Friday, May 31, 2019
Disabled Clients Are Fellow Citizens? Essay -- essays research papers
Disabled clients be fellow citizens?Developments in the Disabled Peoples Movement have brought disability to the fore as a civilised rights issue in Britain. Growing numbers of politically active disabled people have generated an aw arness of how their rights as citizens are denied by discrimination and oppression. issue of this has emerged the concept of independent living. A philosophy encompassing the full range of human and civil rights necessary for disabled people to be equal members of society. Underpinning this are four key beliefs that all human life is of value that anyone, whatever their impairment, is capable of exerting choices that people who are disabled by societys reaction to physical, intellectual and sensorial impairment and to emotional distress have the right to exert control over their lives that disabled people have the right to participate fully in society (Mo rris, 199321)The focus of this essay is the potential conflict between this philosophy and the policies and practices of social practise. In particular, contrasting interpretations of the client/social work relationship result be examined with regard to their capacity to foster these ideals. There is ample evidence that disabled people are poorly housed, less well educated and chiefly receive less in the way of life-enhancing opportunities when compared to their non-impaired peers (Finklestein (1991). For example, they are four times as likely as non-impaired people to be unemployed, while those who do work receive wages on average 20% lower (RADAR, 1994). Most disabled people, therefore, rely on benefits. Furthermore, those benefits fail to allow for the extra expenses incurred as a result of disability (Cohen, 1996 Thompson, 1996). Thus it is poverty and poor quality of life resulting from discrimination which creates the need for social work interventio n. Becoming a client, Davies (1981) suggests, is seen as a sign of having given up and as a mark not only of failure but of shame (p. 35). This not only further marginalises disabled people from mainstream society, i.e. separates those who are "clients" from those who are not. It also, according to Barton (1993), maintains a.. Cul... ...nd peach, H (eds) (1989)"Disablement in The Community" Oxford University, Oxford.Payne, M (1991)"Modern Social Work Theory A Critical Introduction" Macmillan, London.Smalley, R (1970)"The Functional Approach To Casework Practice" in Roberts, R., and Nee, R (eds) (1970)"Theories of Social Casework" University of Chicago Press, London.Thompson, N (1993)"Anti-Discriminatory Practice" Macmillan, London.Journals.Barton, L (1993)"The Struggle For CitizenshipThe Case of Disabled People" in baulk, Handicap and Society, Vol. 8(3), p 235-248.Cohen, R (1996)"The Poverty Trap&q uot in Community Care, p 26-27, 1-7 dire.George, M (1996)"Figure it Out" in Community Care, pullout feature, August 1-7.Morris, J (1996)"Where to Now?" in Community Care, p 25, Sept 26-Oct 2.Oliver, M (1989a) Book Review of Hunter (1988) in Disability, Handicap and Society, Vol. 4(1).Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation (1994)"Unemployment" in Donellan, C (ed) (1994).Thompson, A (1996)"The Fight For Rights" in Community Care, P 14-15, 18-24 July.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Problems with The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb Essay -- Geopolitic
The world changed June 6, 1945 when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and then again, Aug 9, 1945 on Nagasaki. The actions by the United States evoked a cataclysmic spiral in the morals and methods of how warfare is carried out. Officials within the United States government through both memorandums and skirmish voiced their concerns with the use of nuclear technology. They worked tirelessly to persuade President Truman that the atomic bomb was a weapon of destruction far beyond the span of public warfare. Truman and Japan were looking toward peaceful resolutions under their own separate terms, but each struggled with the definition of unconditional surrender. The decision to drop the bomb was imperfect and skewed judgment on the part of President Truman, which cost the lives of innocent civilians in Japan. The recourse in not dropping the atomic bomb was do available to President Truman and the leaders of America unfortunately no one can go back and disentangle w hat was done that day in Japan. hitherto after the first bomb was dropped, U.S. Army Chief Staff full general Marshal met at the White field of operations on June 18, 1945, with President Truman and brought to light leash alternatives to the use of the atomic bomb 1) destruction already route by air bombardment and sea blockade, coupled by 2) a landing on Japan indicating the firmness of our resolution, perhaps coupled with 3) the entry of threat entry of Russia into the war. General Marshal also stated that the entrance of Russia into the war might be just the leverage needed to bring the Japanese to terms of surrender, rather than the use of the bomb. This memo displayed that President Truman had alternatives to consider, but yet decided to go against the ideas that ... ...mmanding Generals File, 24 Tab D ,Document (a).Henry Stimson, Memorandum discussed with the President, April 25, 1945, Henry Stimson journal, Manuscripts and Archives, Henry Lewis Stimson Papers, Yale University, (New Haven, CT.), Document(b).Joint Chief of Staff, Minutes of Meeting Held at the White House, 18 June 1945, RG 77, MED Records, H-B files, folder no. 76, Document 20.President Harry Truman, Trumans Potsdam Diary, Barton J. Bernstein, Truman At Potsdam His Secret Diary, Foreign Service Journal, July/August 1980, Document 38.Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, Diary Entry, April 25, 1945, Henry Stimson Diary, Sterling Library, Yale University, Document (d).Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, Diary Entry, July 24, 1945, Japanese Peace Feelers, Naval Historical Center, Operational Archives, James Forrestal Diaries, Document 23.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
protien synthesis Essays -- essays research papers
Protein SynthesisThe Expression of a GeneThe process of Protein Synthesis involves some parts of the cell. Unlike other similar productions, this process is very complex and precise and therefore must be done in proper range to work depressionively. The slightest error during this process could cause the action to experience difficulty or flush fail. For example, in the production of starch, glucose molecules argon combined to be stored and last utilized as usable chemical energy. The cell can break down the starch with little difficulty as if each molecule was identical, even though there is a wide variety of molecules. This is a different case in Protein Synthesis. In Protein Synthesis, there are twenty different amino group acids and if one is out of place than is will effect the specificity of the protein. In a healthy person, the protein hemoglobin can be found in red billet cells, hemoglobin is helps with the transfer of respiratory gases from the blood to the tissues of the body. With an illness called sickle-cell anemia, the red blood cells are mixtured from a round, disk shape to a floppy looking sickle shape. These cells therefore cannot pass through flyspeck blood vessels due to their divergent shape. The actual cause of this mutation is a gene disorder, where the sixth codon of the protein glutamaric acid is changed with valine. This small change in the genetic code can cause severe defects in the effected such as blood clots, severe disorders and even death. any this can result from a misinterpretation in one codon in a chain of hundreds Protein synthesis acts in this way, that is if there is only the most piddling mistake it can have monstrous effects. THE BASICS OF DNA AND GENESProtein synthesis first begins in a gene. A gene is a section of chromosome colonial of deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. Each DNA strand is composed of phosphate, the five-carbon sugar deoxyribose and nitrogenous bases or nucleotides. There are four types of nitr ogenous bases in DNA. They are (A)denine, (G)uanine, (T)hymine, (C)ytosine and they must be paired very specifically. Only Adenine with Thymine (A-T) and Guanine with Cytosine (G-C).To form a polynucleotide DNA, many nucleotides are linked together with 3-5 phosphodiester linkages. In a compl... ... structure of many chromosomes ( chromosomal mutations). Mutations are not always bad because they can cause adaptation and variation in people.Point Mutations and Base Pair MutationsThe most common type of mutation involves a change in only a single base pair. This change only effects a single codon of the gene. There are three types of base pair mutations silent, missense, and chain termination. Silent mutations involves the repositioning of the third codon. This does not effect the amino acid sequence. Missense mutation is where one codon is altered to code for a different amino acid (sickle cell anemia). Chain termination mutations involve the codon organism changes to a stop codon. This causes the protein synthesis to remain incomplete and lose most of the biological activity.Frame shift Mutations and MutagensThis is the addition or deletion of one or more base pair but not multiples of three. This causes the ribosome to read the codon incorrectly causing and entirely different amino acid sequence. Mutagens are agents that increase the absolute frequency of mutations. X-rays or other radiation are causes of mutagens.
Essay --
In todays society there argon a number of issues that whitethorn affect a number of Americans. One issue that is a big topic in todays society is the issue of unlawful Immigration. Whether we should appropriate illegals drivers licenses, forbearance, deport them, how it affects the U.S. economically, and some might even consider them as terrorists. Those are scarce a few topics that we whitethorn hear being brought up. It is possible to see this touchy subject on television, or it may be a debate at school, or you may read ab go forth it in the newspaper. It is a subject that catches alot of peoples attention and some might non even care to touch on the subject because of the repercussion.What is penal Immigration? Generally, the term illegal immigrant refers to a person from another country who is presently in the unify States without authorization to remain here. This includes anybody who is here intending to stay permanently or temporarily. It also includes anybody whose visa is not current. Sometimes people work out without permission (sneaking across a border, for example), but many people do enter with a visa, but then the visa expires and the person continues to remain in the country. There are many reasons why an illegal immigrant would like to come to the United States. It could be to get a better job to support their family or to get a better education. There are pros and cons to Illegal immigration. One of the pros is that Illegal immigrants contribute to the tax system by paying sales tax. Also, Illegal immigrants who purchase real estate properties also pay real estate taxes. In return, this generates commissions for the agents and brokers. In addition, since the illegal immigrants enjoy the banking services of the country, they pay inter... ...t to come legally to do the jobs Americans dont want, but our broken immigration system does not allow that to happen. If there were legal channels for these migrants to use. The government could concentrate on identifying the real terrorists. Instead, the government is wasting money and manpower trying to keep out the immigrant workers the U.S. economy needs. That makes the job of finding a terrorist like finding a needle in a haystack.Topics such as terrorist threats, DLs, burden on our economy, deportation, amnesty and the term Illegal Immigrant are just a few topics that people often consider when taking on the subject of Illegal Immigration. So whether you are for or against it, that is your opinion. As for me, as long they are not out committing serious crimes or hurting anyone and are trying to do better for themselves and their families, just let them be.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Compare Popes and Swifts Ideas on Reason Essay -- essays research pape
Reasons SignificanceOne of the most important differences between humans and any other forms of animation can be seen in our ability to think and rationalize our decisions and choices as humans. Without reason, we as humans would be no different than a cat or dog. God, in his infinite wisdom, blessed man with the ability to reason, exactly left it entirely up to us whether or non we choose to use it. black lovage Pope and Jonathon Swift, two prominent writers of the eighteenth century, take two very different approaches when it comes to the importance or insignificance of reason. Pope chooses to argue that reason is the balancing gene in our lives and helps us to achieve the most possible success if we listen to its judgment. Swift, on the other hand, chooses to take reason to the extreme and show the effects of its very possible distortion. Although entirely different, these men show the very best and worst applications of reason.In Gullivers Travels, Jonathon Swift shows w hat happens when we place too much emphasis on reason. In his satire, Swift pokes fun at those who are consumed with the Enlightenment way of thinking. He believes that to place reason in such high esteem is not as necessary as some are making it out to be. Although he seems to believe that reason has its place in our society and every fontreal day life, it is not the governing factor by which we should live. In Gullivers Travels we see what can happen when people loose touch with reason and the consequences that follow their decisions.In Gullivers third voyage to the island of Laputa, Swift pokes fun at those that are obsessed with learning science and abstract thought. He gives us a circumstantial account of the inhabitants lives and daily activities. He begins to describe the Laputians physically by saying that they always have their head tilted to one side or another. He also talks of the eyes of the citizens. He claims that one is poked out, looking upward and the other is t urned slightly inward. Swift satirizes their attention span as well. He tells that someone must follow the inhabitants around and continuously poke their ears or mouths because their attention span is so short and they must be remind to pay attention. He even goes as far as to make fun of the clothes they wear. He tells that they are covered with musical instruments and confused forms of celestial... ...oes on around us. Pope shows us the importance of having reason and how it serves as a guard for the ultimate fulfillment of our lives as both humans and individuals. Without the ability to reason, we would make many mistakes and would rather possibly be very disappointed in ourselves and in the way our lives turn out. He presents man as anomalous with only humans having the ability to reason. He also shows the importance of free choice showing that we ourselves chose whether or not we listen to reason. Animals merely give into their passions, but man has a choice.Overall I must say that I enjoyed both of these interesting, insightful and quite disturbing accounts of the importance of reason and what happens when it no thirster used. I would have to say that I enjoyed reading Popes account of the importance of reason much more, but Swift was also quite interesting. It amazes me how two men are able to look at one principle and interpret it in two completely different manners. Whether we choose to measure reason or cast it aside, I have learned we must be careful not to take it to either extreme, for therein the problems lie.Hope this helps all you guys
Compare Popes and Swifts Ideas on Reason Essay -- essays research pape
Reasons SignificanceOne of the most important differences betwixt humans and all other forms of life can be seen in our ability to think and rationalize our decisions and choices as humans. Without fence, we as humans would be no different than a cat or dog. God, in his infinite wisdom, blessed man with the ability to reason, but left it entirely up to us whether or non we choose to use it. Alexander pope and Jonathon Swift, devil prominent writers of the eighteenth century, handle two very different approaches when it comes to the importance or insignificance of reason. Pope chooses to argue that reason is the balancing factor in our lives and helps us to achieve the most possible success if we listen to its judgment. Swift, on the other hand, chooses to take reason to the extreme and show the effects of its very possible distortion. Although entirely different, these men show the very best and worst applications of reason.In Gullivers Travels, Jonathon Swift shows what happen s when we transmit too overmuch emphasis on reason. In his satire, Swift pokes fun at those who are consumed with the Enlightenment way of thinking. He believes that to military post reason in such high esteem is not as necessary as some are making it out to be. Although he seems to believe that reason has its place in our society and every day life, it is not the governing factor by which we should live. In Gullivers Travels we see what can happen when people slack up touch with reason and the consequences that follow their decisions.In Gullivers third voyage to the island of Laputa, Swift pokes fun at those that are obsessed with learning science and solicit thought. He gives us a detailed account of the inhabitants lives and daily activities. He begins to describe the Laputians physically by saying that they always set out their head tilted to one side or another. He also talks of the eyes of the citizens. He claims that one is poked out, looking upward and the other is da rk slightly inward. Swift satirizes their attention couplet as well. He tells that someone must follow the inhabitants around and continuously poke their ears or mouths because their attention span is so short and they must be remind to pay attention. He even goes as far as to make fun of the clothes they wear. He tells that they are covered with musical instruments and various forms of celestial... ...oes on around us. Pope shows us the importance of having reason and how it serves as a guard for the ultimate fulfillment of our lives as both humans and individuals. Without the ability to reason, we would make many mistakes and would quite possibly be very disappointed in ourselves and in the way our lives scrap out. He presents man as unique with only humans having the ability to reason. He also shows the importance of free choice showing that we ourselves chose whether or not we listen to reason. Animals merely give into their passions, but man has a choice.Overall I must say that I enjoyed both of these interesting, insightful and quite distressful accounts of the importance of reason and what happens when it no longer used. I would have to say that I enjoyed reading Popes account of the importance of reason much more, but Swift was also quite interesting. It amazes me how two men are able to look at one principle and interpret it in two completely different manners. Whether we choose to value reason or cast it aside, I have learned we must be careful not to take it to either extreme, for therein the problems lie.Hope this helps all you guys
Monday, May 27, 2019
A Border Passage Quotes and Reflections
A Border Passage-Quotes and Reflections And I found myself angry also at her sister, my mother and aunts, their eyes swollen and red, receiving condolences in the rooms for women. wherefore are you crying now? I supposition. Whats the point of that? Why did you do nothing to help her all this time, why didnt you get her let on of that marriage? I thought it was their fault, that they could have done something. If they cared enough they could have done something. That is what I thought then. Now I am less categorical. (Ahmed, 120) -I thought this quote was important because it shows the role of women being secondary to men. Aida was stuck in the unhappy marriage because she was a woman and her father would not have her divorcing. From Ahmeds view, as a child, she is confused, as most would be, as to why the family she trusts so much would not help Aida but continues to grieve for her. She says she is now less categorical.Does that besotted she now realizes there is not much the wo men could have done because they did not have power? For one thing, we all automatically assume that those who import and who project their sleep togetherledge down in texts have something more valu open to offer than those who simply live their knowledge and use it to inform their lives. And we assume that those who write and transform texts in writingin the Muslim context, the sheikhs and ayatollahs, who are the guardians and perpetuators (perpetrators) of this written version of Islammust have a better, truer, deeper understanding of Islam that the non-specifically trained Muslim. (Ahmed, 128-129) -Ahmed is pointing out that the ones who study and write about Islam are not necessarily the ones who know it best. This can be applied to all religions and even other ideas. Ahmed got a much better, richer understanding of Islam from the women in her family which was much more accessible because it could be applied to decisions in morality of everyday life. This idea that not just the well educated men know about religion is something that should not be overlooked.In fact we all have something unique to bring to the table on a subject, especially religion and it would be useful for the men to listen to others opinions. -What I hanker for now is hearing it live, Arabic unison but also other non-Western music, in particular Indian, and not only classical instrumental Indian music but other varieties tootable, dance, mawali (ecstatic song), music of presence and community, and of audience and musicians together, and of being here, now, in body, mind, spirit.Not a music to be appreciated silently, intellectually, privately and then discussed in connoisseurs murmurs as we file out. (Ahmed, 153) This quote really moved me because it made me think of international music compared to familiar music. The best way to enjoy music is to feel it with family and friends around and join in singing and dancing. And it made me wonder why dont I do that more often with fami ly? Theres something about it that seems improper but it shouldnt be.It is getting old fashioned to be able to dance with a boyfriend or girlfriend (unless inappropriately at a club) and it shouldnt be, why has this changed? I also like this quote because it expresses something that Ahmed in the first place tried to reject because it wasnt what was popular but now longed for because it was part of her culture. -Colonialism, we have seen, reshapes, often violently, physical territories, social terrains as well as humankind identities. As the Caribbean novelist George Lamming, put it, the colonial experience is a live experience is the consciousness of these people. (Looma, 155) -This quotes help us explain Ahmeds parents identities as regulate by Britain. Specifically Ahmeds father, who keeps his Muslim religion but is totally emerged in the new sciences and technology of the Western world, finds his identity shaped by colonialism. Ahmed now finds it harder to compose an identity with as much of her Cairo roots she would like. She has not received the same amount of knowledge about the expression or history that her parents have and she must struggle to find her own identity.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Management 497 Assignment Week 2
Audit Exercise Paper Two Student Name MGT/497 Strategic engineering Planning for Organizations Professor Name January 16, 2012 Introduction This paper will doctor to two audit exercises from Chapter three and Chapter four of the textbook. The first one will cite to demand for intersection, competitive response, level of novelty of the innovation, factor that could block the good outcome of an innovation, and other factors. The second audit exercise will involve the soaking up of a checklist for innovation with respect to the considered organization. It will also cook the readiness of the organization to implement an innovation strategy.The company chosen for these audit exercises is orchard apple tree. Everyone has heard to the highest degree this company and knows that the products of it are very distinguished in our lives. correspond to Apple Inc. (2012), they mission statement says that they design Macs, the best personal computers in the world and they antecede the digi tal music revolution with their iPods and iTunes online stores. The mission statement also says that the company has reinvented the mobile phone with their revolutionary iPhone and that they define the future of mobile media and computing devices with the iPad.The finishing of this company is to make the best mobile product from their phone. Remember what Steve Jobs said when people asked him about the purpose of this company. He said that the company will probe and offer with their mobile phone what the people need and not what they want. Audit Exercise Chapter 3 This audit exercise will address demand for the product or products of Apple, factors possible to block the success of an innovation, their standards, competitive response, the level of novelty of the innovation, as well as other factors.White and Bruton (2011) give the following factors to determine the value of an option favorability of demand for products, factors to speed adoption, factors to block the success of an innovation, the chances of strong competitive response, the likelihood that the possible competitive advantages are sustained, factors inside the company that provide setting standards, the costs to commercialize, the resources available to commercialize, the level of novelty that is captured by the innovation, development costs, certain opportunities that could be advantageous, and possible areas where damage might occur.In dealing with exclusively these factors, we will refer to the iPhone, the innovation that took Apple on its highest peaks of success. First we refer to the demand for this product. Ever since it was released to the public this product has been no social function but a success. The early prototype that went on sale in June, 2007 blew up the market. According to Vogelstein (2008), analyst were speculating that customers would snap up about three million units by the end of 2007, fashioning from this phone, the fastest-selling smartphone in the history.It was t he same story with the following generations of the smartphone and the demand was high even though they had their first powerful competitor by the end of 2008 when Android came to biography with they G1 smartphone. In order to speed up the adoption of this product the company need to make sure that they keep their quality standards as they are now. debut could be blocked if Apple makes structural changes inside the company or if the key employees in this position want to leave the company. Apple has received a big hit when the heart of this company left us.Steve Jobs was the brain behind all the innovation at Apple and people will remember him a plentitude of years from now. Their straight off disputation is the Android operating systems with all the smartphone adopting it. Android is a powerful competitor which has gain a lot from the market of the smartphone and as it currently is, Googles Android has a higher portion of the market in this area compared to Apple. To sustain a competitive advantage, Apple needs to keep innovate and offer quality to their dedicated customers.When it comes to costs of commercialization, the company does well enough because the prices of producing the product are small compared to the prices at which the product is interchange in the market. It seems that Google with their Android OS is a little in front of Apple with respect to technological advancement this is why Apple need to direct some of their costs to research and development to keep up or become better than their competitor. They could leverage opportunities by being able to maintain their attached customers and offer to them discounts or special promotions for the products.This would attract other potential customers. The potential damage may occur if Apple is not able to stay in the competition or cannot innovate they are threatened if Googles Android is advancing faster and faster because people like to stay in associate with the technology and would choose the best product in the market. Audit Exercise Chapter 4 This audit exercise from the end of chapter four requires analyzing a figure which contains a checklist for innovative organizations to consider.The questions at hand refer to behaviors of using the checklist in determining a companys readiness to implement a strategy that would be innovative. It requires identifying at least a major area to be examined and addressing important considerations from this area. Figure 4. 7 is divided into four categories. It talks about hallucination, leadership, processes, and resources. We would refer to all of them in consideration to the company Apple. This time the chosen product will be the iPad. The same way Apple was ingenious by saving the iPhone to the world, the same way was the story about the Ipad.It was the same brain behind this product as well. The iPad was the first tablet pc in the world. People reserve seen the concept only in science fiction movies and they were very thri lled when the product came out to the market. It had the same success, the same higher demand as the iPhone did. Now, referring to the vision category and to the first question which asks whether or not the team (or the company here) has a clearly articulated vision, mission, or set of objectives, it has to be noted that Apple has it all clear up, even though things have declined a bit when Steve Jobs died.However, all the employees in the company need to share the same vision so that they could put all their efforts in continuously creating the same quality products as they did so far. However, not everyone participated in creating the vision because this would be a tough thing to do. The vision came from Steve Jobs and it was shared progressively with all the important players from this company. The vision was to offer the people what they need almost and not what they want.This is attainable however, it is attainable with a higher price because the company needs to invest time a nd resources in research and development to spot the necessities of the client and to try to satisfy them. When it comes to leadership, Steve Jobs is the name that perfectly connects to this term. According to Miami University (2007) leadership is the reciprocal process of mobilizing by individuals with specific values and motives, various politic, economic, and other resources in an environment of conflict and competition, to be able to realize goals singly or mutually held by both the followers and the leaders.It may be a complex definition, but it has the power to point out all the important aspects of this discipline. The textbook asks Is excellence of central importance to the team? The answer in the context of Apple is yes because they are reaching their purposes through excellence, hard work, and a lot of skill. All the employees in this company are committed to fulfill the same vision and the present leader Tim Cook has the purpose of taking forward the linguistic process of Steve Jobs and encourage open idea exchanges.The next category from the checklist for innovation strategy is about processes. At Apple probably not all the employees participate in decision making because this would not be appropriate. Imagine how would be to give a worker in assembly the power to make decisions about marketing strategies for the company. It would surely not be appropriate. However, all the employees are welcome to share their ideas and make recommendations to improve processes or products. They are even rewarded if their propositions are efficient. There is a climate of trust inside this company and it is mportant to maintain it because without good relationships, without communication, there will be conflicts, which lead to inefficiency and to lower productivity. When it comes to resources, Apple has a good way of managing them. Not only they try to make their quality products with a lower consumption of resources and money, but they have the possibility to c harge more for their products in equation with other companies in the same sectors. They are successful however, this may not be the best strategy on the long-term. They should considering lowering a bit the prices this would most likely increases their sales.Conclusion Apple is a market leader and it represents a business model to other companies. Its position offers the company the ability to innovate, invest extensively in research and try to be better than it self. The company has been around for a while now, so they know how to do business efficiently. However, recent competition has absorbed some of its market. This should not be seen as a bad thing in the company but as a motive, as a spark to make the company constantly innovate and make the world a better place with their products. References Apple Inc. (2012).Apple Corporate Information. Retrieved from http//investor. apple. com/faq. cfm? FaqSetID=6 Miami University (2007). What is leadership? Retrieved from http//www. u nits. muohio. edu/saf/leadership/students/whatisleadership. html Vogelstein, F. (2008). The Untold Story How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry. Retrieved from http//www. wired. com/gadgets/wireless/magazine/16-02/ff_iphone? currentPage=all White, M. A, & Bruton, G. D. (2011). The Management of Technology & Innovation A Strategic advent (2nd Ed. ). Mason, OH South-Western/Cengage Learning.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin Essay
Synopsis A black and white comedy by Charlie Chaplin, Modern Times accedes place in America during the Great Depression. It follows Little seethe (Chaplin) while he struggles to survive as a factory worker in a modern and industrialized world. Though this word picture does not take place during the Industrial Revolution, the problems and challenges faced by Americans during the Great Depression are similar to the ones faced by people in the Britain during the early 1900s. As mentioned, this movie is in black and white. It is also a predominantly silent film, and these two factors take this movie outside of most students comfort zones. Students tend to moan in disappointment when they learn what they are about to watch. However, the slap-stick, and physical humour wins high school students over and they seem to always enjoy the film.Activity After the moving pictureResearch Essay Students are asked to take their knowledge of the Industrial Revolution and write a research newspap er publisher comparing it to the Great Depression as depicted in Modern Times. Opinion Essay Chaplin uses this movie to shed a negative light on Capitalism and modernization. Accordingly, students could write an opinion paper agreeing or disagree with Chaplins ideas of industrialization. Below are three examples of relevant mounts from the movie that correlate with both essay topics The opening scene is of people marching to work and then it switches to a shot of a herd of sheep walking the streets.This is to portray Chaplins opinion that people are more like sheep in an industrialized society, losing their individuality. One may argue that this was also the case during Industrial Revolution with the switch from the cottage industry to factory work. After this opening scene the audience sees Chaplin in the factory, where he has a repetitive assembly-line job tightening screws together as products run by on a conveyor belt. future(a) his boss speeds up the machine, and it gets ha rder and harder for him to keep up. Eventually, this monotonous regime causes him to have a breakdown and lose his job. This scene is a great one to highlight to students because it is a clear example of an assembly line.Also, the fact that it gets harder and harder for Chaplins character to keep up, which then leads to a breakdown and consequent unemployment is a commentary on the caliber of life that this assembly-line work creates and the risks and danger involved. There are many references to communism, which is an important ideology to know when learning about the Industrial Revolution. After Little tramp becomes unemployed he ends up on the street where he finds a red flag and begins to wave it. This causes the police to believe that he is a communist and he is put in jail. There are also scenes where Little Tramp is seen dividing and sharing stolen necessities, such as food, with the working class. This may not be a direct connection to Communism, but is pointing out some of the disadvantages of Capitalism.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Killology Essay
Do military force in the media and interactive entertainment, such as television system games and movies, influence children to consume the will to kill? According to Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, an honorable on the psychology of killing, both play a big role in child murders. at that place argon several methods to this madness by which mickle can actually motivate themselves to take another human life, such as, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, brutalization, and role models. These practices are used in the military to go after soldiers to kill, clean as the media is doing to our children.Monday, December 1st, 1997 began like any other day for the students of Heath High School in Paducah, Kentucky. Student Michael Carneal rode to school with his sister, carrying with him, what he claimed to be, an invention project. As his fellow classmates gathered that morning in the lobby of the school, holding a prayer group, he ejectd eight rounds from a . 22 quality pistol. Out of those eight rounds he dischargeed five head shots and three upper torso shots, killing three teenagers. Not only did he land all eight shots, save the shots were so precise that elite military and law enforcement agencies were stunned by his expertise.The fact that he had never fired a real gun in his life was something that disturbed authorities even more. Nowhere in the records of military or law enforcement history could the equivalent performance be found. So what was it that made this young man so violent and deadly at such a young age? (The shooting, 2010, para. 1) Its angiotensin-converting enzyme of the methods used by the military to train their soldiers called operant conditioning, a powerful procedure of stimulus-response training techniques that attempt to influence behavior by manipulating reinforcers.They learn to fire at realistic figures that pop up in the field. The stimulus is the target, and the response is, shooting to kill. This procedure is repeated over and over, hundreds of times, until their natural response when someone pops up on the battlefield is to kill. Research has suggested that violent video games played a big role in the choice Michael made that day. He was trained through with(predicate) operant conditioning just as the soldiers are, except his was through violent video games. Following the shooting there was a $130-million law suit filed against the video game manufacturers in that case.This case is said to be working its way through the appeals system of the courts. (Metcalf, Stubblefield, & Ettinger, 2011, p. 152) Violent video games train our children to kill, glorify violence, desensitize them to suffering, and minimise violence. Every time a child plays an interactive video game, he or she is learning the exact same conditioned reflex skills as a soldier or police officer in training. Kids are playing more and more violent video games that are rated for a mature audience.So, charter yourself this questio n how do fourteen year old teenagers obtain video games that are rated Mature? Better yet, why are they allowed by their parents to play the evil, sadistic games? Parents should replace the violent video games with non-violent, stimulating, and educational games those which enhance haveledge, creativity and imagination. The violent crime rate is at a phenomenally high level, not just in America, but worldwide. According to Interpol, the per capita assault rate increased nearly fivefold in Norway and Greece between the years of 1977 and 1993.In Mexico and Brazil, the numbers are skyrocketing, and in Japan juvenile crime went up by thirty percent in 1997 alone. (Metcalf, Stubblefield, & Ettinger, 2011, p. 150). The virus of violent crime is occurring worldwide, and the explanation for it has to be some sore factor that is occurring in all of these countries. There are many factors involved in the action of violent crime, and we must never downplay any of them. There is only one new variable present in each of these nations, and it is that media violence is now being presented as a viable entertainment survival of the fittest for children. Metcalf et al. , 2011, p. 150) Another method used by the Japanese, in World War II, which we also see done with the media, is classical conditioning.This technique is best remembered as Pavlovian conditioning, associating a stimulus with a response according to a specific reinforcement schedule, such as violence linked to pleasure. As Pavlov did with the dog, by associating the bell shape with food and eventually the dog could not hear the bell without salivating, the media does with the children. How often do we watch the news and learn of something good that has happened in the world?They are always focusing on all of the violence that is going on in the world. Our children see this as well, and they learn to associate death with pleasure. To better earn the role that violence and the media inherit, in the entertainmen t complex, plays in the increase of murders among the young and impressionable. We must first look at the methods by which killers can be made. though such a difficult subject cannot be completely explained by these factors alone, it is important to note the contribution each one makes.Throughout the course of human history, it is thought that healthy members of most species have a natural resistance to killing their own kind. However, when human beings are overwhelmed with anger and fear, thought processes become primitive. We blastoff head-on into that hardwired resistance against killing. One of the methods that shift this natural resistance is what is commonly known as brutalization. Quite similar to a military boot camp, brutalization is a forced shift in values. The subject is made to conform to a new set of rules, abandoning all sense of individuality.They are trained unrelentingly in a total immersion environment and the end result is a person who not only embraces the vio lence and the discipline, but accepts them as ruler and an essential survival skill in a new and increasingly brutal world. (Metcalf et al. , 2011, p. 151) A very similar thing is happening to our children through violence in the media. At eighteen months old, a child can begin to understand and mimic what they see on television, and up until the ages of six or heptad they are physically, developmentally, and psychologically unable to distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality.When they see an instance of rape, murder or degradation on the television or in the media, to them it is real. Some of them welcome the violence and accept it as a normal and vital survival skill in a cruel, new world. In nations, regions and cities where television is a constant source of entertainment, there is an immediate eruption of playground violence, and within fifteen years, there is a doubling of the murder rate, but why fifteen years? Thats how long it takes for a desensitized toddler to reach their prime crime years. Metcalf et al. , 2011, p. 151) By the time the brutalized toddlers have reached their teenage years, they have developed role models. Today, violence in the media is providing our children with role models.When the images of young killers are broadcast on television, they become role models. The media has every right and responsibility to herald the story, but they have no right to glorify the killers by presenting their images on television. (Grossman, 2000, p. ) The ultimate achievement for our children is to get their picture on television, and with such vulnerable, young minds they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve that. I say it is time for the world to stop televising such violence and let law enforcement deal with it. If they know who the killer is then why does it have to be broadcast for our children to see? I truly believe that the media is highly responsible for a lot of killings in this world, along with the violent video games, and I pray that one day there will be something done to stop it.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Managing a police service Area Essay
Commanders managing a patrol service area faced with a number of challenges. nearly of these include corruption, racial profiling, and myopic cooperation and relationship mingled with the police pull and the local community. All this problems have been attributed among other reasons to insufficient training of law enforcement, judicial administration, and insufficiency of employee engagement. Therefore, managing a police service area challenges can be mitigated by ensuring a highly motivated and trained police force as well as engaging the community to enhance their appreciation of the police.Corruption has been cited as a major(ip) problem compromising the effectiveness of the police force. According to available statistical evidence, the problem of drug dealings is increasing becoming an issue of national concern in the American nation. This is despite the item that the law enforcement has the potential to identify, mitigate or prosecute the offenders. However, the problem of corruption has been closely attributed to wretched motivation to police officers as well as lack of an effective channel for getting public feedback on the conduct of police officers.Another problem facing commanders managing a police service area is poor communication and cooperation of police officers and the community. The community is evidently identified as a crucial tool for aiding in the identification and mitigation in the community. Therefore, poor relationships between local law enforcement and the community serve only to escalate crime in the community, a negation to the sole duty of the police service area commander.Indeed, much(prenominal) poor relationships are a major threaten to the life of officers as they are perceived by the community as enemies rather than just and true(p) law enforcer. The third challenge affecting commanders managing a police service area is racial profiling. Racial discrimination in the law enforcement agencies has been a major critic fr om the general public. The sole duty of all police officers is to reassure sustainable peace and security in the community.This means that police officers should function to canvass on suspected crime offenders based on substantial evidence rather than based on their race, nationality, and ethnicity. It is this practices which remains a major challenge for commanders to superintend the fair and just enforcement of the rule of the law. As a police manager, there are a number of actions I would take to mitigate these problems. First, I would ensure implementation policies as a delegacy of mitigating the problem of police corruption. much(prenominal) practices would include increment of payment and service allowances for the police. Other could be engaging officers in retirement benefit schemes as well as providing job security. This is because I believe that most officers engage in corruption as a authority of accumulating extra earnings for their present and future needs. On the problem of poor relationship between police and community as well as racial profiling, I would ensure the introduction of a comprehensive police training scheme.Skilled and reliable police officers should high sufficient skills on public relations. Such training will also equip the officers with the necessary skills of dealing with a diverse population, a factor that could compromise racial profiling. The biggest problem causing poor relationship between the police and the community is poor communication. To eliminate this problem, I would encourage interactive sections between the police and the community members as a way of breaking the current relational gap.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
John Updikes a & P Is a Coming of Age Story Essay
John Updikes short bill, A & P is about a 19-year-old boy, Sammy, and his short moreover decisive renewal from a carefree teenager to a grown man with the consequences of his actions weighing heavy on him in the end. On an otherwise ordinary day, the course of Sammys demeanor is changed by an out of the ordinary experience which challenges him and compels him to make a rash decision that is based on what he knows in his heart is right for him. Sammy tells the story as if it is just another day while the smell-changing event unfolds in a manner of minutes. He gives insight about the townspeople by good-looking short pillowcase descriptions that are revealing, not only of each character, but also of Sammys feelings about the town, the people in it, and his personal perspective on the life that he is living there. Although the character descriptions paint a negative picture, the negativity has more to do with Sammys thought of living in this town with these characters for much m ore of his young life.It is clear that Sammy is more than ready to move on, beyond where his life is now. Sammy hiters few facts about himself other than that he is 19 and lives with his parents in a small, conservative, new England town. Sammy points out that the town is not far from the location of the Salem witch-hunts and burnings in centuries past. The elusion to Salem leaves an image of a lingering puritanical cloud oer the town and its people. The story takes place in the A & P grocery store in the heart of the downtown area where Sammy works as a checkout clerk. Sammys co-worker, Stokes, is 22 years old and married with two children. Stokes station in life represents a lifestyle that is not out of reach for Sammy, but certainly not the lifestyle that Sammy desires for his life although it is not clear even to Sammy what exactly the lifestyle that he desires is. Sammys boss, Mr. Lengel, who is a conservative and outspoken man, is a sunlight school teacher and the manager o f the A & P. Mr. Lengel is the living image of e precisething that Sammy does not ever want to be.The customer that Sammy refers to as the cash-register-watchers and a witch (560) is a character that epitomizes Sammys disdain for the attitude of the usual customer that comes through his check out line on a daily basis, as well as the full citizenry of his small hometown. The life-altering event begins to unfold in the very first line of the story. In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suites (560). The very first characters who are introduced in the story are everything that is not acceptable in this ultra conservative town, although the three girls bring with them a burst of native innocent sunshine. Everyone in the store gawks at the three girls as if they have never stick outn a girl in a bathing suit. The fact is that they believably had never seen a girl in a bathing suit anywhere other than a place to swim which emphasizes that this is an ultra conservative tow n with puritanical attitudes. Sammy and Stokes are very preoccupied with the sight of the girls and they enjoy every second of it.Mr. Lengle, who doesnt miss that much (563) is fully aware of the enjoyment that Sammy and Stokes are having. Mr. Lengle insults the girls by telling them that they are not decently dressed. In the girls minds, uncluttered by the collective despotic attitude that is the norm in the store, they are decent and see nothing wrong with their appearance. At this point, Sammy feels embarrassment for the girls and at the same time realizes that he is part of their embarrassment, because he is a part of the collective puritanical attitude. He also realizes that this is a turning point for him. Sammy has arrived at a cross road in his young life and he realizes that if he is ever personnel casualty to become what he sees for himself in his future, and if he is ever going to reach what he truly desires in his life, he must make a decision.He must decide to break f ree from the collective attitude or remain a part of it. Sammy makes the decision to break free from the puritanical and oppressive attitude of all of the generations before him. Sammy quits his job and he does it while the girls are still in the store hoping that the girls will take notice that he does not have the same attitude and moral judgment of them and that he does not condone it.He hopes that the girls will see him as their hero. As Sammy takes off his A & P apron and bow tie, he is shedding the old puritanical views and attitudes. As he walks out of the store, he embraces his newfound freedom and feeler of age, although he also realizes that his parents will not be pleased. Sammy has known for some time that this is what he would eventually do, and this was the day, because the three girls provided a good reason and the probability for Sammy to assert himself, to become his own person with his own perspective, values, morals, beliefs and attitudes.Works CitedUpdike, John . A & P. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 8th ed. Boston Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 560-64.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
General Management Essay
Case on Discomfort in a factory and Management Decision MakingMohan remembered the call from the head office as he puts down the telephony receiver. His boss fromhead office he said, I just read your analysis and I want you to go down to our adjust in Kollakal near Mysore right away. You know we cannot afford this plant any to a greater extent the be are just too high. So godown there, check out what would be our operational cost would be if we move, and report back to mein a week. Mohan knew the challenge quite well as the branch manager of the Good will Specialty Products.Hiscompany is into manufacturing of particular(prenominal) apparel for injured and people with other medical conditions. He needs to deal with high-cost labor in a remote village not so civilise plant, unionized manufac-turing plant. Although he had done the analysis there were 480 people who made a living at this facilityand if it is closed most of them will find it very difficult to get another job in the small town consisting of about 10 000 people. Instead of the Rs. 20/- per hour paying(a) to the Kollakal workers the wages paid to the migrant workers near Aurangabad will be much cheaper Rs. /- hour working in sub gentleman conditions. This provides a savingof 15 lakhs to the company for a year, which, can now be used to meet the costs for training, transporta-tion and other matters. After two days of talking with Migrant workers association and representatives of other companies usingthe same service in the town, Mohan had enough information to formulate alternative plan for produc-tion and the cost figures for production and transportation. What was bothering him was only the thoughtthat how is dismission to handover the termination of service notice to the Kollakal workers.The plant in Kollakal had been in operation since 1930s making special apparel for persons sufferingfrom injuries and other medical conditions. Mohan has often talked to the employees who would recountstor ies of their fathers and grant fathers working in the company plant-the last of the authorized manufactur-ing operations in the town. AN ISO 9001 2008 CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL B-SCHOOL But friendship aside competitors had already edged one-time(prenominal) Good will in terms of price and were dangerous-ly close to overtaking it in product quality.Although Mohan and his party boss had tried to convince the unionto accept the lower wages, union leaders resisted it. In fact, in one affair when Mohan tried to discussa cell manufacturing approach, which would cross train employees to perform up to three different jobs,local union leaders could barely restrain their anger. Yet probing beyond their anger Mohan sensed their vulnerability, but could not irrupt through. Tomorrow he will discuss his report with the CEO. Mohan does not want to be responsible for disman-tling of the plant at Kollakal, an act, which Mohan believes is personally wrong, but he is helpless.Mo-han said to himsel f The costs are too high, the unions unwilling to cooperate, and the company needs tomake a better return on its investment if it has to continue at all. It sounds right, but it feels wrong. Whatshould I do? Questions 1. Assume you want to lead the change to save the Kollkal plant. Describe how you would hold on? 2. What is the primary type of change needed technology, product, structure or people/culture? 3. What techniques would you use to have the best union resistance and implement change? i need the answers for this case study plz provide me
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