Monday, September 30, 2019
Cultural Diversity Assignment Essay
Religion is an important value in Appalachian culture. Loyal Jones stresses the fact that religion can often become â€Å"fatalistic. †What did he mean by this? How has this attitude come to affect the Appalachian culture in a negative way? Religion, according to Loyal Jones, is one of the ten common values common to Appalachians. Religiosity is often manifested by Appalachians in their values and in the meanings which they regard life. It differs from the orthodox practices of most religions such as attending certain rituals or going on worship days. Sometimes however, they come to view their religion as being too fatalistic. The downside for such is that people then tend to attribute events (often aversive ones) to factors which they believe are beyond their control but in reality, are not. What might have been avoided incidents are often accepted as the way they are. Fatalism however does not only involve disadvantages. For instance, fatalism eases up the burdens that most Appalachian people have to deal with in their everyday life. By thinking about their conditions in terms of fate and destiny, these people come accept their situations more willingly. Thus, it is important that people from Appalachia find where their locus of control (a â€Å"construct which is designed to evaluate a person’s perceived control over his or her behavior†(Locus of Control)) lies. While it is helpful to be fatalistic at times, it is also important that one takes an active part in controlling his or her future. 2. In Morocco, there are only two genders, but the two are very distinct. How do the concepts of private space and public space relate to gender? What is the purpose of the HIJAB AND THE DJELLABA? How do these relate to the concept of cultural relativity? In Morocco, public and private spaces relate to the issue of gender in that these concepts still reflect much modern Moroccan society’s interactions. Although gender divisions are slowly becoming fluid in that men and women can interact publicly; there are still domains in which a particular sex is not allowed to enter or participate in. For instance, certain professions are restricted to males (Women in Morocco). The hijab is worn by Muslim women based on religious doctrines (Parker, 1996) in order to achieve certain purposes. For instance, it is seen as a means to protect women from the male gaze (Parker, 1996). The djellaba on the other hand is worn by men (Djellaba). The primary purpose of the two articles of clothing is to provide a distinction between the sexes. These articles thus address cultural relativity in that they come to stand for greater things (i. e. gender) when they are viewed in a certain cultural context. 3. Asian Americans are often referred to as the â€Å"model minority. †What does this mean? Why do some Asians find problems with this concept? Asian Americans are often referred to as the model minority because most of them eventually excel in their education as well as in their chosen careers although they were initially â€Å"penniless and homeless†when they come to America. Although the stereotype is different from the Black and Mexican stereotype in that it is generally positive; some Asian Americans who haven’t accomplished the said stereotypical connotations feel that they are unduly compared to those who have (Banerji, 2007). As in the case of any stereotype, the dangers of overgeneralization should always be avoided. 4. What is the significance of the video titled, â€Å"Two towns of Jasper? †Why was it important to use 2 film crews in telling the film’s story? What would you hope people take away from viewing this film? The film is significant in that it addressed the issue that supremacist attitudes do and still exist in American society, at least until the late 90s. Almost eight years after the incident involving Rodney King and the LAPD, the truth as to the â€Å"abolition†of racial practices was again put into question with the case of James Byrd Jr. The film in essence, placed emphasis on the need to evaluate whether people still viewed other individuals based on their skin color. The directors of the film, Whitney Dow and Marco Williams employed two film crews in the movie in order to elicit real and untainted responses from the residents of Jasper. Filming was structured in such a way that a white crew filmed white residents and a black crew filmed black residents (Two Towns of Jasper). It was only after the movie was released did the residents know that their responses would be integrated into a single project. I believe that the film hopes to raise people’s awareness to the fact that racial views are still prevalent in American society. The use of the aforementioned filming technique hoped to provide a venue in which the audience could critically think about an important issue that has far reaching implications. 5. How would you respond to the following statement: â€Å"Talking about diversity only makes problems worse? †People who believe that talking about diversity only makes problems worse definitely undermine the value of dialogue as a means to reach a compromise or agreement. Many think that diversity is a touchy subject since various issues are involved and I believe that they do have valid reasons for thinking that way. What I do not agree with however is their belief that sensitive topics should not be talked about and kept private. In my opinion, talking about diversity lessens a person’s â€Å"aversion†towards the issue. But talking about it isn’t the most crucial part of the discussion. There are certain considerations which merit considerable attention. For instance a lot of problems arise when people come to the discussion bringing with them strongly – held convictions as well as prejudices against certain individuals or groups of people. The end result is that more problems arise than are solved. In general, I think that discussions on cultural diversity could not only prove to be important in removing inhibitions on the issue but could prove to be instrumental in addressing a lot of concerns that are crucial to the improvement of a lot of lives, especially of those who are involved. 6. Describe your biggest diversity challenges so far in your life as well as what possible challenges you may face in your professional (Human Services/Education) life. What actions are you taking or will you take to deal with these situations? Living in a country in which a lot of races coexist, I believe that the biggest challenge for me lies on the fact that I am exposed to different people coming from different backgrounds. For instance, the school provides a venue for me to meet new friends. Most of them however come from different backgrounds and hold on to beliefs that are often dissimilar from what I believe. Challenges in my professional life may include the same considerations as mentioned above. I think venturing into any career requires one to be open minded as well as mindful of the â€Å"idiosyncrasy†which may exist among individuals and cultures. Taking the time to learn about another culture helps one to accept the fact that differences do exist among us culturally and that we could coexist in peace and mutual respect if only we go beyond our cultural barriers. References Banerji, S. (2007). UCLA Expert Challenges The Asian – American â€Å"Model Minority†Assumption. Retrieved on 27 November 2007 at http://www. diverseeducation. com/artman/publish/article_7071. shtml Jones, L. (2006). The Proud Appalachian. Retrieved on 27 November 2007 at http://www1. epinions. com/content_4639989892 Locus of Control. (n. d. ). The American Heritage ® Stedman’s Medical Dictionary. Retrieved on 27 November 2007, from Dictionary. com website: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/locus of control Two Towns of Jasper. (2002). Retrieved on 27 November 2007 at http://www. pbs. org/pov/pov2002/twotownsofjasper/index. html Women in Morocco. (2007). Moroccan Culture Series. Retrieved on 27 November 2007 at http://french. about. com/library/travel/bl-ma-women. htm Parker, K. (1996). Women, Islam and Hijab. Retrieved on 27 November 2007 at http://www. english. emory. edu/Bahri/Veil. html Djellaba. (n. d. ). Dictionary. com Unabridged (v 1. 1). Retrieved November 27, 2007, from Dictionary. com website: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/djellaba
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How did government affect agriculture Essay
The period of 1865-1900 was classified as an era of Republicans, where laissez-fare governments favored big businesses. Technology was significantly evolving, focusing mainly on urban manufacturing. New technological advancements in farming were sold to the farmers at high prices and shipped at high freight rates. Also, the prices of cash crops dropped during this period, causing many farmers to live in poor conditions. In government, the power of urban industry and big businesses overcame that of the pro-farming politicians. Technology, government policy, and economic conditions effectively declined agriculture politically, industrially, and economically. Impediments such as industrial issues, poor representation in government, and waning agricultural prices that the farmers were forced to face, made agriculture suffer greatly during the late 19th century. During this period, the U.S. was technologically evolving at a rapid rate. New inventions and advancements made life easier for the working class. Railroads, after spreading all over the nation, made any part of the country accessible and expanded the national market. Document B displays that the years 1870-1890, the number of railroads in the nations increased massively. Also, the number of railroads with major land grants grew as well. At first glance, this change seems to have benefited the farmers, but actually did the opposite. It is true that railroads allowed the farmers to expand and have a way to ship their harvest and cattle a lot faster to more markets. However, greedy men like Cornelius Vanderbilt controlled the railroads. Extremely high freight rates made the farmers lose more than they expected. Likewise, the cost of shipping, taxes, low buying prices, overproduction, and cost of equipment, the farmer gained a mere profit. The technological advancements did make farming easier, but often were too expensive for the farmer to afford. In document D, a farmer during a wheat harvest preferred to use a team of about 30 horses instead of the possibly motorized mechanical harvester. New agricultural technology didnt help much or not even as effective as old methods and also was too expensive so farmers chose to stick with the old methods. Technology seemed better when looked at, but not in reality when it was put to use. This is an example that can be characterized by the era named by Mark Twain, The Gilded AgeThe nations government policy at the time was laissez-fare or hands-off government. The Republicans were in power during this period and favored industry and the big businesses. Consequently, farmers had a poor representation in government both in-state and nationally. Agri cultural process was made, but still were limited gains. For example, a law was carried through the Illinois legislature and then Supreme Court to limit the freight rates and it was passed (Document C). As you can see, it was a small victory for the farmers and others, but still limited to only Illinois. Furthermore, the ones that contributed to the growth of agriculture were those part of the Populist party. The party consisted of people who favored the rights of the farmers. Several organizations were established to favor the farmers. For example, the Grangers and the Farmers Alliance were organizations that allowed its members that shared common goals to organize and unite. In document G Mary Elizabeth Lease delivers a speech to the people, telling them that the government lied to the people and deceived them. She proves her argument with the crop price reductions and claims of overproduction. Also, the government had problems dealing with the Indians and the settling of agricultural acres for Americans (Document I). A huge controversy during this period was the issue of the gold vs. silver standard. The Populists of course wanted the silver standard, for inflation and to flood the economy. This would help out the farmers and miners out west. William Jennings Bryan claimed that the country depended on farmers and without them the country would fall. Also, that the country should be in favor of the farmers because they provide for the nation and are more important than the cities (Document J). The hand-off policy of the Republicans did not allow for much improvement of the nations economy and even let it suffer as did the farmers. Not only did the farmers suffer, but as well as the whole nation because of presidents such as Grant and Hayes. Economic conditions for the farmers were poor and no one was there to help them. The farmers tried, but could not gain the silver standard they needed to improve their positions and finance themselves. Moreover, the big businesses and pro-wealthy Republicans were in the way of the farmers and holding them back. In document A, one can see that as the farmers produced more and more to make more money, the price of the crop dropped as well, thus, leading to overproduction and loss of money. Even if the farmer was successful, he would have to give up his success to the government and railroads with more power in the industry. Nevertheless, on occasion contracts were signed, for example the one in North Carolina shown by Document E where the farmer would sign away half of his net proceeds, leaving him with hardly anything. The farmer was left crippled in a nettlesome cycle. Many times, the cattle and crops were shipped to far away markets such as Chicago, and the transit fare would increase as the distance increase (Document F). This struck hard at the pockets of the farmers. Many farmers were left to starve, out of work, and poor. Additionally, the poor weather such as hail would ruin the crops or the businessmen would take the crops (Document H). Consequently, the economic conditions did not favor the farmer, even though they provided for the nation, they were ruined by the people they help feed. This period part of the Gilded Age, America suffered because of a weak government policy and the big businesses had the real power. Unfortunately, the farmers were struck with the negative side effects that occurred from all this. American agriculture greatly declined, even though at first it seemed to have been benefited, it was industrially, politically, and economically destroyed and left in a tormenting cycle.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Drug policies in Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Drug policies in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example It is also assumed that the situation related to the drug abuse in Saudi Arabia is still not at such an alarming level, it means that the drug related situation can be controlled and the country can be lead to a safer side. But apart from this some drug related problems are there which should be managed in order to make the country safer and secure. Some reports mentioned that there was a rising abuse of the drugs named as heroin as well as cocaine. The use of these drugs are no doubt increasing day by day and making many problems for the country, people due to many problems and due to many reasons are going towards a wrong direction and are being addicted to wrong things and means. Due to many reasons like family problems, routine stress, office based problems, employment problems and many other of problems people usually go in a wrong direction and thus ruin their lives. As mentioned above that around 36% to 37% people got admitted every year, out of this percentage majority are th e students or the young people who by following wrong means and ways ruin their lives and thus get addicted to drugs and in the end they have no other option to live. People after being addicted to drugs usually think that life is only to have drugs and to ruin our life; this is not a correct or the right way to think. People should try to think than what so ever they are doing is not a correct way and they should not ruin their lives. Young people usually get addicted to drugs and there is an increasing ratio which shows that young people, college people and the university people are those who are going to these activities and are also making their life worse and worse. As mentioned above there are many reasons due to which people get addicted to the drugs. These problems should be resolve in order to make each and every life better and better so that every one can live easily with full zeal and zest and can also make their life
Friday, September 27, 2019
Have three scholars interpreted the role of slavery during the Essay
Have three scholars interpreted the role of slavery during the revolutionary ear, 1765-1787 - Essay Example To understand the reason behind the continued slavery during the revolutionary era, three main scholars have interpreted the role of slavery during the Revolutionary era. Slaves were used by the Americans to buy their independence. According to Morgan, the Americans needed assistance from other nations, and they needed independence. Tobacco was the only the only product that was of value and hence feasible as a tool of assistance purchase. The production of tobacco was labor intensive and thus the reliance on slavery for production. The product was then used to shape the foreign relation of America and other states, especially France. In fact, the support granted by France to America is referred to as â€Å"King Tobacco Diplomacy†by historians, so as to act as a reminder of the role of slavery, through the production of tobacco, in the acquisition of American Independence during the revolutionary era2. From this interpretation, it can be coined that slavery was a necessary evil that the Americans used to gain their independence despite having the theme of the Revolution as equality and liberty. In a much direct manner, the slaves enhanced the acquisition of American independence by serving in the Continental army. According to Spalding, prior to the American Founding, there were over 500,000 slaves, who were mainly concentrated in the five southern states, making up 40 percent of the entire population. The major American founders, such as George Washington, were slave owners. During the era of the Revolution, there was an inadequately trained army and hence the slaves were inducted into the army so as to help in fighting for the independence of America. This happened immediately after Washington started commanding the Continental army in 1775. Together with Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s plan was to use this induction as a way to grant the slaves their freedom in the long
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Identify 5 themes of risk (majors or minor ones) in the book Research Paper
Identify 5 themes of risk (majors or minor ones) in the book - Research Paper Example 1. Risk of Exploring an Unknown Territory- Expedition of Antarctic Continent Endurance: An Epic of Polar Adventure is filled with a number of risks. While some risks are just meant to accelerate the adrenal, other risks prove to be life saving in the mouth of dangers. The very starting and planning of the adventurous trip to Antarctic Continent is actually one great risk that Sir Ernest Shackleton took with his life. There are similar expeditions taken in other corners of the world, where the thrill seekers met with fatal consequences and many of them even lost their lives. However, the expedition that was undertaken by Shackleton actually 2 showed his true spirit as a leader who was ready to face all odds and give up his dreams of adventure just to save the precious lives of his crew. The unknown always beckons the adventurers to explore it and be the first one to get acquainted with it. There are high risks involved as one does not know what kind of territories would greet them. He nce, one can only assume of the threats involved and prepare themselves accordingly. But, if the peril comes out to be a fantastic one that no one had even dared to think, then only the bravest of spirit could stand up to such challenges and come out a winner. Hence, the undertaking of the Antarctic journey that was known to be one of the coldest and the harshest of all land forms was an unbelievable risk undertaken by Shackleton. On the fateful day of 5th December, 1914, the great adventurer, Sir Ernest Shackleton along with his twenty seven crew members set out for an exhilarating journey into the unknown territories of the Atlantic continent. His goal was to walk on foot the entire continent and get closely acquainted with this secluded and pristine place. The much uninhabited South Pole had just had a couple of visitors first by Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian and later by Falcon Scott of British origin. Unfortunately, Falcon Scott died during the return trip. Thus, it was no use vi siting the South Pole again as it was now a known territory. Hence, the adventurer Sir Ernest Shackleton 3 wanted to prove himself by conquering a new region that had lain virgin till now. And what was more elusive, more dangerous than the extremely cold Antarctic region that no one had dared visited till now. Thus, he took on a risky journey into the unknown world of Atlantic ready to make himself familiarize with this place and bag a name for himself. To embark on this daring journey, Shackleton got himself a small ship that was renamed as Endurance. The ship was built up of Oak and Norwegian fir that was sheathed in enduring and tough greenheart wood. It was designed to function in tough pack ice. Unfortunately, Endurance did not prove as enduring as its name and it was a pack of wreck even before it touched the mainland. This made the journey more tough and formidable as there was no help on sight. Shackleton had been warned by the whalers of the South Georgia Island that the An tarctic had a tricky constitution. Even though it was summer, the ice shelf was found much beyond the continent’s main land area, but Shackleton, filled with a feeling of adventure and confident of his little well made boat took little notice of the well
Business Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Business Law - Assignment Example As in our case, McDougal did not say even a single word and just waved his hand at Krunch, which showed his intention to pay later. Trust and expectation play a vital role in implied contracts. Implied contracts are made on the basis of reason, understanding, and tradition. Silence can be treated as an act of acceptance but in very rare cases. In case of trustworthy relationships, acceptance does not need to be communicated to the other person in order to be effective. For example in case of implied contracts, silence is used as a gesture for acceptance that is based on the factors of trust and confidence in the other party. However, in all other forms of contracts, there must be an agreement between the parties regarding consideration of silence as acceptance because without any such agreement, silence can never be considered as acceptance if the other party do not intend to accept any specific
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Five key factors to team effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Five key factors to team effectiveness - Essay Example This article will firstly give brief explanation of team and teamwork, and try to find out some key conditions of developing effective team through collating early literature. The focus will be in the scope of human resource management even though much research discussed team combining consideration of organizations and leadership etc. The characteristics of effective team will be assessed and continually some issues will be arisen and viewed as challenges for managers examining. Debates also arise in the parts of the autonomy and reward. Finally the conclusion will mention the required change in the managers' roles in a changing environment. A team is a group of people assigned a task or a set of tasks to accomplish and often 'granted autonomy over how to accomplish their assignment' (Baron & Kreps, 1999). Harris and Harris define teamwork as 'a work group or unit with a common purpose through which members develop mutual relationships for the achievement of goals/tasks' (Tarricone & Luca, 2002). Combining the concept of autonomy, the definition of teamwork is chosen here for providing a simple, conceptual notion to discuss work teams with various purposes and types in business environment context. Since team-working has been widely ... Study has identified effective teamwork as one of the underlying elements of businesses with high performance. In other words, successful corporations 'rely on teamwork as an essential basis for everyday operations (Tarricone & Luca, 2002).' Therefore, the characteristics of effective team-working have been drawn and listed in tremendous amount of research. The conditions included in this article are listed and discussed next. 1. Mission clarity Some studies list the mission clarity as one of the necessary conditions (Sundstorm, Meuse & Futrell, 1990; Gustafson & Kleiner, 1994; Natale, Libertella & Rothschild, 1995; Borrelli, Cable & Higgs, 1995; ) or the most important one (Davis & Scase, 2000) while discussing effective team. Mission clarity means all team members fully and clearly perceive the purpose, goal and task. Purpose is that team members need to know why they are gathered to form a team, which means team formation (Gustafson & Kleiner, 1994). Goal is the target which members need to achieve, and it includes the match of short-term objectives and long-term strategies. Task contains deciding what should be done and assigning work. 2. Rewards and recognition Rewards occur while team tasks or goals are accomplished and the achievement appeals to be significant for the team or organization. Rewards may contain praise for team success, pay, time off and promotion etc. These outcomes are 'bestowed by people other than group members', and they 'do not include any benefits derived from within the group.'(Shea & Guzzo, 1987) Recognition is that 'individual contributions to the team and team contributions to the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Nursing Practice in Context 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nursing Practice in Context 4 - Assignment Example When the body digests proteins, there is usually the generation of waste products. These wastes become part of urine. Diabetes destroys the tiny blood vessels and holes, which act as filters when they are overburdened (Bruce & Paxton, 2008). After some years, the filters will stop functioning properly and some of the important proteins will leak into urine causing a condition called micro albunuria (American Diabetes Association, 2006). The initial symptom of the chronic diseases is the buildup of fluids at various body parts. Other signs entail insomnia, loss of appetite, and lack of concentration (American Diabetes Association, 2012).Chronic kidney disease (CKD) leads to premature mortality, low quality of life, and high life expenditures. Different diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity have played greater roles in the increase of chronic kidney diseases (Bruce & Paxton, 2008). The research indicated that obesity relates with diabetes and hypertension and the three ar e the major leading causes of chronic kidney diseases. In U.S, the numbers of adults with obesity have been doubling for the past three-decade (Bruce & Paxton, 2008). ... It will not rely on whether an individual looses weight through maintaining diet, exercising or undergoing bariatric surgery. The conducted studies reveals that weight loss reduces the rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity. People should ensure that they maintain their diet and exercise in order to lose weight as it will help them in reducing the rates of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes (McBride & Korczak, 2007). Question 2 (B) The paper highlights the nursing care of Mrs. Mrs. Douglas Douglas who is 74 years old. She is a diabetic with many complications and she is admitted for surgery tomorrow. The two nursing problems that Mrs. Douglas has are nutritional deficit and electrolyte imbalance. She also has impaired skin integrity. The two nursing interventions explained in the paper are the acute and community care focus. Two evaluation criteria for each intervention will also be explained Priority Problem 1 Nutritional deficit and fruit imbalance One of the identifie d medical problems entails nutritional deficit and fluid imbalance. Mrs. Douglas is experiencing these problems because of her poor nutritional habits and she does not know about the illness processes. The assessment data used to support this diagnosis is the subjective data of the patients’ nutritional habits. Mrs. Douglas stated that she takes 1-2 glasses of juice and water per day, lack of knowledge of what to eat or drink, and sometimes she lacks appetite because of the bad taste in her mouth. The objective data that supports the diagnosis entail obesity and kidney disease. These are caused by taking food with high cholesterol, not doing enough exercises, and failure to take enough
Sunday, September 22, 2019
European Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
European Business - Research Paper Example As a result, various important countries were trapped in a deflationary ensnare. The impact was visible almost in every sector of the global economy. One of the major causes revealed by the evidences is the inefficiency of the financial markets in controlling the liquidity ratio with over liberalised monetary policies in most of the developed countries. Notably, the impact was strongest in terms of international trade and investment (UNCTAD, 2009). Considering the fact, this report will emphasise on the current global economic situation. The impact of the current trends will be further analysed with the example of a multinational company, Nissan in terms of international trade and investment. ... The financial measures undertaken by the governments of developed countries have significantly contributed to the financial stability of the world economy. However, the structural limitations faced by these economies are likely to cause risks in relation to the debt, real estate and credit markets along with other factors which in turn can affect the overall economic stability. Lower GDP growth rate, widening fiscal deficit, political conflict, and other similar issues can be observed as the most effective trends in the current economic situation concerning the developed countries (UNCTAD, 2010). Surprisingly, the developing countries were recorded to be least effected by the recent economic downturn, gaining an extra advantage of sovereignty in the world economy. Comparatively well-structured fiscal policies and a strong growth of GDP have evidently signified the developing countries as the major drivers of economic upturn in the current scenario. Contradicting to the developed econ omies, the growth trends of the developing nations signify ample opportunities for international trade and investment. However, the economies can be witnessed to possess few limitations in terms of their dependency on the developed countries. Moreover, the developing economies are also recorded to face the challenges in terms of structural issues which depict a moderate growth prospect on the future context (Department for Business Innovation & Skills, 2011). These trends can also be witnessed in the context of EU economies. Notably, the member states of EU comprises of both developed as well as developing economies. This depicts that the European market is likely to face the risks of weak and moderate growth along with various challenges in terms of fiscal
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Patagonia Another Way of Doing Business Essay Example for Free
Patagonia Another Way of Doing Business Essay 1Introduction Patagonia was founded in 1957 by Yvon Chouinard who defines himself as a reluctant business man. He started his business as a way to climb and surf year long, seeking to build the best product to satisfy his passion. â€Å"Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis. †–Patagonias Mission Statement Patagonia grew out of a small company that made tools for climbers. Alpinism remains at the heart of a worldwide business that still makes clothes for climbing as well as for skiing, snowboarding, surfing, fly fishing, paddling and trail running. Customers are willing to pay a premium for the Patagonia brand and environmental ethic. The companys goal is as simple as it is challenging: to produce the highest-quality products while doing the least possible harm to the environment. Yvon Chouinard founder and owner of Patagonia has done business differently since the beginning of the company, placing environmental sustainability and social welfare of his employee before profit. Three examples of the company practice will show how marketing and business can meet ethical behavior. Patagonia: a different workplace environment Patagonia is hiring only passionate people (friends, family†¦) who are also product user so they don’t have to understand the customer because they are the customer. Patagonia has developed the Let My People Go surfing flextime policy to cope with the employee passion (surfing, backcountry skiing†¦). There are no private offices and the architectural layout keep communication opens. The cafeter ia where employees can gather throughout the day serves healthy, mostly vegetarian food. The company has also an on-site child care center, the presence of children playing in the yard, or having lunch with their parents in the cafeteria helps keep the company atmosphere more familial than corporate. Patagonia has a program that allows employees to take off up to two months at full pay to work for environmental groups. Patagonia fosters creativity and authenticity through its work environment and hiring process enabling the development of original products. 3Patagonia: The 1% for the Planet Initiative Since 1985, Patagonia has devoted 1% of its sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment. The company has awarded over $46 million in cash and in-kind donations to domestic and international grassroots environmental. In 2002, founder of Patagonia, Yvon Chouinard, and Craig Mathews, owner of Blue Ribbon Flies, created a non-profit corporation to encourage other businesses to do the same. 1% For The Planet is an alliance of businesses that understand the necessity of protecting the natural environment. As of today 1401 companies are members of the 1% for the Planet Initiative and donate 1% of their sales to a network of 2,735 environmental organizations worldwide. More than a marketing campaign, The 1% for the Planet Initiative is a really strong statement from Patagonia (no matter what are the financial results 1% of its sales will serve the environmental cause every year), it has reinforced the company corporate social responsibility and ethical image, hence the loyalty of its core customers. 4Patagonia: The Common Threads Initiative This marketing program first asks customers to not buy something if they dont need it, then if they do need it, Patagonia ask that they buy what will last a long time and to repair what breaks, reuse or resell whatever they dont wear any more. And, finally, recycle whatevers truly worn out. Patagonia with The Common Threads Initiative is the first private company launching a marketing campaign telling its customers to buy less or to buy used gear. In September 2011 Patagonia launched an online marketplace in collaboration with eBay for customers to sell and buy their used Patagonia products. This feature is displayed on the homepage of patagonia. com. Recycling is what we do when were out of options to avoid, repair, or reuse the product first. Thats why I am so impressed with Patagonia for starting its Common Threads Initiative with the real solution: Reduce. Dont buy what we dont need. Repair: Fix stuff that still has life in it. Reuse: Share. Then, only when youve exhausted those options, recycle (Leonard, 2011). This new marketing campaign was unveiled at the New York fashion week as an experiment. Only a private company without public shareholder and a charismatic leader with strong belief can promote such a different business attitude. 5Conclusion Patagonia has always done business and marketing differently. In the seventies Chouinard Equipment had become the largest supplier of climbing hardware in the U. S. It had also become an environmental threat because its gear was damaging the rock. Yvon Chouinard and his partner decided to phase out of this business even it if was the main source of revenue for the company, it was the first environmental step for Patagonia. Instead of focusing on profit the company took a big risk by discontinuing a successful line of products to promote an alternative solution (aluminum chocks) for climbers. It became a success because Patagonia crafted the right product with the right message and stayed true to its core values. Today with the Common Threads Initiative they are pursuing the exact same philosophy and trying to push the industry to adopt more ethical business behaviors. Patagonia’s highly public search for a new way of doing business implies a new kind of relationship with customers, reinforced by unconditional guarantees, extremely high product quality and an explicit commitment to ethical codes of behavior (Reinhardt, 2000).
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Death of Ivan Ilych, 1886
The Death of Ivan Ilych, 1886 This is a critical essay about the Death of Ivan Ilych that was written in 1886. It was the first most important fictional work published by Leo Tolstoy after his disaster and conversion. The religious philosophies of Tolstoy serve as a background to the understanding of the fiction story of The Death of Ivan Ilych. The values that became important to Tolstoy in the second half of his life include: brotherly love, mutual support and Christian charity emerged as the dominant moral principles in the death of Ivan Ilych. The Ivan Ilychs awakening exposes him to the light of a meaningful life and alleviates his fear of dying. The death of Ivan Ilych can be seen as true reflection of and an elaboration of Tolstoys philosophical concerns after conversion. The novel is a fictional answer to the questions that afflicted Tolstoy during the middle of 1870s. Tolstoy died in 1910 after almost a ten year period of continuing ill health. The three themes: the right to life, the inevitability of de ath and inner life as opposed to the outer life are discussed from the critical point of view in the essay. Themes The right life Tolstoy beliefs that there are two kinds of lives: the artificial life which is represented by Ivan, Praskovya, Peter, and nearly everyone in Ivans society and company; and the authentic life represented by Gerasim. The artificial life is characterized by superficial relationships, self-interest, and materialism. It is also inward-looking, not fulfilling, and eventually incapable of providing answers to the vital questions in life. The artificial life is a deception that hides lifes true meaning and leaves one terrified and alone at the moment of death. Alternatively, the authentic life is characterized by pity and compassion. The authentic life promotes reciprocally affirming human relationships that ends isolation and allows for true interpersonal contact. While the artificial life leaves one unaccompanied and empty, the authentic life embraces strength through unity and relieve through empathy. Thus it creates bonds and gets one read to meet death. The authentic life is not the right life because of the following reasons: empathizing with one does not relieve pain; theres no total self-sacrificing love for others and no true interpersonal contact, this is evident when Gerasim considers that just empathizing with Ivans plight and relieving his isolation is more important than the physical support of holding Ivans legs. Also, theres no genuine personal involvement because compassion and love must go both ways; both must benefit from the relationship (Tolstoy, 2010). The inevitability of death As Ivan steadily approaches death, it is also the time that he starts to recognize his death and his search for a compromise with its terrible and nullifying influence. The question of how is one to make sense of the end of ones life, of ones relationships, projects, and dreams, of ones very existence is a dilemma. It is not true that as Ivans approach to life changes, prompted by pain and the prospect of death, his emotions progress from sheer terror to utter joy. Also the avoidance of death that depicts Ivans social situation is founded on an illusion meant to protect people from distasteful realities which only lead to horror, emptiness, and dissatisfaction. However, accepting death and the identification of the right unpredictable nature of life allows for peace, confidence and sometimes joy at death point. The death of Ivan is a lesson on making sense of death by living rightly (Tolstoy, 2010). Inner life opposed to Outer life Tolstoy portrays human existence as a conflict between the inner and the outer, the spiritual life and the physical life in both the artificial and authentic life. For the longer time of his life, Ivan beliefs that he is a purely physical being. He does not absolutely show any indication of any spiritual life in his physical being. Ivan lives for the good of his own flesh and relates only with those who promote his desires. This is not true since Ivan mistakes his physical life for his true spiritual life. Ivan supposes that his existence is the right one, and he rejects to see the mistake of his life. As a consequence of denying the spiritual life, Ivan is not capable of outdoing the physical life. As he holds on to the belief; he experiences agonizing pain, total terror and irresistible unhappiness. However, when the view of his death compels Ivan to deal with his isolation, he steadily begins to realize the importance of the spiritual life. As the understanding of Ivan continues t o grow, he starts to replace the physical life with the spiritual life. It is then he moves past suffering, overcomes death and experiences intense joy. Hence the duty of each person is to identify the twofold of the self and to live such that the less important physical life matches to most important spiritual life (Tolstoy, 2010). Conclusion The three themes depicted from Tolstoys story about the death of Ivan Ilych include: the right life, the inevitability of death and the inner life as opposed to outer life. Tolstoy beliefs that there are two kinds of lives: the artificial life which is represented by Ivan, Praskovya, Peter, and nearly everyone in Ivans society and company; the authentic life represented by Gerasim. The artificial life is characterized by superficial relationships, self-interest, and materialism. Alternatively, the authentic life is characterized by pity, promotes reciprocally affirming of human relationships and compassion. According to the inevitability of death, it is not true that accepting death and the identification of the right unpredictable nature of life allows for peace, confidence and sometimes joy at death point. Finally, Tolstoy portrays human existence as a conflict between the inner and the outer, the spiritual and the physical in both the artificial and authentic life which is not tru e since they are dual things.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Golden Rice Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
'Golden Rice': Who Would Have Thought Something So Dry Could Raise So Much Controversy? Heated debate over the bioengineering of a type of rice that has come to be called 'golden rice' has been taking place in the past five years. Exploration of the possibilities that would follow the mapping of the rice genome began in response to the huge populations in developing countries that experience vitamin deficiencies; namely, vitamin A. When biotech company, Syngenta, announced that they had mapped the rice genome, a series of activist groups spoke out against a project that was, many argued, politically and financially motivated. This has been a topic of intense debate that I was surprised to find. Developing a kind of rice containing a vitamin that is lacking among large populations seems to be such a great idea. So why does so much controversy surround the project? There are many more disadvantages to the introduction of the new technology than one might anticipate. The following first explores the effects of vitamin a deficiency and then the arguments of the opposition a nd supporters' responses to it. Vitamin A is an organic compound that is needed in small amounts in the human body; however a deficiency in this micronutrient can lead to problems and illnesses (3). The vitamin is found naturally in many plant and animal foods in the forms of retinal in animals and carotene in plants (3). Retinal pigments that are very important for night vision are produced by Vitamin A; the vitamin is also important in maintaining the strength of epithelial tissues (5). Without proper amounts of Vitamin A, the outer lining of the eyeball becomes dry and wrinkled, leading to redness and inflammation and, which brings potential of blindness... 9)"An exercise on how not to do science.", Author of this article is adamant critic of 'golden rice.' 10)"Golden Rice and Vitamin A Deficiency.", This article addresses problems with Golden Rice 11) "Golden Rice: blind ambition?" Friends of the Earth International. Link Magazine: Issue 93, April/June 2003. More arguments against Golden Rice 12)"Grains of delusion: Golden rice seen from the ground.", Assessment of pros and cons of Golden rice. 13)"Golden Rice and Beyond.", This article contains arguments supporting Golden Rice research and the importance of technology transfer.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Author to Her Book :: essays research papers
The Author to Her Book In â€Å"The Author to Her Book,†Anne Bradstreet explains how she felt when her poems were published without her knowledge and consent. She explains these feelings of resentment, humiliation, pride, affection, and commitment with the use of many poetic devices. She frequently experiences an internal struggle. Bradstreet uses extended metaphor throughout the poem to express her unhappiness with the publishing of her poems. The use of this metaphor helps us to relate emotionally to her. Line one shows how Bradstreet views her own creation as her own child. She uses apostrophe and personification to express to us how her works were taken away and published without her perfecting them first. In the line â€Å"At thy return my blushing was not small,†Bradstreet declares her embarrassment. She then uses another metaphor in line eight to express again her pain â€Å"My rambling brat (in print) should mother call.†Her words seem to be harsh, but they are written with good cause. Bradstreet is trying to show more clearly her pain, relating her feelings of embarrassment to the embarrassment a parent of a misbehaving child may feel. This poem is written in iambic pentameter and the rhyme pattern is heroic couplet. For example, in line eight she uses the iambic pentameter to stress th e relationship of the child and the book. She uses a simile in line nine to communicate her feeling of objection to the poems. She does not see them fit for publishing. Although she is disappointed, she cannot turn her back on them. Just as a mother would not turn her back on her own child. Bradstreet uses personification in lines thirteen through fifteen when she speaks of her poems as if they had a face. She explains that she would fix things if she could. She speaks of â€Å"rubbing off a spot†or erasing a mistake. Bradstreet also tells of adjusting the meter in her poem when she says â€Å"stretched thy joints to make thee even feet.†In line nineteen Bradstreet uses consonance â€Å"mongst vulgars may’st thou roam.†She uses this consonance to stress how she is about to finally let go.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Essay examples --
YENTL,†the play now in production at the Cleveland Play House, is based on Isaac Bashevis Singer’s short story, â€Å"YENTL, THE YESHIVA BOY.†The play had a short Broadway run in 1975, but the story is best known to the general public because of the film version, which was written, produced and directed by and starred Barbara Streisand. The tale centers on Yentl, a girl whose father, a learned Orthodox Rabbi, defies religious custom and teaches his daughter to read and debate Jewish law and theology. When he dies, she is at a loss as to how to continue to learn, to achieve. She cuts off her hair, dresses as a young man, enters a â€Å"yeshiva†(a religious training school), and lives as a man. Her unusual friendship with Avigdor, her study partner, and marriage to Hadass, Avigdor’s former fiancà ©, sets the story on a track of intrigue. To truly understand â€Å"YENTL,†requires a knowledge of Orthodox Judaism as practiced in the shetls (villages) of pre-World War II eastern Europe, as well as Isaac Bashevis Singer. Orthodox Judaism centers on the belief in one, all knowing God, and adherence to a strict interpretation and application of the laws and ethics of the Torah. The belief system in Eastern Europe, before the Holocaust, intertwined religious laws with traditions, mysticism and superstitions. These beliefs carried over into patterns of daily life and influenced such things as the foods eaten, the patterns for birth and marriage and death, the clothing worn, and the role of males and females. Singer lived for much of his formative years in a Polish/Russian shtetl, and was well trained in all aspects of Orthodox Judaism. The winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, Singer, like his greatest literary influences, Chekhov ... ... three times through forked fingers when they are discussing a positive action, such as a marriage or a birth. This is an old superstitious action to ward off the â€Å"meesa meshina,†the evil spirit.) But, production questions abound. Depending on which area a person comes from, pronunciations differ. But the Hebrew pronunciations should have been uniform to represent that these people are from the same place. Why the great variance of Hebraic sounds? Most of the cast speaks in standard English, representing commonality of language, but one cast member uses an indefinable accent and overplays his part for laughs. Why? A general air of superficiality invades the production. Why? Unless done with reality, the play loses its â€Å"tam†(Yiddish for taste), fringes on mockery of the way of life being depicted, and weakens the accomplishment of the author’s purpose.
Concept of Martyrdom Essay
The world became astounded after it has witnessed one of the greatest tragedies of humankind. September 11, 2001 is the date where the international community has been introduced to an unknown face of an enemy. With no specified structure, its organization remains to be a vague concept with evidences and facts which are not thoroughly determined. The world is unsure who to put the blame when the phenomenon of terrorism has been revealed, thus, resulting into preconceived notions of racism to track down its roots. Perhaps the conscious recognition of terrorism launched a new concept of war in international affairs. The conventional war used to occur between two states and their respective allies, but after the World Trade Center attack, the war is waged against individuals and factions suspected of terrorist activities. Led by the United States, the war on terrorism commenced and military forces moved to alleged havens of terrorist groups which are mostly situated in the Middle East. Information regarding these factions has been acquired and the most famous of them all is named as Al Qaeda. From this information, terrorism eventually earned an identity and a face where the most wanted man in America has been associated as Al Qaeda’s leader. Osama Bin Laden, the notorious man suspected of numerous American embassies bombings even prior to the 9/11 attack. The war to hunt down Al Qaeda revealed other terrorist groups whose network stretched all over the world. As terrorism information expanded to the public, the international community saw how these groups and its members carry out their tasks to be able to hit their targets. From hijacking public transportations to kidnapping, terrorists have been known to be trained to conduct these acts. As the war on terrorism continues, the means of terrorists in fulfilling their tasks are increasing and expanding just as much as the growth of their membership. The following discussion will focus on one method of terrorism which is prominent in attacking sectors of society and have stirred strong concerns from spectators who witness the damages it cause. Suicide terrorism, as derived from its name, usually refers to an individual who has bombs attached on his or her own body and detonate it within the proximity of the target. The hijacking of planes of 9/11 is also considered as part of suicide terrorism. The usage of suicide is not a new means in the field of warfare; however, what made suicide terrorism as horrific as it is today is for the reason that it targets civilians, unlike in conventional war where it aimed at combatants. Since the whole concept of warfare has shifted its participants, acts of terrorism reflect a deeper background which needs to be further understood. First is to provide a general history of suicide attacks prior to 9/11 which focus on the evolvement of using suicide from non-terrorists to terrorists. It will be followed by examining the role of religion to the terrorist factions and how the concept of martyrdom serves as a religious duty. Following the flow of the discussion, this leads to elaborating how these groups perform suicidal attacks operating under principles established by the organization. This is to attempt in looking suicide terrorism in totality to be able to determine its implications on society. History of Suicide Terrorism In his recent book entitled Suicide Bombers in Iraq, Mohammed Hafez (2007) described suicide attacks or terrorism as â€Å"a premeditated attack by an individual who willingly uses his or her body to carry or deliver explosives to attack, kill, or maim others†(p. 6). From the preceding texts it has been briefly mentioned that suicide attack is not a new method to be used in any form of battle. Even prior to the 9/11 incident, suicide attacks has been consistent in the concept of â€Å"self-sacrifice for the interest of a broader cause†(Linden, 2003, p. 77). Before suicide attacks has been used by terrorists  tagged as part of non-state actors in the international community  this form of attack has been utilized by state combatants especially during the world wars. Kamikaze: Tactical Suicide Such notable for using suicide to gain larger benefits is the infamous Japanese Kamikaze which surprised the Americans during the sudden attack of Pearl Harbor. The usage of kamikaze has been used especially at the height of the Pacific war where Japanese pilots crashed their fighter planes into the enemies’ largest warships to further incapacitate its advantage for battle. This form of suicide attacks is determine as the tactical kind of suicide (Battin, 2005, p. 241) but it is more than just a war strategy. It is considered a duty to be fulfilled not just as a soldier but as a Japanese living to the ideology of a dignified death which is deeply embedded in their culture. Lebanon Bombings: Start of the Terror Trend The creation of dynamite from the late 1800s later evolved into customized portable bombs which are attached secretly into public facilities. By the time the production of these explosives became abundant, it has been used for performing small-scale attacks which are more inconspicuous and less suspicious attaining higher possibilities of killing the target. After the major world wars, civil wars ensued within countries especially those which are left torn by the Cold War. Prominent suicide attacks frequently occurred during the civil wars in Middle Eastern countries, one of the most significant events which gave meaning to a new concept for suicide attack are the bombings in Lebanon in early 1980s. The targets became the embassies of foreign states which have been participating in the civil war as either allies or peacekeeping forces (Hafez, p. 7). The high rates of property damages and death tolls prompted for the removal of other foreign forces out of Lebanon which made a significant impression that suicide attacks in this form are effective (Hafez, p.7). The bombings in Lebanon started the trend for the modern day suicide attacks. Basically, the two events that have been mentioned conveyed the division line which showed the difference of how attacks transformed from a part of a war strategy to inducing terror alone. The so-called success of the bombing in Lebanon in 1980s paved the way for the creation of non-state factions who act independently without any government support. Using suicide attacks became an essential method in inducing terror into a society to either kill or send a message to their enemies. Suicide terrorism encompasses a diverse field of goals whether for political reasons, economics, or attaining recognition. However did the purpose of suicide attacks expanded into, performers of this act surely behaved according to a set of principles and ideologies. These principles maybe rooted out from one’s culture such as the Japanese Kamikaze and others can be derived from nationalism, idealism, motivated by personal interests, and religion. The focus of this paper will deal with religion as the main motivation for the modern suicide attacks usually associated with religious extremists in the Middle East.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cloud Database Essay
Introduction: The cloud computing is the next generation of the computing, its advantages, advancements and research are a plenty. In recent years, the term â€Å"cloud computing†has been critical in the world of IT. Cloud computing, or the use of internet-based technologies to conduct business, is recognized as an important area for IT innovation and investment (Armbrust et al., 2010; Goscinski and Brock, 2010; Tuncay, 2010). Cloud computing has spread out through the main areas related to information systems (IS) and technologies, such as operating systems, application software, and technological solutions for firms (Armbrust et al., 2010). The promise of cloud computing is to deliver all the functionality of existing information technology services even as it dramatically reduces the upfront costs of computing that deter many organizations from deploying many cutting-edge IT services (J.Staten, 2009). Cloud computing represents a convergence of two major trends in information technology  (a) IT efficiency, whereby the power of modern computers is utilized more efficiently through highly scalable hardware and software resources and (b) business agility, whereby IT can be used as a competitive tool through rapid deployment, parallel batch processing, use of compute-intensive business analytics and mobile interactive applications that respond in real time to user requirements (W.Kim, 2009). The impetus for change right now is seen predominantly from a costs perspective, as organizations increasingly discover that their substantial capital investments in information technology are often grossly underutilized (Sean Marston et al., 2010). Although there have been many recent publications that discuss various features, opportunities and issues related to Cloud services ([Jane Anderson et al., 2010], [Sam Goundar et al., 2011]), but only few scholars have attempted to explain the factors for adoption of cloud database ([Chinyao Low et al., 2011]). Related studies have looked at Strategic research model for Enterprise Information Planning adoption with Technology, Organization and Environment as moderators (Liu hongjun et al., 2010). The gap in this research is that both TOE and TAM model are not being looked as one model explaining Cloud database adoption. This study investigates the cloud database acceptance by combining the work done by (Chinyao Low et al., 2011) pertaining to Understanding the determinants of cloud computing adoption and (Liu hongjun et al., 2010) pertaining to Strategy Research of Enterprise Information Planning based on TOE-TAM model. Also this study discusses about the key advantages and challenges faced by implementing Cloud database. As the cloud services are increasingly expanding through research and development. This study will be constructive to the cloud service development and growth. Literature Review: Nevertheless, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) provides one of the most parsimonious, yet robust, models in explaining Information and Communication Technology characteristics and their effects on consumer adoption/use of new ICTs (Kenneth C.C. Yang, 2005). Internet is a product of Information Technology; as such Internet Cloud services should be explained as a part of Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1989; Davis et al. 1989). TAM is a parsimonious and theoretically justified model intended to explain information technology adoption (van der Heijden, 2003). TAM has two main keywords which are user’s adoption intention and actual usage. The user adoption intention is called as â€Å"Perceived usefulness†, which is defined as â€Å"the degree to which a person believes using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance†(van der Heijden, 2003). The actual usage is called as â€Å"perceived-ease-of-use†, which is defined as â€Å"the degree of to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort†(van der Heijden, 2003). TAM theorizes that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness affect the consumer adoption decisions (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). Organization will have influence on new technology acceptance from three aspects: T (tech), O (organization) and E (environment). The tech includes existing technology of an enterprise and technology which has not been introduced on the market. Organization generally refers to the scope and scale of an enterprise, including management structure characteristics, and human resource status. Environment is also called regulation on industry and transactions with partners, competitors and government. TOE model is highly systematic, widely used to analyze influence factors of information technology adoption in different fields in recent years. Several studies (Chau and Tam, 1997; Chong and Ooi, 2008; Kuan and Chau, 2001; Lin and Lin, 2008; Oliveira and Martins, 2010; Pan and Jang, 2008; Shirish and Teo, 2010; Zhu et al., 2004) have been credited with proposing the TOE framework, developed by Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990), to analyse IT adoption by firms. The TOE framework identifies three context groups: technological, organizational, and environmental. The technological context refers to internal and external technologies applicable to the firm. Organisational context refers to several indexes regarding the origination, such as firm size and scope, centralisation, formalization, and complexity of managerial structure and the quality of human resources. Environmental context refers to a firm’s industry, competitors and government policy or intention. The TOE framework is consistent with Rogers’ (1983) theory of innovation diffusion (Pan and Jang, 2008; Shirish and Teo, 2010; Wang et al., 2010), which recognizes the following five technological characteristics as precedents for any adoption decision: relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, observability, and trial ability. Therefore, the TOE framework explains the adoption of innovation and a considerable number of empirical studies have focused on various IS doma ins. Swanson (1995) contended that adoption of complex IT innovations requires an advantageous technology portfolio, organizational structure, and environmental strategy. Chau and Tam(1997) adopted the TOE framework and explained three factors that affect the adoption of open systems. These factors are the characteristics of the innovation, organizational technology, and external environment. Kuan and Chau (2001) confirmed the utility of the TOE framework adopting complex IS innovations. Several studies are grounded in the TOE framework for assessing the value of e-business at the firm level (Lin and Lin, 2008; Oliveira and Martins, 2010; Zhu et al., 2004). They found that technological readiness (the significant factor), financial resources, global scope, and regulatory environment contribute strongly to e-business value. Hong and Zhu (2006) considered the TOE framework in the adoption of e-commerce and the identification of new factors that fit the characteristics of type III innovation. Shirish and Teo (2010) demonstrated the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on the TOE framework and suggested that policy makers should consider measures to enhance development of e-government and e-business collectively. Pan and Jang (2008) examined the factors within the TOE framework that affect the decision to adopt ERP in Taiwan’s communications industry. Chong and Ooi (2008) utilised the TOE model empirically to examine the factors that affect the adoption of the RosettaNet standard. Conceptual Model: The foundation of theoretical model consists of TAM and TOE model. During the last two decades, Technology Acceptance Model (Davis 1989; Davis et al. 1989) has emerged as a powerful explanation to account for the influence of technology acceptance behaviors in a wide variety of IT. This study focuses on positive effect of Technology, Organization and Environment on the Technology Acceptance Model among high-tech Industries. Few previous studies, if any, have focused on the adoption and acceptance of cloud database. Nor did previous studies examine the effect of TOE and TAM for the acceptance of cloud database. Research Model: Based on our theoretical proposition that relates TOE (Technology, Organization and Environment and Technology) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) a research model (Figure 2) has been developed and propose six hypotheses grounded in the cloud database context. Technology Acceptance Model and Cloud Database: A cloud database is a part of Information Technology; as such the intention to use the cloud database should be explained in part of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This model has been used in number of research and numerous empirical results show that TAM is a parsimonious and robust model (Gefen and Straub, 2000). According to TAM, the intention to use a new technology is affected by 1.Perceived usefulness (PU) and 2.Perceived ease of use (PEOU). PU is defined as a belief that using a technology will enhance a person’s job performance, while PEOU is defined as the degree to which a person believes that using an IT will be free of effort. TAM has been discussed in great detail by (Gefen and Straub 2000; Venkatesh and Davis 2000). As shown in previous research (Gefen et al. 2000), this study hypothesize that paths predicted by TAM apply also to internet cloud service usage. As in previous TAM studies, the underlying logic are users react rationally when select an Information Technology to work on. The more useful and easy to use is the internet Cloud service in enabling the users to accomplish their tasks, the more it will be used: H1: PEOU will positively affect PU of an internet Cloud service. H2: PU will positively affect intended use of an internet Cloud service. H3: PEOU will positively affect intended use of an internet Cloud service.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A Persuasive Essay About the Influence Television Has on Children
Obesity is a growing problem, and it is time for parents to step up to the plate and take responsibility for child obesity. Daniel Weintraub uses an emotional appeal, the article â€Å"The Battle Against Fast Food begins in the Home†, to mandate parents to take responsibility to protect their children against obesity. He states that even though the fast-food companies and the government contribute and influence childhood obesity, ultimately it is the parents’ responsibility for obesity in their children.He provides several good points showing how parents are the ones to take the blame for the increasing problem. I believe that parents are indeed responsible for child obesity. Weintraub makes several good points on how parents should take responsibility and avoid obesity in their children. He does this by commanding parents to teach their children good habits, especially good, healthy eating and exercise habits. Also, he states that parents should protect children agains t bad things.In this case, fast-food is considered a bad thing since it does not only make children obese but causes a variety of medical conditions as well, so parents need to step up and protect their children against fast-food. Lastly, he believes that parents need to take responsibility since they are in the best position to educate their children. According to Daniel Wientraub, â€Å"It is parents–not the government, not the fast-food companies, not the video-game manufactures–are in the best position to fight the epidemic of overweight children. As you can see Weintraub believes that there is no one to blame for childhood obesity but the parents. Weintraub makes several good points, which induces parents to take responsibility and action for the matter. Even though Weintraub makes a good argument, he has a few weak points, because his opinions are too simple when there is more to it than what he presents. For example, Weintraub does not provide any sort of stati stics, facts, or references. Also, you could argue that teachers, not parents, are in the best position to teach their children since they are well educated in the field of health and nutrition.After all, teachers are required to teach health class in school. Lastly, the whole article is just an emotional appeal in which Weintraub goes to the extremes and exaggerates. Weintraub says, â€Å"We have laws against leaving a loaded weapon where their children can find it and use it to hurt themselves or others. But no one seems to want to tell parents that they need to protect their children from unhealthy foods and from sloth. †Clearly, he exaggerates because it is almost absurd to compare the dangers of a firearm to the dangers of a french-fry.Overall, I agree with Weintraub and believe that parents are the ones responsible for childhood obesity. First of all, parents’ poor eating habits have a great influence in child obesity. Parents need to educate themselves in the n utrition field, to be able to offer a good, healthy diet and correct portion sizes to their children. Secondly, the lack of discipline by parents also contributes to obesity in their children. Parents are easily manipulated by their children, and as a result children get what they want.Parents need to make their children get some sort of exercise as well. Lastly, parents’ economic issues might lead them to buy fast-food, but fast-food is not as cheap as it seems. When you add up all the numbers it is inevitable to notice that the difference between fast-food and home cooked meals is minimum. According to a Yale survey, seventy percent of the cause to the rise in childhood obesity rests with the parents. As you can see, statistics have shown that parents are the responsible ones for obesity in children.Evidently obesity among children is a huge, dangerous problem, which parents need to take action of and help their children. It is a must for parents to teach their children abo ut proper eating habits. Disciple also influences a child’s obesity and parents need to get a bit strict with their children. Lastly, economic issues should not lead parents to buy fast-food because it is not that cheap and very unhealthy. I believe it is time to stop blaming others. Parents need to get well educated, so they can provide good eating habits and decrease the growing problem of obesity in children.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay
Published in 1952, East of Eden is a novel written by John Steinbeck, a Nobel winner). It tells the story of the intertwined lives of two families- the Trasks and the Hamiltons amidst a backdrop of California’s Salinas Valley (Steinbeck, 2003). The novel follows the stories of these two American families from the Civil War to World War I (2003). It is said that the novel, which was published ten years before Steinbeck received a Novel, drew inspiration from the Bible and was dedicated to Steinbeck’s sons- Thom and John IV (Pearson, 1995). The title itself was culled from a Biblical verse, depicting Cain as he set out in the land of Nod, east of Eden (Genesis 4: 16 New International Version). Told in third-person point of view by a narrator who sometimes offers annotations, swings among characters’ vantage points and even suspends the story with snippets of human history, East of Eden tackles the universal theme of good vs. evil, the fall of Adam and Eve and the bitter enmity of Abel and Cain. Dramatizing the societal sins of Salinas Valley and the individual members of the Trask and Hamilton clans, the novel aims to resolve the dilemma on how evil may be overcome by choice. Spanning the period between the American Civil War and the end of the First World War, it dovetails the lives of two brothers- the gentle Adam and the rough Charles. Adam marries the scheming Cathy who deceives him and ran off with Charles on the night of their wedding (Steinbeck, 2003). After giving birth to twin boys, Aron and Cal, Cathy leaves her children to Adam and returns to a life of debauchery. The rivalry between the siblings reignites as they vie for their father’s attention and approval (2003). The story is beautiful and revolting as it unravels the universal problem man has to face: choose to be good or remain on the dark side. The tone is somber, philosophical and perhaps even propitious. Showing how illustrious as a writer should be, Steinbeck is able to create characters with various tempers, contrasting them realistically as possible, polar opposites as one may say. There is Adam, who may very well be the archetype of good intentions and Cathy, the scheming prostitute whom Adam fell in love with. It is also Adam who has been deceived the most, reminiscent of the betrayal of the serpent in the biblical Eden. The novel is peppered with shades of Cain and Abel. In the same vein, the agony of parental rejection, an issue touched with the story of the biblical brothers, is again explored in the novel, like the acceptance of Adam’s puppy gift and the rejection of Charles’ knife gift, reminiscent of Abel’s accepted gift and the rejection of Cain. Cyrus Trask favored Adam over Charles, for no distinct reason. Later on, Adam repeats the cycle with his own sons, favoring Aron over Cal. Throughout the novel, the tension is palpable, giving the reader the proper stimulus to continue reading. It also helps that the setting, Salinas Valley is actually a real place, giving a pragmatic voice to the novel. The words used by Steinbeck are easy to read and understand , and is not loaded with so many symbols that would make the reader spend 98% figuring out what the symbols stood for rather than letting the words flow and grasping its essence. There are no flowery words, either. This is a good sign on the part of Steinbeck, allowing the readers to comprehend the gist without resulting in a head ache. The flow of the story is also commendable, especially as it expands from 1860 to 1918. The incorporation of â€Å"timshel†is also appropriate, fortifying the theme of good winning over evil, of human making the power to decide. East of Eden is grounded in pragmatism and the handling of good and evil may be simple but it speaks one universal truth: that there is good and there is evil and that human beings are flawed, perhaps influenced by their genes or shaped by circumstances, but they have the choice whether to follow that footstep and repeat the mistake or make their own paths and break the cycle. References Pearson, P. (1995). East of Eden. Retrieved February 17, 2009, from National Steinbeck Center Website: http://www. steinbeck. org .html Steinbeck, J. (2003). East of Eden. New York: Penguin Books.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Is management accounting in the public sector different to mangement Essay
Is management accounting in the public sector different to mangement accounting for the private sector - Essay Example â€Å"In the last few years the question has arisen as to how far the business-oriented concepts of management accounting and control could be employed for non-profit organisations (especially in the field of public management). In the public sector, sparse or deficit budgets and pressing demands for effective, efficient and transparent means of achieving results provide the background for the discussion. However, due to the special characteristics of non-profit organisations, it is clear that the concepts used in private business need some modifications†. (Meyer, 2003) However, when it comes to management accounting in public sector as well as private sector, there seems to be a marked difference between the two approaches. Managerial accounting within private sector may be driven by objectives which may not be similar to the objectives which management of public sector organization may be pursuing. Thus it is possible that the management accounting in public sector may be different from the management accounting in private sector organizations. There can be different reasons for that as both the kind of organizational structures tend to have basic differences in their overall purposes. A private organization may be more interested in generating value for its shareholders thus effectively remain profit oriented with major aim of earning profit whereas public organizations may have different purposes and aims therefore the managerial accounting processes adopted in both the organizational styles and structures. This essay will discuss whether the management accounting practices in public sector organizations is different from the management accounting practices being adopted by the private sector organization. Before discussing the role of management accounting in private as well as public sector, it is very important that we must attempt to define what management accounting is. Management accounting has been defined as follows: â€Å"The
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Price Determination under a Freely Operating Market System Essay
Price Determination under a Freely Operating Market System - Essay Example This helps in the determination of the type of goods to be produced and the quantity of that particular that is required to be produced. Now, whether a consumer of the goods would buy it or not helps in the determination of the quantity of a particular type of goods to be produced (Haber, 2000, p.10). The recent fall in prices of residential properties in UK has been explained using the market theory in this study. Determination of Price in a Market A market can be considered to be composed of two of its fundamental components. They are: supply and demand. The price of a commodity is determined through the interaction of these two market forces, i.e. supply and demand of the commodity in the market. As discussed earlier market is a place where exchange of commodities takes place between the suppliers and buyers. However this type of transaction can take place only when both the sellers and buyers have agreed upon a price for the particular commodity that is involved in the transactio n. Supply can be defined as the quantity of goods or services a business firm has in offer for sale in the market and it is offered at a pre-determined price set by the business firm. On the other hand, demand is the quantity of goods or services which the consumers are willing to buy at a specified price (Goldberg, 2000, p.72). In a freely operating market system, the sellers and buyers are free to carry out the transaction of goods and services at a mutually agreed price and they are not intervened by any other individuals or entities. Thus in a free market the prices of the goods or services are freely set and are based on the supply and demand of the transacted goods or services. Some of the key determinants of a free market economy are: a) Prices determined freely, b) Rights and incentives associated with the property, c) Freedom of trading at home or abroad, d) Government’s role, and e) the private organisation’s role (Taylor, 2006, p.14-15). Equilibrium Price Fi gure-1 shown below represents two different curves which are the supply and demand curves. Both of these curves are found to intersect at a point which is known as the point of equilibrium. It is actually the market’s equilibrium (Government of Alberta: Agriculture and Rural Development, 2012). The corresponding quantity and price of products at the point of equilibrium are known as equilibrium quantity and the equilibrium price. It is the actions taken by the sellers and the buyers which help in driving the market towards this equilibrium price or in other words the equilibrium of the supply and demand (Mankiw, 2011, p.77). Figure-1 Equilibrium Price Supply Equilibrium Equilibrium Price Demand Equilibrium Quantity Source: (Author’s Creation) Residential Property Prices in UK It has been observed that the prices of residential properties in United Kingdom (UK) have fallen considerably over the past few years. This observed phenomenon can be explained through the market theory involving the two market components, namely, supply and demand of the residential properties in UK. The world economy along with UK experienced a housing boom
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Analysis of Walmart leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis of Walmart leadership - Research Paper Example It mostly answers the question why, with an aim of helping the researcher identify the main issues to be tackled in the study. This method will be used in the study to try to understand why leadership is vital for the success of any business. To answer the why questions, you must first develop a causal explanation (Becker & Schram, 1994). Causal explanations mainly state that phenomenon Y (success of a business) is affected by element X (leadership style) (Cooley, 1978). Although some causal relationships tend to be simple, others are more complex. For example, we might state or argue that the transformational leadership at Walmart has a direct effect on its (Walmart) success. This method lays ground for us to do more future research and studies on the same topic. A qualitative method was adopted for the study with an aim of achieving an in depth understanding of the situation (Berg, Lune, & Lune, 2004). This method includes designs, techniques and measures that do not produce discrete numerical data. The data can be collected through direct observation or interviews. This method of research will help us know how (process) and why (the meaning) things happen. This method is flexible and informal, hence preferred since it is also suitable for small samples. Some of the ways used to carry out qualitative methodology include participant observation, direct observation, case studies and unstructured interviews. The method can also help us generate theory from the data i.e. a theory grounded in the data. Questionnaires with open ended questions will be administered to various departments in the firm to enable me to obtain maximum information and interact with various views of the members. Direct observation of the firm’s daily activities will be conducted to get a glimpse of what daily routine leads to such success. These primary sources are
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A Question of Discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
A Question of Discrimination - Research Paper Example In other words, the equal rights legislation covers the Federal Government’s prevailing concerns in employment as emancipated by the EEOC. This in return should remind every company to abide by this rule. Based on the equal rights legislation and regulation emancipated by the EEOC, questions that at some point would lead to discrimination are strongly prohibited (National Archives, 2012; US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2012). These questions are not just discriminatory at some sort, but would degrade the civil rights as everyone has the freedom to life. Acquiring a job for instance is a form of meeting this life’s basic concern. Discriminatory questions during job interviews would at some point undermine this elemental human right. What Dan and Alex manifested that would make Ruth cringe was a violation to the basic human rights at work that falls under other relevant employment conditions. At some point, their actuation was a significant manifestation of a discriminatory deed, creating a hostile environment for Ruth at work. In this regard, the management should ensure emancipating core values and policies against acts that would create a hostile environment for employment. Up to this moment, Jennifer and Mel should familiarize EEO-related matters. The reason why they could not implement the right procedure against actions that are becoming hostile to employment is due to lack of actual know-how on the EEO-related matters. Even though they might have knowledge of it, they have no confidence in implementing company policies in line with EEO-related matters. The company core values should be set and this should have its basic foundation on EEO. National Archives. (2012). Teaching With Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved from
Monday, September 9, 2019
Bibliography and Discussion Board Answer Assignment
Bibliography and Discussion Board Answer - Assignment Example The focus of this journal is at researchers and clinicians concentrating on enhancing the knowledge base for the diagnosing, medical prognosis and intervention of mental health considerations in adolescents and children. Along with considering the aspects of neuropsychology and neurobiology neglected in other traditional journals. This journal is aimed to assist the integration process of basic sciences, medical research as well as practical application of such findings. According to Scimago Lab (2012), this journal offers a scientifically thorough and generally open forum for cross cultural as well as interdisciplinary interchange of explored information, necessitating pediatrics, psychologists, adolescent and child psychiatrists, neuroscientists, as well as allied disciplines. While contributions are principally from psychiatry, psychology, social work, nursing, medicine, education, law enforcement, anthropology and legislature, CAPMH promotes the pertained lay person and the child focused proponent organizations to add. CAPMH is a peer-reviewed publication that works while following its strict guidelines for the review. The articles are chiefly research oriented while depending upon the author’s thought some are also practitioner oriented. Few articles that I found relating to the different sorts of psychiatric disorders faced by children were providing a comprehensive view of the topic. This journal started its publication in 2007 and since then six of its volumes have been issued publishing 193 articles. The articles of this journal are all accessible completely to various scholarly databases like Pubmed etc. While searching, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry was also noticed as the relevant source of information on the topic. It entails, as mentioned by Elsevier (2012), JAACAP is the authorized periodical of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. It is the one of the leading journals
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Article review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Article review - Assignment Example As a result, knowledge management is being widely acknowledged for its positive role in the success of organizations. A vast body of research in the past has shown that leadership behaviors and organizational culture serve as hurdles in the creation and leveraging of knowledge. Effective knowledge management depends upon an organization’s social ecology along with IT platforms. This imparts the need for exploring the cultural and human aspects of business and articulating the way leadership styles and organizational culture influence the tendency of an organization to develop and apply knowledge. This article is about investigation of the relationship between behaviors of leadership and the practices of knowledge management. This article particularly tends to study the influence of the behaviors of transformational and transactional styles of leadership on knowledge management as well as the moderating impact that the culture of the Australia based small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) organizations has on this relationship. To achieve this, the authors proposed four hypotheses in total to test. The conceptual model used in the research consisted of four constructs; transformational leadership, transactional leadership, organizational culture, and practices of knowledge management. A questionnaire survey was conducted to empirically examine the four hypotheses. Validity and reliability of the data was checked using pre-tested measures and constructs. The questionnaire consisting of 17 items was given to the participants to realize the frequency of use of the different processes of knowledge management in their organizations. The authors measured the leadership styles and the associated behaviors using 36 item Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. The authors measured the organizational culture using the 36 item Denison’s Organizational Cultural Survey. Although 1000 surveys were mailed to the middle managers of the SMEs in Australia, yet with the res ponse rate being only 15.7 per cent, the sample size was 157. Most of the respondents belonged to the middle and senior management level. Middle managers were 44.9 per cent of the total while senior managers were 32.5 per cent. Line managers accounted for 21.7 per cent of the total. This methodology provided the authors with an opportunity to concisely review the basics of knowledge management related to the research, the relationship between knowledge management and leadership as well as that between leadership and the culture of organization. As a result of the research, it was found that transactional leadership and transformational leadership are both related to the practices of knowledge management positively. It was also found that the behaviors of contingent reward leadership and charismatic leadership greatly impact all dimensions of the practices of knowledge management. An unexpected yet interesting finding of the research was that contingent reward leadership has apparent ly a slightly stronger contribution on all dimensions of the practices of knowledge management compared to the impact of charisma attributed behaviors. Hierarchy and mission organizational culture moderated the relationship between practices of knowledge management and transactional leadership. The most effective behaviors of leadership for the practices of knowledge management were found to be charisma and contingent reward. Development of a successful system of knowledge mana
Public Administration Theory application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Public Administration Theory application - Essay Example Included in the paper will be a theoretical perspective of the problem and theory selected. Various areas that may be specifically impacted and a problem analysis addressing the rates of graduation and test scores, additionally a solution analysis will be included with hypothetical returns based on current observations and available data. Ohio High Schools and the need for change Public education in Ohio In the school year ending in 2006 approximately 74% of all students in Ohio high schools graduated with a regular diploma. One contributing factor in this may be the earnings gap that exists with those not graduating generally making $10,000 less annually. (Alliance of an excellent education, 2009) In a 2008 report by the Americas Promise Alliance education group found that there was a large disparity in urban graduation rates versus suburban graduation rates, Columbus Ohio for instance averaged 40.9% graduation rate while the suburban districts had an average graduation rate of 82.9 % showing a glaring disparity in the two geographical areas. (Swanson, P.h.D, 2008 p. 12) This glaring disparity does bring the idea that there may be race related issues as well, though it is likely it is simply the result of economic changes and geographical location. As can be seen with the available information there is a difference between urban and suburban locations and school districts. Overall scores in the state of Ohio increased in the school year ending in 2008 from the school year ending in 2000; however, these scores were down from the school year ending in 2006 from 92.9 to 92.3. (Ohio Department of Education, 2008) More importantly the disparity in graduation numbers still exists, which while the test scores are improving the reduced graduation in urban areas remains a problem. There have been local attempts at improving the level of education and rates of students graduating specifically from Cleveland Ohio. One of those efforts encompasses the philosophy that livin g away from home may in fact assist with the student’s ability to learn. Educational Options LLC., offers a private solution for a public issue. The founder Ms. Simon offers a service which locates educational opportunities for teens with learning disabilities, from oppositional behavior through Autistic Spectrum Disorders. (Simon, 2011) Organizational theory, symbolic interactionism relating to the disparity of rates Symbolic interactionism as a theory focuses on the individual versus the more general societal implications of organizational theory. Within the public school system specifically within the Ohio High School public education program this approach would be a positive benefit. Sociologist Herbert Blumer defined the theory with three core principles. The first was meaning which states that humans act or react based on the meaning they have given those people or things they are reacting to. The second was language, which allows humans a means to negotiate through the meanings they have devised for the objects or persons. This further allows the basis for society as we understand it. The third principle is thought, each person’s thoughts changes the meanings of the symbols and or language. (Nelson, 1998 np) This administration approach applied within the school system would allow for a more specific approach which could assist in preventing the large disparity
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Millers dramatic presentation Essay Example for Free
Millers dramatic presentation Essay Discuss Arthur Millers dramatic presentation of Mary Warren in The Crucible. Arthur Millers play The Crucible is based on the events in a 17th Century town called Salem, where a young girl by the name of Abigail Williams cries witchcraft when she is almost charged for conjuring spells. Abigail and her friends were caught dancing on night around a fire by their town priest and Abigails uncle Reverend Parris. After that day strange things were believed to have happened, consequently leading to a lot of women being charged of witchcraft. This was quite unfortunate as back in 1692 the penalty of witchcraft was hanging. In Act one, Mary is presented as a naive, scared and a lonely, seventeen year old girl. Whom evidently is bullied by her employer John Proctor and the other girls in the village, especially Abigail, as she is petrified at been called a witch by the other village people. Mary also comes across as being pathetic in the sense that she has no real friends and relies on a liar like Abigail for trust. Miller in his own words, describes Mary Warren as a naive, lonely, subservient seventeen year old girl, who is treated with little respect by Abigail and the other girls. Oh, youre a great one for lookin, arent you Mary Warren? What a grand peeping courage you have! It is possible that the other girls are in fact terrified of her, knowing that she is weak and can easily slip up under pressure, reviling their doings in the forest that night. When she meets John Proctor, a strong willed character who is not afraid to speak his mind, Mary expectedly is very frightened of him as he regularly threatens her and occasionally refers to giving her a whipping! Ill show you a great doin on your arse one of these days. Now get home; my wife is waitin with your work! Mary very quickly jumps to the sound of his voice and as Miller describes in a stage direction, trying to retain a shred of dignity, she goes slowly out. This highlights the control some like Proctor has on someone like Mary. In Act two, the audience learns a great deal about the events happening in Salem through Mary, hence she being made an official of the court. This in a way speaks on its own, how totally out of hand the situation in Salem has become with someone of Mary stature being made an official of the court and the share pace of everything in just eight days. Mary later informs us on the amount accused, No sir. There be thirty-nine now This being thirty-nine women, thirty-nine charges and trials of those being accused of witchcraft, in just eight days from when Abigail fist accused Tituba of witchcraft! Through Mary, the audience is made aware of the influence Abigail has on the court and the Salem community and reveals how Elizabeth was accused with sending her spirit out against Abigail. This was due to Abigail dislike of Elizabeth and desire to get rid of her so she could have John Proctor all to herself. Hence Mary immediately connects herself to the condemning of Abigails accusation and saving of Elizabeths life. I saved her life today! Miller ensures that the audience are aware of the absurdity of the situation in Salem, due to the court appointing a servant girl like Mary as an official. Unlike Proctor, she doesnt speak out of her place and listens and does everything she is told to by such people like Parris or Danforth which could explain why the court were keen to appoint some like her as an official. Although we also notice a change in Mary Warrens character from being a good, obedient servant to a slightly ruthless more and self confident young woman. Ill not stand whipping anymore! This is directed at Proctor as he tries to order Mary around, but fails. Furthermore, on her return from court, Mary unknowingly condemns Elizabeth by giving her a poppet with a needle placed in it as a gift she had earlier on that day in court. We later discover that this proves to be very unfortunate on Elizabeths behalf as she is later charged for sending her spirit out against Abigail and stabbing her. After Elizabeth is taken away, Proctor realises that in order to save his wife, he needs Mary to support him in court as a witness against Abigail and the other girls. To prove all their outbursts in court of being attacked by spirits were false and just an act. At the end of Act two Mary is clearly frightened by Elizabeths arrest, as she really begins to see Abigail true influence over the court and ends up being bullied to give evidence against her. In Act three when Mary arrives in court to accuse the girls of lying, she seems to refer to her previous characteristics in Act one of being very quite and frightened, as to what the other girls might do to her if she talks. I cannot, theyll turn on me This taken from the end of Act two and shows the hold of fear someone like Abigail still has on her. On of the most dramatic incidents in the play, is when all the other girls turn on Mary by saying they see her spirit and begin to repeat whatever she says: Mary: Abby, you mustnt! Abby+ other girls: Abby, you mustnt! This eventually make Mary realise that she will be accused of witchcraft if she continues to oppose Abigail and evidently Mary turns against Proctor and accuses him of making her defy the court and turning her to the devil. Thus Mary returns to her new found personality of being confidents and only thinking of herself. In conclusion, Mary Warrens character makes The Crucible tenser through Arthur Millers dramatic presentation of her. Presented through his description of her being and subservient in the begging of Act one, to her speaking and acting on, with more confidence in Act two. In addition, in Act three Mary is once again bullied by Abigail and Proctor to an extent that she breaks down into tears at one point and speaks out of proportion to save herself. Therefore once again she ends up being described in the manner of being terrified, pleading and almost collapsing, when she is finally pushed by Abigail and Proctor to designate between them. Thus she is once again a pathetic loner!
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