings caused by the fascists in Spain. The painting represents violence and mindless killing. Its meaning is interpreted in the same way throughout the world. Science is based on the scientific method which itself is made up of observation, reason and experiment. It has two branches, the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, etc. ) and the natural sciences (psychology, economics, etc). As it deals with facts obtained from reasoning, observation and reasoning, it has little space for emotions, which is where it differs greatly with the arts, where motion counts tort everything. .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 , .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .postImageUrl , .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 , .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:hover , .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:visited , .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:active { border:0!important; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:active , .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1 .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8a375efe2b1d84978b6bf14ea605fcc1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Aleksandr solzhenitsyn russian dissident EssayThe sciences are said to deal in the general and collective. This means they apply to people from all over the world. This is shown by Darnings theory of evolution, in which he states that all human beings, regardless of race, have common ancestor- monkeys. Science can never be proven to be right. Theories in science can only be disproved through the scientific method. Darnings theory of evolution is only right as long as someone can disprove it. However, chances are the new theory will be generalized yet again. And yet, there are some things in science that cannot be generalized. The cost common example in this case is gravity. The Earth is shaped like an orange, which means some places are closer to the Centre and Some places are further away. The force of gravity is greater the closer a place is to the centre of the Earth. Thus, gravity is one Of those things that cannot be generalized. The sciences are said to be universal. This means that scientific theories apply to places all over the universe. This is shown by Newtons Second Law, where he mentions that every action has an equal and opposite reaction (there are some specifications in this law, which are too long be mentioned in this essay). According to Newton, this law is not confined to Earth, but applies to all reaches of space. Thus, as far as this theory is concerned, science is universal, However, there are some things in science that have not been proven to be universal. The most common example what we call life. Life itself is not universal in science, as scientists have still been unable to prove that there is life in space. There are rumors, no doubt, of aliens in outer space, but this needs to be proven by the scientific method. It this remains so, the very study to biology can be classified as something that is not universal. So far, scientists have only been able to prove that there is life on a tiny planet in the Milky Way. The rest of the universe is lifeless, it seems, Therefore, because of this certain anomaly, science, like the arts, deal in the particular (in this case, a particular planet in a particular galaxy). Tory lane Madeline Marie Thus from the aforementioned claims, justifications, counter claims and personal examples, feel that both the arts and the sciences deal in the particular, the general, the individual, the universal, the personal and the collective. Saying anything otherwise can obscure the nature of both Areas of Knowledge.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
To what extent is Othello a Hegelian tragedy Essay Example
To what extent is Othello a Hegelian tragedy Essay Example To what extent is Othello a Hegelian tragedy Paper To what extent is Othello a Hegelian tragedy Paper A Hegelian tragedy must have; a society in conflict and a series of opposing social forces that ultimately destroy themselves. It is argued that a Hegelian tragedy is not about the individual characters but rather what they represent. The beginning of the play Othello is set in Venice and the Venetian society is definitely portrayed to be in conflict. Firstly there is a war going on between Venice and the Turks. Othello is a general and plays a key role on the war. Eventually the venetians beat the Turks and Othello, Desdemona and the rest of the key characters go to stay in Cyprus. Secondly there is the conflict with race within the society. Othello, otherwise known as the moor, originates from North Africa and he is black. Many of the characters call his names such as thick lips and black ram as well as always referring to him as the moor. When Brabantio finds out that his daughter Desdemona is married to Othello, a black man, he thinks its monstrous and takes Othello straight to the duke. Lastly there are the constant arguments. In the opening scene of the play we see Roderigo and Iago arguing outside Brabantios house. Roderigo has paid iago a considerable amount of money to spy on Othello for him, since he wishes to take Othellos girlfriend, Desdemona as his own. Roderigo fears Iago has not been telling him enough and that this proves Iagos real loyalty is to Othello not him. Iago tells us of his hatred towards Othello for choosing Cassio as his new lieutenant and not him as he had expected. There are many opposing social forces in Othello; the main social forces are to do with white vs. black, love vs. lust, honesty vs. Lies and chaos vs. Order. The first social conflict to mention is black versus white. White people are seen to be generally higher up in society and black people lower down. It is clear that some of the white venetians strongly believe this statement should be the way forward for Venice and consequently they very raciest. This point is backed up firstly by Iagos hatred of Othello could be seen as partly being racially motivated. This is evident in his use of racially disparaging names for Othello. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, Othello can be seen as a victim of racist ideology because he gives in to and accepts the racist constructions of himself. The opening scenes establish Othellos status as an outsider in Venice. Iagos hatred of Othello as racially motivated is emphasised especially in his description of Othello as his Moorship which implies that Iago sees Othellos high status as incompatible with his race. In a way, Venice is portrayed as a society in which there are competing ideas about race, because not everyone has a problem with Othello being black, especially Desdemona and of course the duke who likes othello and doesnt mind one bit that he is black. But it is also portrayed as a society where no one seems to be totally unaware of Othellos difference. To other opposing social forces are love and lust. In the play there are examples of both these aspects. True love is shown between Desdemona and Othello at the beginning of the play. The two love each other for who they are, rather than just how each other look. You can see from how they act at the beginning of the play by how they speak and interact with each other that they are truly in love. On the other hand, lust is brought up in the play on several instances. First there is Iago, believing women are only creatures of lust and nothing more. He doesnt seem to believe in love, even though he is married and his wife loves him. He mocks love, believing it is only lust that brings a man and a woman together. He makes a lot of sexual remarks and mocks women. Also there is Roderigo who is lusting after Desdemona, rather than loving her. He sees her as a prize, as he does not seem to know her at all. Also with Bianca and Cassio, he does not seem to really love her, and sees Bianca as more of an object of lust to him. There is a lot of lying in Othello but there is also honesty. When it is said that in Hegelian tragedies it is not about the individual characters but what they represent, we can say that Iago represents lies and Desdemona, even though she deceives her father, represents honesty. Iago does nothing but lie. Even lying to himself to convince himself of the lie for when he tells it to other people. Iago says at the beginning; I am not what I am this tells the audience that he is a liar and he is going to deceive the Venetian society in many ways. When Desdemona is accused of having an affair with Cassio she speaks the entire truth and doesnt lie at all. But sadly Othello believes the lies rather than the truth. There is a battle between order and chaos and this is shown throughout the entire play. Although Iago goes through lots of trouble to create chaotic events at the beginning Shakespeare tends to bring a sense of order into the play that calms down the previous events. This is shown when Brabantio visits the Duke with the issue of his daughter and Othello. The Duke makes the decision to leave Othello and Desdemona be and that Desdemona has chosen this path and Brabantio follows the Dukes decision. However Iago never stops trying to cause the chaos and as Othello sinks deeper into distrust of Desdemona and is more consumed by his jealousy, chaos increases and threatens to devour him. His suspicion of Desdemonas affair overpowers him and makes him mentally chaotic, leaving him in deep despair. To conclude Othello is to a great extent a Hegelian tragedy because it matches hugely all of the Hegelian traits, especially the opposing social forces and the play being set in a society in conflict.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
My First 7 Jobs
My First 7 Jobs You may have caught wind of a Twitter topic, â€Å"First 7 Jobs,†where celebrities and entrepreneurs have been sharing the list of †¦ obviously †¦ their first 7 jobs. What struck me about the lists I saw is that people didn’t seem to have as many â€Å"starter†jobs as I did. Buzz Aldrin’s third job was as a fighter pilot, and by his 4th job he was already an astronaut! I wonder if the following list shows a lack of focus on my part? Or perhaps on the bright side, a sense of curiosity? It’s possible that I started with my moment of fame and am only now rising back up to a position that meets my capabilities! Here’s the list: 1. Sesame Street My parents took my sister and me to audition for Sesame Street when I was 6 years old or so, and we both got the job. I learned that Oscar and Big Bird are the same person, and how to say Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers many times fast. I learned how to put my checks in the bank and start saving. I also learned that I was not very good at voice over reports on what animals were doing. It’s harder than it looks! 2. Baby Sitting How a mother would trust the safety of a 2-year-old or 7-year-old to me still baffles me. Thankfully there were no mishaps that I can remember. I learned to keep emergency numbers on the fridge, and not to argue when someone wanted to give me extra money. I discovered that I like kids and am pretty good with them, in small doses. 3. Helping out at my dad’s real estate management office At my dads office, I learned how to file, collate, and copy. These paper-focused skills are, well, not as useful as they once werebut sometimes I am still the one to figure out how to clear a paper jam. I’ve always been great in an office environment. 4. Cashier at Carrot Top Bakery I got this job because my dad was friends with the owner, and was introduced to the world of bulk baking. I learned that even though I can do math in my head, I need to punch the actual numbers into the cash register so the business has a record of what was purchased (see my blog, How I Messed Up On My First Job- and What You Can Learn From My Mistakes!). When the phone company across the street went on strike, I learned that when you depend on one client for most of your business, you are at great risk. Perhaps this insight sowed the seeds of my entrepreneurial bent. 5. Counselor, Lifeguard and Swim Instructor at a summer camp To explore my â€Å"crunchy granola†side, I went back to my old, favorite summer camp as a counselor. I learned that the place was just as magical as a counselor as it was as a camper. And how to stay out all night without my 12-year-old bunk of campers finding out. Later in life, I used my lifeguarding skills to get free gym memberships when my salary didn’t support that luxury. Later, I shifted to a preference for monthly payments and more free time. 6. Assistant to a Director at the Yale Alumni Association This was a pretty great part-time job when I was in college. I learned how to suck up, and that when you have a position of power, no one will bat an eyelash when you can ask your student employee to run to get your dry cleaning. I also learned how to pick up dry cleaning. This trick of squeezing personal tasks into the workday has served me well as an entrepreneur. 7. Naturalist at Glacier National Park I volunteered for a summer after my sophomore year of college with the Student Conservation Association. In the remote mountains of Montana, I learned that not everyone appreciates my New York attitude. More practically, I gained skills in how to tie food high up in a tree and  make a lot of noise in the woods to warn the bears; and lets not forget the upside-down map tours of the park from behind the visitor center desk. I learned what crampons are. I also learned how to survive for a summer on the food available in a Montana corner store. I liked this outdoorsy type of job, and it led to my 8th job as an environmental education instructor. After that I went back to office jobs. What do you think my first seven jobs say about me? What do yours say about you? I’m curious to hear!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Analytical Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analytical Report - Assignment Example Even though it looks like an external problem, it has a significant impact within the company’s actual market performance. From the business definition, it is true that this may act as stepping stone for the company to maintain effective operations. Market research refers to the process of appreciating the ability of a given product to satisfy the needs of the customers through obtaining information related to it. Research and investigation works through accessing the emerging trends in the market, demographic structure and the buying habits exhibited by the customers. All these three aspects have made market research a suitable tool towards increasing the market share and potential coverage. The four major ways in which the company would feel the significance of the tool include: enabling effective communication, identifying and understanding opportunities, pinpointing problems that are characteristics of operations and acting as a benchmark for evaluating success (Mazzoni et al, 2007). The following is a chart showing the cycle for carrying out a market research The market research will allow the company to identify existing opportunities in the market towards establishing an empire of loyal customers. As stated in the case, the company exhibits inability to compete in the market because of the inability to adapt to the existing technological advances embraced by its competitors (Wei, 2008). The most perfect way to solving this would require the company to gather information about the market niche. The market niche information, obtained through market research and investigation will help in orienting the company to use other alternative ways for increasing market share and coverage. For instance, through market research, the company may realize that there is existing empty space such as the inability of the competitors to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Photo Galleries' Masterpieces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Photo Galleries' Masterpieces - Essay Example Paris never looked that beautiful under the rays of the scorching sun. Natural beauty was at its best! Belin pictures were completely devoid of any form of aliveness. These twelve black and white gelatin prints housed inside this gallery soothed my nerves. These pictures of Paris showed different historical stages of this place. She took out the history and the personality of the objects and used these as an inspiration for her amazing photographs. Valerie Belin was born in 1964 in Paris and held numerable exhibitions before this like the ones in Centre Georges Pompidou, Foundation Cartier pours l’art Contemporain, Museum of Modern Art, New York etc. Belin gave her pictures a weird mysterious look by combing two negatives together. there was no human presence in the pictures she captured it with a black and white effect, contrasting the light effects. Some details given to the photograph made it so mesmerizing and compelled me to ponder on Belin’s outstanding photography skills. She used modern technology in the best possible way and gave her pictures a more dreamlike pictorial effect. One viewed these pictures as drawings, not photographs due to their mystic beauty and artistic shades. At one corner of the gallery, crystal vases and glasses laid on the table. She scrutinized the light spectrum of these inanimate objects and focused on the primary process of her photography. The best of all were the pictures of D ancer at the lido, magicians and fruit basket. Supernaturalism of Belin’s work was revealed through her pictures with a less documentary effect. She demonstrated her painterly view in these art pictures which were far away from naturalism which forced me to think of a question regarding the ambiguous scenes that were a part of these pictures. These were captured at oblique angles with perfection and made baroque and disquieting beauty a part of them. One thing I noted was that these pictures had illusions of the external world which made these images artificial and enchanted with fantasies.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Financial Management Essay Example for Free
Financial Management Essay Introduction In this assignment I will be researching and discussing how to manage my own personal finances. For this I will have to research sources of income and write about different types of employment and unemployment. The affect these have on salaries and wages will also be investigated. I have also been asked to research and summarise allowances and benefits. As part of the management of my personal finances I must produce a personal budget over a specific period of time, on completion of this I will pair with a partner and discuss my findings. Task 3 Why is it important for me to manage my personal finance? * To help not to run out of money * Help me with budgeting * Scarce resource * Savings * Paying bills * Living alone * Managing money is skill Task 4 Jobseekers allowance Jobseekers allowance would be paid to me if I am eligible for it and looking for (seeking) work. I also would have to be age 16 or over to be able to receive jobseekers allowance. This source of income is relevant for me because I am over the age of 16, living on my own and I am currently looking for work. Income support Income support provides financial help for people ages 16 and over, who have low income or no money coming in at all. This money is for people who are not currently seeking work. This money is to help people with day to day living. Income support is relevant to me because this is the situation I am currently living in and I also receive income support myself. Child benefit Child benefit is parents that have children under the age of 16 or children under 19 in full time education. Child benefit is no longer relevant to me because I do not live will my mother any more. Housing benefit Housing benefit helps towards paying my rent which would be my local authority, but they dont cover all my housing costs. Housing benefit is eligible to people who are renting a room or living in a hostel of sum sort. I can apply for this by just going down to my local authority office and filling in a housing benefit form. Working families Tax Credit Working Tax Credit is for people who are employed or self-employed, over the aged of 16 and are working at least 16 hours a week. They also have to have at least one child. In couples, one person has to choose who receives the tax credits. The amount of tax credits they receive will depend on their annual income. Tax credits are not relevant for me because I am not responsible for any children and I am not currently working. Task 5 When preparing for employment the documents I would need: * CV * Covering letter * Application form * National insurance number * Bank details * Qualification certificates * P45 (maybe not for me yet) CV I would need a CV so that the employers get a brief summary of my qualifications and experience to-date. It would include the school and college I have attended. It will also include my past work experience. My CV will now include that I have recently worked at Superdrug. My CV will also have my references. References are very important as the employers may want to contact the referees to confirm I have the qualifications for the job, and if I am reliable and trustworthy enough for the job. Covering letter A covering letter is needed because it is a part of the formal requirement. It will show the employer where I heard about the advert and why I feel I would be right for the job. Application form Application forms are used to help the employer to separate the good candidates from the not so good candidates. They are also used to find out about information and candidates background. National Insurance No. Every one that has the right to work in the UK has the right to a national insurance number once they reach the age of 16. The national insurance number will show what national insurance contributions the worker pays over the course of his/her working life and also the contribution employers have made. Bank details Bank details are required in order for the employer to give you your wages. Wages are now paid by direct transfer from the employer to the bank account of the employee. Qualification certificates Proof of GCSEs and past qualifications are important because the employer will expect me to have certain right qualification in order to have the job. Superdrug have specific qualifications that are required, these are called essential qualifications. Task 6 Types of employment Self employment Being self employed is when you do not work for anyone else you have your own business. For example owning your own sweets shop is self employment. The income of the sweets shop will come from the customers who purchase the sweets. The income may also come from the bank if you borrow money. Freelance Freelancers are a different type of self employment. Instead of owning their own business they sell their services by working for different businesses. For example a freelance hair dresser would not have their own hairdressing business they would get to all kinds of other businesses and do hairdressing. Employee Employees are people who work for someone who controls what work they do. The employer is in charge of the employees income and deducts national insurance from the employees wages or salary. As long as they is someone handling your wages before you get them you are an employee. Task 8 Key points of each job Job title Retail manager Tasks to be carried out Retail managers are responsible for day to day running of department stores, chain stores, supermarkets and independent shops. They look after staff management, including taking on and training new staff, maintaining a good standard of customer care and increasing sales and profitability. Their duties usually include: * Making sure premises and displays are well maintained * Organising stock checking and re-ordering as necessary, through computerised or manual systems * Making sure targets are reached and all opportunities are taken to increase sales and profitability * Organising sales promotions * Recruiting, interviewing and training staff * Dealing with queries or complaints from customers Skills required A retail manager should: * Know the companys products and procedures well * Be committed to providing a high standard of customer service * Be able to lead and motivate a team * Have good knowledge of legal an d security issues * Have relevant commercial skills for business Qualifications required There are no set academic requirements to work in retail, although employers may prefer employees to have at list five GCSEs grades A-C and have some working experience in retail. Useful qualifications would include: * BTEC national reward in retail * OCR certificate in retail * BTEC Higher National Diploma in retail management * Degree in retail management Individual qualities required * Be confident, energetic and quick thinking * Have excellent spoken English and written communication skills * Be able to take responsibility and make decisions * Have a smart appearance * Be organised * Be able to deal effectively with problems and complaints Wage/salary Starting salaries are usually from around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½12,000 Experienced managers may earn from around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15,000 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½26,000 Managers of large stores may earn up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½65,000 or more. Job title Retail assistant Tasks to be carried out A retail assistant is responsible for making customers feel at ease when shopping and browsing around the store, directing them towards products and accepting payments. This job generally includes: * Restocking shelves and making sure merchandise is presented neatly * Greeting customers and answering enquiries about products * Operating computerised tills and barcode readers to scan items * Accepting payments for goods and wrapping them * Checking for stock items and ordering goods Skills required * To be accurate and thorough, even under pressure * To be trustworthy- they may be dealing with expensive products and large amounts of cash * To understand and follow companys policies for health and safety and hygiene * Stamina, in order to serve on the shop floor for long periods Qualification required Employers set their own qualification requirements. But usually look for good communication skills, a pleasant personality and look for at least to two to four GCSE grades. Individual qualities required * Have an approachable, polite manner * Have good communication skills * Have a smart personal appearance * Enjoy providing a good level of customer service Wage/salary Starting salaries for a retail assistant is around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½9,000 a year An experienced retail assistant may earn around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½11,500 a year. Task 9 Why I think I am suitable for each job Retail assistant I think that I am suitable to work as a retail assistant because I have relevant experience within the retail industry. I have recently completed a 2 week work placement at Superdrug which is in the retail sector. During this period I was privileged to be responsible for replenishing stock, providing customer advice and keeping the shop floor tidy. This placement enabled me to develop vital skills such as team working, numeracy and customer service skills which are all needed in order to become a successful retail assistant. This work placement was a part of my BTEC introductory business coarse this qualification will also enable me to qualify to work as retail assistant. Retail manager I am qualified to work in the retail sector as a retail assistant but in order to qualify as a retail manager I would have to finish my BTEC introductory coarse and then go on to study for three more years to receive a BTEC national certificate in business. After this I would then need to go and study a degree in retail management in order to qualify for this job. I have good interpersonal and communication skills and while on my work experience I enjoyed providing good customer service these skills would help me with working toward becoming a retail manager. Retail managers are responsible for day to day running of department stores, chain stores, supermarkets and independent shops this may include Organising sales promotions and recruiting, interviewing and training staff. Task 10 Wage/salary deductions Gross pay Gross pay the amount of money an employee earns before any deductions are made such as tax or national insurance. Net pay Net pay is the money employees actually get for them to spend. National insurance contributions National insurance contributions is an amount of money that the employee has to pay towards there employers this is deducted by the employer from the employees wages. If you are self employed you also have to pay national insurance contribution, this is a small monthly payment and then a lump sum at the end of the year. National insurance code National insurance codes indicate an employees marital status and how long an employee has been working. Income tax There is a certain amount of money that every body is allowed to earn before they have to pay income tax, this is called personal tax allowances currently for people under the age of 65 this is à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5,225 a year. If you earn any more than this you will have to pay income tax, how much you pay will depend on how much money you earn. Pensions/superannuation Pensions are long time investments that are designed to provide you with money in your old age when you are not able to work any more. The earlier you start your pension the more you get when you retire. Employees are usually offered a pension scheme when the start there job. The employer pays a contribution to your pension fund and so does the employee this is deducted out of the employees wages before it get to them. Union subscriptions A union is a large group of workers in a particular industry or profession. Unions provide benefits such as legal advice and can also provide support in cases of unfair treatment or dismissal. To subscribe employees would have to pay fees this is sometimes deducted from the employees wages before it is received or the employee can pay the fees themselves but it is not compulsory. Task 11 Allowances and Benefits Housing benefit Housing benefit helps towards paying my rent which would be my local authority, but they dont cover all my housing costs. Housing benefit is eligible to people who are renting a room or living in a hostel of sum sort. I can apply for this by just going down to my local authority office and filling in a housing benefit form. This benefits me because its helps me to save money gives me more money to spend on more important things. Council tax Council tax is an amount of money you pay if you are renting out a council property or of you have you own property with a certain amount of people living in there. Council tax paid to pay the council for giving you their service of letting you live in their property and council tax also pay for things like people cleaning the streets. Interest from savings Interest from savings is when you put money into the bank or a financial institution and earn extra money on top. This is called interest. When you get interest you have to pay income tax on that interest, the bank usually deducts the tax before pay the interest. This benefits me because I regularly put savings into my bank account. Inherited money Most people decide to leave money to their relatives when they die, this is called inheritance. Inheritance could be a small or large amount of money and it may be necessary to pay inheritance tax on it. Borrowed money Borrowed money is anything from a loan to a bank overdraft. Money can also be borrowed from a relative or close friend in this case the money you have borrowed is the money you pay back. If you take out a loan or overdraft which is quit a large amount of money this usually involves paying back the money monthly and each month interest is added on top of the money that you are paying. This result in you paying more that you actually took in the first place, it is much wiser that you save your money for whatever you want to get therefore you will earn interest on your money rather that earning it. Working Families Tax Credit Working families tax credits is for people who have at least one child under the age of 16 or 19 in full time education and earn an income which is below a certain level. The person has to be working at least 16 hours a week and must have savings below à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8000. this does not apply to me as I am not eligible for this because I have no children. Task 14 Explanation of how I planned my personal finances Spend or save As soon as I receive my money I spend it on things that I need such as food shopping and rent. Any money left over would get spent on the gym and my mobile phone then the rest would get put aside as my savings. Gambling Gambling is when you pay money hoping for a chance of winning more money. Doing this is dangerous because you are not guaranteed your money. Gambling is very addictive and if done regularly this could put you into debt that why I choose not to go down this road. Spending habits When I receive my money on a weekly basis I try and spend as little as possible on food shopping so that I have money left over for myself to spend on small luxuries for example a meal out with my friends. I sometimes tend to spend too much on luxuries and this sometimes gets me into problems but I always have someone at hand to help me. Money and lifestyle At the moment the amount of money I receive doesnt allow me to have the best of lifestyles but it is enough to put clothes on my back and to buy me shopping every week. To achieve the lifestyle I want I would need to find at least a part time job so I can earn more money than Im getting now. My expectations of work and money As long as I have enough money to buy me some food and to pay the rent I am ok for the moment. But I would like a bit more than that for example going on holidays and buying the latest clothing. To do this I would need to find a job and also make sure that I handle my personal finances correctly and do some budgeting for these luxuries. Short term accounts Every week I receive my income support into my bank account. I am currently using a current account all my bills are paid out of this account and all my Ema payment come into this account. I also have a short term savings account which I put money into every week. I use this account when I run out of money or need to pay for something important e.g. phone bill. Long term accounts A long term savings account is an account that allows you to build up interest on money that you are saving over a number of years. An example could be an ISA, this is an individual savings account because it is tax free provided the amount saved each year doesnt exceed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3,000. The interest is cumulative which means the amount of interest plus capital will increase year on year. Another example of a long term account is a bank loan. A bank loan is usually drawn over a long period. This is a lump sum of money that I borrowed from the bank and paid off over a long period of time. For example a mortgage is paid over a period of 25 years. Cheque book A cheque is a promise to pay someone in place of cash. When you are writing a cheque you write down exactly how much you are going to pay the person. The person then takes the cheque to the bank and waits for it to clear this takes between 3-5 days. It is important to make sure that you have the right amount of money in your bank so you dont go into debt. It is also important to keep a record of any cheques that have been written, this can be done by using stubs which are left in the cheque book after you tear it out to pay someone. The stubs are there so that you can note down the details of the cheque and will help keep track of your money. Credit cards A credit card is a card that you can use to pay for items of clothing or products. This card however gives you money on it but you have to pay it back you are also given a credit limit. To avoid spending more money than you actually have you should usually pay back the money within a month if the money is paid after this you will be charged interest. If you go over the limit that the company has given you interest will also be added. Also you can check how much money you are spending by checking a mini statement that you can get from a cash point. Debit cards Debit cards are cards that have your own money that you put on to the card. You can use this card to purchase virtually anything but instead of having a credit limit of borrowed money you are actually using your own money to purchase goods. A debit card allows you to take cash out of ATMs if you have enough money in your account. To see how much funds you have in your account through an ATM you are given a pin number by your bank to memorise this then allows you to draw cash from the machines and purchase items in shops. To check that no-one is stealing from you or to make sure you are not spending more money than your supposed to it is good to check your bank statement each month these are sent to you by your bank. The bank statement show how much money you had in your account originally, then show all payments that were taken out of that money. You can then check if there are any payments that you are unsure of or if any mistakes were made in you transactions. Paying bills Bills can be paid using direct debit or standing orders. This is when you money is taken out of you account and paid to a business for example, BT telephone company at the same time every month. This can help with budgeting, as you will know how much money is going out every month. To check that you are not paying out more than youre supposed to you can check the phone bill you receive every month. Remaining in credit It is important to manage your account carefully to ensure you stay in credit. You must make sure that when you making payments such as cheques and debit cards you have enough money to make those payments. If not you account will go in to debt and you will be charged fines for doing this, it will also build up a bad credit rating which will make it hard for you to get a mortgage or a credit card in the future. Task 16 Summary of holiday budget activity Why do you think it is important to manage your personal finances? I think it is important for me to manage my finances because it helps me to pay all my bills on time without getting into to debt. It also allows me to put money aside for unexpected emergencies. Managing my personal finances is a very important skill. This skill is extremely important if I would like to start my own business or borrow money from a bank. Managing my money correctly will enable me to live quiet a prosperous life in the long run. Did you find it easy or difficult to manage the finances given in exercises? give reasons I found managing finances quiet hard because you have to keep track of the money coming out of my income every week and there were a lot of different bills to pay and they were all different amounts. I also had to keep track of my spending at the same time to make sure that I didnt get into debt this was really difficult because you can get carried away when your sending your money on luxuries. After all that I have to calculate the total regular expenditure and then work out if I had any money left over to put aside as savings, overall this task was very challenging but it taught me a lot about how to manage my own finances. What did you learn from the exercise on budgeting over a period of time? From doing the budgeting exercise I learnt that saving the little scraps of money here and there builds up into to something big. Also cutting down on luxuries also helps in the long run because the money you have saved enables you to get those luxuries if you just give time. This budgeting exercise also taught me how to calculate my net cash flow which I previously did not know how to do. I also learnt that budgeting is important for everyone because it stop many people from getting into to debt and also helps them to save considerable amount of money. Bibliography BTEC introduction business-published by Heinemann in 2005 Heinemann Educational Publishers Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ ISBN 978 0 435401 21 4 John Ruskin college intranet site Unit 6 Financial Management
Friday, November 15, 2019
Sophocles Antigone - Creons Mistakes :: Antigone essays
Creon's Mistakes in Antigone In the awe-inspiring play of Antigone, Sophocles introduces two remarkable characters, Antigone and Creon. A conflict between these two obstinate characters leads to fatal consequences for themselves and their kindred. The firm stances of Creon and Antigone stem from two great imperatives: his loyalty to the state and her dedication to her family, her religion but most of all her conscience. The identity of the tragic hero of this play is still heavily debated. This tragedy could have been prevented if it had not been for Creon's pitiful mistakes. Creon's character possesses an infinite number of glitches in his personality, but his excessive pride was the root of his problems. His pride leads him to make accusations, before he considers the wise advice of others. Creon's pride also fills him not just as a king superior to the Gods, but also a man superior to women. The issue of Antigone being condemned to die becomes more than just a person who disobeys Creon; instead, the punishment is given even more eagerly, because it is a woman who disobeys a man. Creon's intelligent son warns Creon the people of Thebes sympathize with Antigone, but Creon accuses Haemon of being a "woman's slave" (line 756). Even though he is suppose to be loyal to the state and her citizens, he defensively questions if "the town [is] to tell [him] how [he] ought to rule?"(Line 734)The Theban king is too prideful to obey even the wisest of prophets, blind Teresias, insisting that "the whole crew of seers are money-mad" (line 1055). C reon finally puts his pride aside and listens to the Chorus' wise advice. It is difficult even then, and he obeys only because he fears the punishment that he might receive. "To yield [for Creon] is terrible" (line 1095) meaning to swallow his pride and admit that he is wrong is a very difficult thing for him to do. When Creon loses his wife and son, Creon's pride disappears, and he admits that he made a terrible mistake by not listening to anyone's advice. Antigone, a resolute and heroic female protagonist, pits her individual free will against the intractable forces of fate and against the irrational and unjust laws of tyrannical man like Creon.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Important SAN Management Aspects Essay
There several critical aspects in storage area network (SAN) management. These aspects range from changes in every day configurations to physical-asset inventory to historical reporting in the long-term. Perhaps the most important element in SAN management is documentation (Poelkar & Nikitin, 2009). Keeping track of all connections such as the host bus adaptors (HBAs) to the servers can prevent problems of failures in SAN functionalities. There are usually several connections in SAN networking and memorizing all the connections can be challenging. Keeping a record and clear documentation on all the SAN components as well as their status of functioning can solve this problem before things go astray. Documentation will include all software configurations and hardware connections (Poelkar & Nikitin, 2009). Because SAN forms an integral part of computing infrastructure, all procedures and practices employed in tracking network components and severs should be applicable to SAN too. SAN security is another important aspect of SAN management. In order to optimize the overall SAN performance, it is advisable to keep off all the viruses, malaware, hostile and attackers. Integrating powerful antispyware, antivirus, malicious website filters and client firewalls into a single powerful engine will provide robust SAN security and enhance efficiency. The combination of these tools minimizes on system resources and enhances high system performance. Above all, the network is protected. SAN security is critical to SAN management as it avoids loss of sensitive and important data (Poelkar & Nikitin, 2009). The other key management aspect of SAN is the cost of SAN implementation (Norris, 2003). While considering the effectiveness of implementing SAN security, and optimizing the speed and workability of SAN, it is critical to consider tools that can provide the same benefits at a lower price (Norris, 2003). The essence of any business is to make profits. However, since SAN implementation is important, it is necessary to implement but at affordable cost. SAN management is critical to the functioning of SAN and it attempts to address the aspects of security, cost and functionality. SAN software can manage most of the processes and elements needed for proper working of SAN. The SAN management software ensure maximum security and low computer resource usage in terms of random access memory (RAM) thus improving speeds.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Special Situations In Trauma Recognition Health And Social Care Essay
The earliest recordings of Crush syndrome, which is besides known as Traumatic rhabdomyolysis or Baywaters ‘ syndrome are from 1910, when German writers described symptoms of hurting, failing and brown-coloured piss in soldiers rescued after being buried under structural dust [ 1 ] . The status was decently classified in 1941 during the London blitz in patients showing with symptoms of daze, conceited appendages, tea coloured urine and nephritic failure, by British nephrologist Eric Bywater [ 1 ] . In more recent times, instances of crush syndrome have been seen in greatest Numberss following natural catastrophes such as temblors. Clinical profiling of the types of hurts treated in local infirmaries following a natural catastrophe give an indicant of the prevalence of this type of hurt in such state of affairss. Following the Wenchuan temblor in China in 2008, a sum of 19 out of 205 patients admitted to two local learning infirmaries were enduring from crush syndrome [ 2 ] , while the instances of crush syndrome reported following the 1999 Marmara temblor in Turkey were every bit high as 17 % of reported hurts [ 3 ] . While the Numberss may change, one thing that is evident is that crush syndrome is a really existent hurt menace in such state of affairss, and that acknowledgment of the marks of this hurt, and an apprehension of the right intervention methods may good ensue in lives being saved in such scenarios.Crush syndrome – Mechanism of actionCrush syndrome occurs as the consequence of a localized crush hurt. As a consequence of compaction of the musculus mass, the musculus fibers are deprived of blood and can go ischemic. With drawn-out ischaemia of greater than 6 hours in continuance, tissue mortification occurs. Direct hurt signifier the suppression force besides causes harm to the cell membrane, which consequences in the gap of intracellular Na and Ca channels with a attendant inflow of Na and Ca into the cell. This influx consequences in increased harm to the musculus fibers and accordingly exacerbates cell membrane disfunction and causes the release of ATP-inhibiting nucleases, farther damaging the cells. With the return of circulation to the ischaemic tissue country following extraction or deliverance, comes farther tissue harm. Tissue reperfusion consequences in an addition in neutrophil activity and the release of free groups. The reaction of H peroxide and the anionic signifier of O ( superoxide ) , consequences in the formation of hydroxyl groups in big concentrations which further amendss cellular constituents and causes lipid peroxidation. The attendant lipid peroxidation leads to the devastation of the cell membrane and cell lysis ( reperfusion syndrome ) .Acute kidney hurtThe major effect of rhabdomyolysis is acute kidney hurt, which if left untreated can take to kidney failure. Acute kidney injure can happen as a effect of: Nephritic vasoconstriction Tubular obstructor due to the formation of dramatis personaes Direct heme induced cytotoxicity Myoglobin is an iron-containing protein found in skeletal musculus that is structurally similar to haemoglobin, but binds one instead than four molecules of O. Its concentration is greatest in musculuss specialised for sustained contraction, where myoglobin may supply O when blood flow is cut off due to its greater affinity for O. Like hemoglobin, myoglobin is filtered through the glomeruli of the kidneys and reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubules by endocytosis. Within lysosomes in the cells of the tubules, the hematohiston concatenation offprints from the Fe incorporating part of the molecule ( ferrihemate ) , the free Fe is so converted to ferritin. The big volumes of myoglobin delivered to the tubule cells overwhelm the cells ability to change over Fe to ferritin. The effect of this is a build-up intracellular ferrihemate. Oxidative emphasis harm to the cannular cells consequences from the coevals of free groups by the Fe molecules. The inordinate degrees of Fe in the cannular cells, causes their resorption to be inhibited. The concentration of Fe in the piss is further increased due to resorption of the H2O in the tubules due to systemic vasoconstriction and hypovolaemia [ 4 ] . The increased concentrations of Fe in the urine consequence in the formation of dramatis personaes which cause obstructor of the nephritic tubules. The nephritic tubule obstructor by the myoglobin dramatis personaes, the free extremist formation and the vasoconstriction and hypoxia caused by hypovolaemia are the chief causes of acute nephritic failure.Alternate causes of rhabdomyolysisWhile crush syndrome is a major cause of rhabdomyolysis in comparatively important Numberss, it is non the lone cause of this hurt. There are legion other possible causes, that, while rare, are no less life endangering. These include: Other causes of musculus hurt such as electric dazes and ictuss Certain toxins such as ecstasy and cocaine Cholesterol take downing drugs such as lipid-lowering medicines and fibrates Certain viral ( Epstein Barr virus, HIV ) and bacterial ( Legionella ) infections Certain familial familial upsets such as Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 lack and McArdle ‘s disease Electrolyte lacks such as hypophosphatemia and hypokalaemiaDiagnosis of rhabdomyolysisThe most dependable trial for the diagnosing of rhabdomyolysis is a step of plasma creatinine kinase degrees. The enzyme is released into the blood following cell rupture and the concentration of the enzyme in the blood is relative to the extent of musculus hurt. Blood degrees more than five times above the upper bound of normal are a definite index of the presence of rhabdomyolysis. The presence of urinary myoglobin is another index of rhabdomyolysis. High go arounding concentrations of myoglobin will do myoglobin carbamide, which will ensue in a chocolate-brown stain of the patient ‘s piss. Standard urine dipstick trials detect heme and are unable to distinguish between hematurias, haemoglobinurea and myoglobin carbamide, and as such can non be used as a definite index of rhabdomyolysis. The absence of myoglobinurea can non be used to govern out a diagnosing of rhabdomyolysis either, as myoglobin is quickly metabolised by the liver. Elevated degrees of lactate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase in the blood are other utile indexs of the presence of rhabdomyolysis.TreatmentThe first intervention measure should be the remotion of the oppressing force, nevertheless if the victim has been trapped for an drawn-out period of clip, remotion of the force may ensue in reperfusion syndrome which may ensue in sudden decease. Initial medical intervention, whether in a infirmary scene or in the field, should get down with aggressive rehydration of the patient. Treatment guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend the disposal of 1500 milliliter of endovenous fluids per hr, with disposal of endovenous fluids with Osmitrol to keep diuresis at 300 milliliters per hr, with the purpose of forestalling nephritic failure [ 5 ] . The same guidelines recommend that in the instance of intervention in a pre-hospital scene, disposal of endovenous fluids should get down prior to the realease of the crushed portion [ 5 ] . During the first 24 hours of intervention, up to 12 liters of endovenous fluids should be administered. [ 6 ] . Other fluid intervention regimens recommend the disposal of 1 liter of isosmotic saline with 1 liters of 5 % dextroglucose to which 100 mmol of Na hydrogen carbonate has been added [ 7 ] . The purpose of this intervention is to rectify metabolic acidosis in add-on to rinsing the myoglobin out of the patients system and cut downing the formation of dramatis personaes. In add-on to the remotion of myoglobin and dramatis personaes from the patients system, endovenous fluid disposal besides aims at rectifying possible electrolyte upsets. If initial fluid intervention does non turn out effectual, dialysis intervention may be required [ 7 ] . With prompt and right medical intervention, the endurance rate for rhabdomyolysis induced acute nephritic failure is near to 80 % [ 8 ] .DecisionAlthough natural catastrophes remain rare in Western Europe, there remains the possibility the crush syndrome may happen in any catastrophe state of affairs such as route clangs or detonations. While crush syndrome and the potency for acute nephritic failure triggered by rhabdomyolysis carry a terrible menace of mortality, prompt and right intervention has the possible to salvage the lives of the bulk of crush syndrome sick persons.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Understanding Society Through Cultural Artifacts
Understanding Society Through Cultural Artifacts Researchers can learn a great deal about a society by analyzing cultural artifacts such as newspapers, magazines, television programs, or music. These cultural artifacts, which can also be considered aspects of material culture, can reveal a great deal about the society that produced them. Sociologists call the study of these cultural artifacts content analysis. Researchers who use content analysis are not studying the people, but rather are studying the communications the people produce as a way of creating a picture of their society. Key Takeaways: Content Analysis In content analysis, researchers examine a societys cultural artifacts in order to understand that society.Cultural artifacts are the aspects of material culture produced by a society, such as books, magazines, televisions shows, and movies.Content analysis is limited by the fact that it can only tell us what content a culture has produced, not how members of the society actually feel about those artifacts. Content analysis is frequently used to measure cultural change and to study different aspects of culture. Sociologists also use it as an indirect way to determine how social groups are perceived. For example, they might examine how African Americans are depicted in television shows or how women are depicted in advertisements. Content analysis can uncover evidence of racism and sexism in society. For example, in one study, researchers looked at the representation of female characters in 700 different films. They found that only about 30% of characters with a speaking role were female, which demonstrates a lack of representation of female characters. The study also found that people of color and LGBT individuals were underrepresented in film. In other words, by collecting data from cultural artifacts, researchers were able to determine the extent of the diversity problem in Hollywood. In conducting a content analysis, researchers quantify and analyze the presence, meanings, and relationships of words and concepts within the cultural artifacts they are studying. They then make inferences about the messages within the artifacts and about the culture they are studying. At its most basic, content analysis is a statistical exercise that involves categorizing some aspect of behavior and counting the number of times such behavior occurs. For example, a researcher might count the number of minutes that men and women appear on screen in a television show and make comparisons. This allows us to paint a picture of the patterns of behavior that underlie social interactions portrayed in the media. Strengths of Using Content Analysis Content analysis has several strengths as a research method. First, it is a great method because it is unobtrusive. That is, it has no effect on the person being studied since the cultural artifact has already been produced. Second, it is relatively easy to gain access to the media source or publication the researcher wishes to study. Rather than trying to recruit research participants to fill out questionnaires, the researcher can use cultural artifacts that have already been created. Finally, content analysis can present an objective account of events, themes, and issues that might not be immediately apparent to a reader, viewer, or general consumer. By conducting a quantitative analysis of a large number of cultural artifacts, researchers can uncover patterns that might not be noticeable from looking at only one or two examples of cultural artifacts. Weaknesses of Using Content Analysis Content analysis also has several weaknesses as a research method. First, it is limited in what it can study. Since it is based only on mass communication – either visual, oral, or written – it cannot tell us what people really think about these images or whether they affect people’s behavior. Second, content analysis may not be as objective as it claims since the researcher must select and record data accurately. In some cases, the researcher must make choices about how to interpret or categorize particular forms of behavior and other researchers may interpret it differently. A final weakness of content analysis is that it can be time consuming, as researchers need to sort through large numbers of cultural artifacts in order to draw conclusions. References Andersen, M.L. and Taylor, H.F. (2009). Sociology: The Essentials. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Ethics in Banking Essay Example
Ethics in Banking Essay Example Ethics in Banking Essay Example Ethics in Banking Essay Example Banks are financial institutions the main function of which can be generalized to the creation of wealth. The performance of any banking institution in the world is measured by their capacity to maximize the financial base. It means that banks are evaluated on how they set their monetary policies to maximize financial assets in the given periods of time. The banking industry is the most important industry in controlling every aspect of the world economy. The reason is that governments, non-governmental organizations, as well as the general population, entirely rely on banks for any financial operation. Banks simply control the world. Therefore, the question of ethics in the banking industry is essential to analyze their great responsibility. The essay seeks to examine ethics in banking in relation to the government. It is especially focused on the takeover of banking by the government. The paper also points out the consequences when banks do not follow the ethical code of conduct. Banking ethics simply refer to ethical or moral principles that a certain bank may choose to follow. These ethics guide a bank during its operations. In banking ethics, there is no one universal code of ethics that has been set. Thus, banks have the right to set up their own ethical conducts. It is then their task to try and appeal to customers, partners, as well as investors. Banks go through the verification of partners and investors to determine their ethical standing. Thus, investors venture into banks with ethics on mind. Ethical banking seeks to establish an ethical bank. Ethical bank is the one where investors should not run a business not taking bank’s ethics into account. It also means that a bank seeks not to compromise its ethical policies and standings. It does not accept any investment that is against ethics. Ethical banking promotes investment opportunities that encourage social and environmental enterprises. Ethical Banking and the Government The banking industry is faced with several ethical questions in its operations. There are also different consequences as far as these policies are concerned. There are a lot of economic, social, and environmental issues arising in this century. It means that the banking industry has to make a lot of ethical decisions, especially as far as government control is concerned. The financial crisis that occurred between 2008 and 2011 was caused by the banking sector. The reason is that it is a section of the economy that is responsible for controlling all financial investments in it. Governments all over the world were left collecting the pieces of a broken economic structure (Labaton Sucharow LLP, 2012). It raises great concern for ethical principles that governments should stick. Independence in the banking industry was responsible for this crisis because governments could lend and borrow money without any limitation from state banks. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the banking indu stry in detail as far as ethics are concerned. Much work has to be done to estimate ethics in banking for its effectiveness. Citizens of different countries have been left discussing on whether governments should apply monetary policies fully to control baking institutions across the globe after the financial crisis of 2008. However, there are many implications and factors to consider before one is to come to a proper conclusion. The survey that was carried out in the United States of America on whether governments should control their operations proves that employees have a different point of view on the problem. About 20 percent of employees in the banking industry feel that they would break the law if they can access insider trading that would make them millionaires. About 25 percent of all employees have experienced misconduct in the past and have not reported on it. The most astonishing statistics in the survey show that 40 percent of the interviewed employees said that to make it, the banking industry required illegal and unethical conduct. It specifically shows how those employed in the banking sect or feel about ethical banking. The statistics can still be applied today, but it was rather strong in the years prior to the financial crisis. Thus, the issue of ethical banking is critical (Wehinger, 2013). The scandals that have occurred in the banking sector in the past have further questioned the ability of the banking industry to stick to the ethical code. Such scandals include a serious scandal when several traders from banks across the world colluded to manipulate banking rates. These interbank lending rates determine what millions of people in different countries pay for their mortgages. They also determine profits that people receive from their savings in individual banks. Such a scandal plays a major role in creating a low level of confidence in the banking sector as unethical one. It also questions the role of the government in these matters. For such a scandal to happen, the supervision and regulation of an individual government must have been poor or even unavailable. The presence of scandals in these reputable financial organizations shows that the financial sector has performed cynical and even destructive actions. Too many of these actions actually threaten the lives of c itizens across the globe. The reason is that banks are responsible for the control of resources to individual citizens and even the government. It may lead to the misallocation of funds and resources, financial crises, as well as negative or low returns and interests of pension funds. The public has shown cynicism and anger towards the banking industry in the previous decades. Especially, it happens after the misappropriation of funds such as poor investment of pension funds to obtain negative returns. Different economic researchers have accused the banking industry of disregarding the clients’ interests and even denigrating them. Different clients have also noted that banks advised people to invest in products and stocks, of which other companies were trying to get rid. The reason is that the partners themselves and stakeholders undertake investment projects that have potential profits. Therefore, the code of ethics for banks in terms of putting their clients ahead of organizational gain is actually a hoax. It does not mean that banks should not be profit-making investments. However, they should not make money at the expense of their clients. The main objectives of banks are to assist clients in savings, investments, and lending. Therefore, they must make their profits from service charges and interest rates (Bryfonski, 2010). Rather than targeting the client’s savings, they should develop ways to assist the client in making financial decisions to invest savings in profitable ventures. Therefore, the concept of an ethical bank has not become a reality. Government intervention has taken place in the banking industry. In every economy, there are banks and other financial institutions that are privately owned as well as a central bank or a reserve bank is controlled by the government. The government bank or the reserve bank acts as a controller of interests and the flow of currency in the economy. For example, in the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank controls the lending rates of commercial banks. It determines the interest rates that commercial banks charge to their customers. Governments also control the flow of currency from commercial banks to the public. The aim of it is to control inflation as well as the value of currency. Government control is also available in specific banking institutions. The government sets specific laws for commercial banks, which they have to follow. The government is not engaged in the control of other banking operations. Thus, the banking industry is independent in terms of its dealing with clien ts. It is evident in the lack of uniformity in the industry. Different banks have different lending rates, mortgage interest rates, as well as the terms of service (Groarke, 1998). The lack of total control of the banking industry raises the question of public welfare. The public’s trust in the banking industry has been lost after the financial crisis. That is why banks have attempted to make several changes to gain it back. For example, several banks have tried to reduce their exposure to risks through deleveraging of assets, coming up with effective risk models, and reducing shadow banking activities. Banks are now focused on gaining back their home markets rather than competing with each other in the global market. In some countries, the government has intervened to create two separate banking entities, dividing into investment banking and retail banking. It has put retail banks away from the risks faced by investment banks. Thus, retail banks are now safely back, offering savings, credits, and other financial services. On the other hand, investment banks have focused only on offering investment advices instead of financial services. However, economis ts and bankers who support universal banking do not agree on this form of banking control (Reynolds Newell, 2011). They say that the fact that the government has separated these two activities does not necessarily mean better management in the banking sector. They believe that the solution lies not in government control but better risk modeling and financial signals. There are also different ways in which governments have decided to control banking operations. Several governments, especially in free trade areas, such as Europe, have joined to set new laws in banking. The main objective of these laws is to increase liquidity and capital requirements for commercial banks. Governments coordinate these requirements in an international setting. The laws are set to adopt more binding and tougher capital regulations in order to improve the risk management of these banks. Earlier on, before the financial crisis, the public saw the banking sector as a too big enterprise to fail. It was not the case of the financial crisis of 2008. Now, government efforts aim at reducing this threat. The laws are intended to make stakeholders in the banking industry realize that banking is an investment like no other and requires particular attention. The laws encourage individual banks to evaluate their ethical code of conduct to create a universal banking sector (Wehinge r, 2013). Other individuals in the banking industry have undertaken different programs to regulate banks. The main form of bank control is the limit of banks to home markets. It is done to prevent penetration from international markets. However, this form of control is not effective as banks are not free to invest in other regions. These regions could have scarce liquidity. Therefore, in this case, investment in other countries would be a flow of healthy capital. It is not an effective action in the banking industry that is struggling to recover after the financial crisis. The freedom of banks to invest in foreign markets has provided them a chance to stabilize due to the flow of healthy capital. Control weakens the banking system further. Government control in this case is safe, but it does not give the opportunity for investors to venture into new markets and take risks (Bryfonski, 2010). Total control of the banking industry is not quite effective. The government should not struggle to overtake private commercial banks and undertake banking operations itself. The main essence of private banking in the global market is to undertake investments. The meaning of investment is a venture that involves risks. Banks are enterprises that can venture into any investment freely because they have available capital to invest at the right time. The only reason why partners decide to start a bank is to get into investment activities at any time in any region. There are no investments without risks. Banks are themselves a risky investment. Most citizens feel that investment banks attempt to find enough capital and the right risk models for the global market. Banks give the public a chance to invest in the global market. The government is supposed to act as a welfare agent for its citizens. In banking, the government aims at ensuring that it protects the public from exploitation by b anks. Therefore, it means that the government cannot encourage risky investments. If a client were to lose his/her money in an investment, the government as a welfare agent and the bank should cover the risks. It simply implies that the government cannot protect the public and advise them to risk their funds at the same time. Instead of fully control banks, the government should engage in a healthy bank regulation. It means that governments have to set a universal ethical code of conduct to guide all banks. Afterwards, governments should observe banks more closely to ensure that they adhere to the code of conduct. After all, the public is involved in risky investments in banking of own free will. The role of the government is to ensure that banks are not responsible for causing another financial crisis (Bryfonski, 2010). The government should employ the best economic analysts to give advice to commercial banks and the whistleblowers of illegal and unethical conduct at the same time. Thus, the government must act only as a regulatory body to maintain control on standards in banks. It will prevent the notion too big to fall that exists in the banking industry. This notion holds that the financial sector, especially commercial banks, has too much control over the international economy. As a result, it cannot fail without adverse effects on the economy. Therefore, the government always supports commercial banks on the brink of their collapse. The government acts as a bailout for these banks to avoid bankruptcy. Analysts believe that it would prevent the failure of the system. The government should have different regulatory measures to control the banking industry in order to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis, as well as the protection of public exploitation by bankers. The first method of control that has failed in the past is the minimum requirement. It is a method of regulation when the government requires commercial banks to maintain a minimum capital ratio. It is done to ensure that banks do not over-borrow or lend more money than they can maintain. At the beginning of the global economic recession, commercial banks held little money in their reserves. Somehow, banks in the US found a leeway to determine the one responsible for their supervision and regulation. The main aim of the minimum requirements is to promote the objectives of the regulatory body. In this case, the federal government should control the minimum requirement in order to control the exposure of certain sectors of commercial banks to risks. It acts as a protective measure. It ensures that commercial banks can maintain their capital ratios even in times of economic downfall. In this case, the government should not intervene to bail out collapsing banks. This method of regulatio n has failed for commercial banks in the country. For this reason, the government had to control some of the smaller banks, which had not maintained their capital requirements during the financial crisis (Wehinger, 2013). Large banks were controlling most after giving loans to the smaller ones. The government had to get money from the public reserve to bail out the banks. In regulation, the government should make sure that it will not happen in the future. They should engage in better regulatory and supervisory methods to ensure that every bank maintains its capital ratio requirements. The government also acts as a supervisory body. This method of regulation has failed in the past. The government issues a bank license to commercial banks so that they could carry out banking operations. The government also goes ahead and supervises the activities of a bank. When applying for a bank license, applicants present their ethical guidelines. Moreover, there are other requirements that banks should fulfill before procuring the license. The government as a regulatory body ensures that the requirements are met in different ways. They include giving directions on the right action, obtaining undertakings from commercial banks, revoking the banking license, and imposing penalties. The government has failed to supervise commercial banks effectively. It has led to non-compliance with the requirements. Banks have also found a leeway in going against the supervisory body. It has resulted in activities against their ethical code of conduct. The government ends up assisting banks with problems that could be easily avoided. Thus, the government should not seek how to control banks but rather supervise their operations effectively. This way, banks will adhere to their requirements, thus operating effectively (Reynolds Newell, 2011). The Federal Reserve Bank requires that each bank reports and discloses its annual financial information. This information and other details should also be available from the bank any time the Federal Reserve Bank requires it. Before the financial crisis of 2008, the government did not audit commercial banks. It trusted that their financial information was correct. It gave banks a chance to doctor their books of accounting. Later, the Federal Reserve Bank found out that banks were in different financial positions that they actually reported. It was a great risk for depositors and creditors who assessed wrong information in determining the level of risks when making investment decisions (Groarke, 1998). It means that banks could have a chance to go against a key ethical requirement, market discipline. Market discipline ensures that there is control over prices as well as lending rates in the market. Without market discipline, market prices are distorted. The market also lacks financial health. Besides, the government cannot use information on market prices to indicate the real financial health of commercial banks. In the process of regulation, regulatory bodies have made amends to secure commercial banks. The persistence of major financial scandals clearly shows that commercial bank regulation has a long way to go. The government has to develop new approaches aimed at bringing back trust in the banking industry. Commercial banks should also apply general logic in their operations. Most commercial banks do not adhere to their ethical code as far as compensation and pay are concerned. The government has made interventions in the industry to improve the economic situation that favor commercial banks. However, compensation and pay for bankers does not help make banking a better industry. Most people feel that bankers are unfairly rewarded rather than punished. The banking industry does not impose the right penalties for those in the industry (Reynolds Newell, 2011). The perfect example is a manager receiving huge bonuses in good times as well as bad times. Managers can reap maximum rewards in times of credit crunches that is unfair for the financial sector. It shows that the banking industry is ready to absorb any economic gains easily. However, they run back to the government in times of economic downfall to bail them out. The government has bailed out banks from the financial crisis. Among these banks, there are managers and directors who reaped millions from the crisis. In this case, governments should leave banks to collapse rather than bail them out. The reason is that investors in banks have given their management the chance to take advantage of their investments. Commercial banks should also regulate their operations to avoid running back to the government after their collapse (Groarke, 1998). The fact that regulators have focused on making banks more efficient and transparent shows that the financial sector can improve. However, the government has paid little attention to the improvement of the sector for maximum benefits to the society in general. Banking has failed to fulfill its social function. The government has only focused on the financial part of banking with financial models and investment advices. Nevertheless, ethical banking involves the society and the bank’s environment. Banks should base their evaluation on real outcomes in the society. These include safety, access, performance, fairness, trust, and accountability. It will ensure financial health as well as social welfare. Every commercial bank will struggle to understand the market not only in terms of the economy but also as a society. Policymakers and regulators should realize that failure in the market at the level of institutions affects the society as a whole. The question is not whether the go vernment controls banks fully or not. Rather, it is what the government is doing to improve the market at the institutional level, which will translate down to ordinary financial users (Reynolds Newell, 2011). The notion that banks are too big financial sectors to fall is particularly selective. Only three decades ago, the global economy did not depend on banking. Banking played a minor role in it. Financial institutions were not in the list of major industries in different economies. However, it has changed drastically with changes in investments. Today, every economy in the world fully depends on the health of its banking sector. Overreliance on the financial markets poses the question of whether banks should be listed as basic utilities, such as electricity or water. The response to this question is in the trust that people are ready to give to financial markets. It is vital for the systems, which depend on trust, to work. The public heavily relies on banks to take care of financial savings. Their importance cannot be overestimated. Therefore, it is the role of the government to come up with regulatory measures to ensure that the banking sector is healthy. It does not imply that the gov ernment has to take over banking entirely. Rather, it means that the government should give banks freedom to invest and, at the same time, regulate their operations to avoid collapse (Groarke, 1998). Regulators should support collapsing banks only when banks really require it. It means that the carelessness of managers and investors is not a reason for bailing out. The government must also provide investment advice to the public. Economic experts have recently come up with principles to guarantee that the government can protect the public from commercial banks. It will ensure that commercial banks run as independent entities and fully assist the society. These principles will also improve disclosure, transparency, as well as responsibility, as far as ethical conduct is concerned with providing financial services. Moreover, they will make certain that the public is not a victim of misconduct of bankers. The principles aim to restore trust that is not achievable unless investors and customers feel secure about the banking sector. It is now the role of the government and banking authorities to adopt and follow the principles. This way, the global economy will stay ahead in matters of development to prevent any other crisis. The point that the government should completely absorb commercial banks will not assist in providing financial health. It will discourage risky investment and healthy competition in the marke t.
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