Monday, May 25, 2020
A Research On Genetic Engineering - 2106 Words
Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the set of techniques used to manipulate and modify the genetic material of living beings that have been the key to the rapid development of modern biotechnology. Recombination mechanisms provide a limited genetic exchange. Mankind has spent his life correcting the habits of nature to make it to his liking, so that it would be more helpful; Mankind has transformed plants to make them more useful for their crops, has domesticated animals so that they could help them with the tasks of the field. In short, that man has modeled the nature around him to the point that can frighten us and everything. Mankind uses the universality of the genetic code and the mechanisms of protein synthesis of living things, in order to try the controlled combination of DNA of different species. The great advances in knowledge are beginning to allow genetic manipulation of human beings to eliminate hereditary illnesses or perhaps in the not so distant future to modi fy the human species. And of course on this horizon appear from the various sectors multitude of voices appealing to an ethereal ethics warn us of the terrible dangers to modify our sacred DNA but why do not we do it? According to Cole Turner the author of Design And Destiny: Jewish And Christian Perspectives On Human Germline Modification, we do not want to modify it is because â€Å"the fear that parents, merely by knowing they have the option to design the child they want, will forget howShow MoreRelatedA Research On Genetic Engineering2006 Words  | 9 PagesMichael Hrisstov 11/1/2014 Research Paper Genetic Engineering 1. Introduction Ever wish you could eat pizza and have the same nutrients as fruits or vegetables? Food is something that affects every person on this planet, in more ways than we think. Recent discoveries show that we may be able to eat that slice of pizza and maintain our health. A concept known as genetic engineering has the ability to make foods taste better, increase their nutritional value, and even help solve some of the deadliestRead MoreGenetic Engineering Research Paper1341 Words  | 6 PagesI. Introduction      In the past three decades, scientists have learned how to mix and match characteristics among unrelated creatures by moving genes from one creature to another. This is called â€Å"genetic engineering.†Genetic Engineering is prematurely applied to food production. There are estimates that food output must increase by 60 percent over the next 25 years to keep up with demand. Thus, the result of scientist genetically altering plants for more consumption. The two most common methodsRead MoreA Research On Genetic Engineering1407 Words  | 6 PagesGenetic Engineering is all about genes, which are made of DNA; the chemical inside the nucleus of a cell that carries the genetic instructions for making living organisms. It is a very broad term that covers a range of techniques that allow for the artificial addition, deletion or rearrangement of sequences of bases in DNA in order to alter the observable form and function of an organism. (Science Group, 2014). G enetic Engineering was first discovered in the 1970s when scientist discovered how toRead MoreA Research On Genetic Engineering1111 Words  | 5 Pages Genetic Engineering in Humans Andrew Pickard English 122, Semester 1 Mrs. D. Seymour December 19, 2014 Genetic Engineering in Humans I. Insecurity and Disappointments A. Identity Crisis B. The Injury C. Elite Development Program / Re-injury II. Royal Canadian Leadership Camp A. Application B. Black Sheep C. Inspiring Words III. Volunteer Experiences / Inspiring Events A. Steve Nash Youth Basketball B. We Day C. Literacy Mentor Pickard 1 Andrew Pickard Mrs. D. Seymour EnglishRead MoreGenetic Engineering Research Paper1584 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic engineering Explain how this technology works. Genetic engineering otherwise called genetic modification and can basically be described as the ‘direct manipulation of an organism’s genome’ which is the complete set of genetic material of an animal, plant or other living thing. This direct manipulation works by using modern DNA technology. This ‘involves the introduction of foreign DNA also known as synthetic genes into the organism of interest’ or curiousity. Genetic engineering does notRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering1042 Words  | 5 PagesGenetic engineering is using molecular biology methods to modify the genetic information of an organism. Its aims include learning about the biology of an organism and generating new or improved commercial products. Plant biotechnology is manipulating plants specifically to improve agricultural needs. GMOs or genetically modified organisms are organisms modified by genetic engineering to express desirable traits. DNA fragments containing said desirable traits and a means of introducing the DNA toRead MoreGenetic Engineering : The Field Of Biomedical Research1710 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic engineering is the latest experimental practice used in the world of biomedical research. This practice refers to humans modifying an animals’ genetic component in order to express a particular trait (Dale et al). The scientific community calls the animals produced by this practice as tra nsgenic animals in order to distinguish between its wild type relative. This innovative technology paved ways for medical breakthroughs, along with the expansion of human understanding towards the mechanismsRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering1735 Words  | 7 Pages Genetic Engineering is a fairly new science field that is used to change the genes that can be located inside of a cell, but it brings many problems along with it. Genes give an individual or species a certain set of traits that can determine its appearance on the inside and outside. The genes can be moved between same or even different types of species. This can completely change an organism’s looks or even allow the scientists to create a whole new type of animal. The animal would then beRead MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words  | 6 PagesGenetic engineering is a straight use of an organism s genome by the use of biotechnology. New DNA may be inserted into the hos t genome by first and copying the genetic material of interest by the use molecular emulating methods to create a DNA order, or by producing the DNA, and then injecting this concept into the host organism. I think in the future 50 years, the use of hormones can enable the production of higher quality carcasses, and increases the rate of muscle development (Bruce, D., BruceRead MoreAre Studies in Genetic Engineering and Stem Cell Research Beneficial?1637 Words  | 7 Pagesof advancements have been made from things such as medicine to something basic as a cell phone. One of the most unacknowledged yet productive methods that has become a possibility and surpasses our expectations is the process of genetic engineering and stem cell research. These studies have proven to be a beneficial part to the way people could live and how they could approach life-threatening diseases. When similar studies are first discussed and publicized they appear to not only be impossible
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Carson Manor Essays - 1232 Words
1.) Identification of Problem: Key Issues/Problems: Carson Manor is a nursing home that houses the elderly and provides them with nursing care. This case of Carson Manor the nursing home is fraught with cost inefficiencies. There are more issues with the system of classifying patients and the levels of nursing care given to each of those patients. Potential Problems include: * Budget is massively inefficient in keeping and taking care of the elderly within the nursing home. * Nurses will not be able to provide good quality care for their patients. * Patients of a certain status will receive unequal care. * Whether or not to outsource or to improve present system. * Deciding on the criteria to evaluate nursing care†¦show more content†¦* Has a higher price than the proposal from Patientcare. * Would require a steering committee to be formed in order to oversee the operation of Clarke-Hamilton. Alternative 3: Keep Standardcare Service Advantages: * Anticipated savings are to be in the order of 8 to 10 percent of total expenses, approximately 1.1millon * Has widespread experience in similar situations. * Having already established foot hold in this market heavily increases their odds of achieving Carson Manor’s goals of cost and efficiency. * Owns/manages 2,400 nursing home bed and units in Carson Manor’s state and Florida. * Already has 15 facilities either completed or in progress. Disadvantages: * Too large to be cater to Carson Manor as efficiently as they would like. * Standard Care would have to juggle meeting the needs of Carson Manor with the many other nursing establishments. * Such a large operator of nursing homes it would be easy to overlook problems within Carson Manor. * May base their proposal too heavily on their past experience, robbing Carson Manor of original identity and ideas that will pertain to them effectively. * Their anticipated savings are more projections than concrete expectancies, therefore may not be dependable. Recommendation: Alternative 2: Outsource Carson Manor care to Clarke-Hamilton This recommendation comes after weighing what we thought the most important aspects were to the selection of a nursingShow MoreRelatedCarson Manor Study Essay951 Words  | 4 Pagesobjective in the Carson Manor study is to reduce cost on a per-bed basis to be in-line or near the state average.  PSD’s role to assist Carson Manor in achieving cost reduction is by recommending a consultant firm that will provide Carson Manor the specific areas for improvement and methods to implement the changes.  In order to provide the recommendation for the consultant firm that is best-fit for this situation, first they will create an accurate request for proposal that details out Carson Manor’s needRead MoreCarson Mccullers Themes Of Loneliness And Isolation1356 Words  | 6 Pages More than half a century later, Carson McCullers’ themes of loneliness and isolation still speak to today’s readers. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesManagement Journal 49, no. 6 (2006), pp. 1239–1251; and J. E. Mathieu, K. K. Gilson, and T. M. Ruddy, â€Å"Empowerment and Team Effectiveness: An Empirical Test of an Integrated Model,†Journal of Applied Psychology 91, no. 1 (2006), pp. 97–108. J. B. Carson, P. E. Tesluk, and J. A. Marrone, â€Å"Shared Leadership in Teams: An Investigation of Antecedent Conditions and Performance,†Academy of Management Journal 50, no. 5 (2007), pp. 1217–1234. K. T. Dirks, â€Å"Trust in Leadership and Team Performance: Evidence
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reading, Writing, And Art Experiences Around Picture Books
The article, â€Å"Learning to Read from Picture Books,†reveals how children learn to read and communicate multimodality through reading, writing, and art experiences around picture books. As the article mentions, humans communicate using different modes. For example, some of these modes include communicating linguistically, visually, auditory, gestural, and spatially. In order for children to be able to read, write, and speak, they have to be exposed to many of these modes. Picture books are known to be a type of multimodal text. The article includes a short scenario about a first grader named Allie. She shared what she thought about picture books. Allie made a statement during retelling time. She said that the picture in the book tells her more about a story. She said she was able to see something in the illustration that the written text did not say. For example, she stated that she was able to tell that the Willy was really trying. This is not something that was stated in the text, but she was able to tell by looking at the illustration. However, she also stated that there are times when she didn’t know what the illustrations showed, but it was explained through the text. There are times that the written text doesn’t give a lot of description for young children to be able to picture it in their mind. When there is an illustration to go along with the written text, children get a better idea on what the author is trying to say. The illustrations are essential when telling theShow MoreRelatedMaxine Greene s Influence On Education1284 Words  | 6 Pagesheard a lot of discussions about teaching writing. When I was living in Texas the writing test was given to the students in the fourth grade and those teachers were expected to teach a curriculum which taught a formula style of writing. This made all the students’ writings very similar with little voice and creativity in their final product. Now the push is the Six Traits of W riting which is a very structured way of writing. There are six steps in the writing process that all the students are to followRead MorePicture Waking Up To A World Where There’S No Forms Of1302 Words  | 6 PagesPicture waking up to a world where there’s no forms of writing to be read and there’s not a book in sight. Picture a world with no true forms of literacy art. Communications in all forms are gone. Education would crumble, our histories would almost be nonexistent. We would just be a memory including our past. It’s hard to imagine a world without these things. What would things be like? Would the world be simpler or would it be chaos? To these questions, I have no answers. I have no evidenceRead MoreBalanced Literacy Instruction : A Comprehensive Program Of Language Arts Achievement901 Words  | 4 Pageslanguage arts achievement. It is comprehending all of the components that is necessary for students to become a master in writing and oral communication. Balance literacy begins with creating a genuine gratitude for good literature. And it balanced by knowing students individually, direct and indirect instruction and activates that emphasize meaning for students. The strongest elements of each are combined into a literacy program that aims to guide students toward proficient and lifelong reading. ThereRead More Chris Van Allsburg Essay1361 Words  | 6 PagesChris Van Allsburg Chris Van Allsburg has been named one of the most intriguing authors and illustrators of children’s books. He has a unique style that captivates children and adults alike. Often, a person’s background and experiences influence their work. Imagination has many roots into the childhood of an individual. Chris Van Allsburg grew up in a quiet suburban setting in Grand Rapids, Michigan. During the 1950’s, when he was a child, the town was a place that seemed like a haven forRead MoreEssay about Influential Poets of the Beat Generation1460 Words  | 6 Pageschose to use their experiences in their writings which were widely criticized as well as loved by many readers. Two of the most influential Beat Poets of that Generation of writers were Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. The Beat Generation poetry was the first poets to write about non-conventional subjects as well as using different forms of expression in their works. This generation of poets greatly influenced poets such as Anne Sexton, who wrote about personal experiences as well. The BeatRead MoreDiscussing The Intricate And Intimate Connections Between Herself, Her Daughter And Her Parents On Pages 293-295 Essay1590 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Love (as well as writing) involves a radical loss of certaintyâ₠¬ (295). How does that â€Å"loss of certainty†apply to writing as well as relationships in Sommers’ experience? Because of Sommers love for reading often alludes to her family life, she is able to introduce the reader to her family and her thoughts behind words in a neat fashion. I assume that her family life has really shaped her as a person. I think she wants to be be able to absorb lots of information from the world around her. She saysRead MoreArt Is An Important Part Of Education843 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is art? Is it just painting or can it be a number of creations, such as, music, dancing, theater, pictures, sculptures, poems, stories, or videos. When I think of art, I think of all of these different creations listed as art. Art is anything that can inspire a person, or create feelings from looking, touching, or hearing. The definition of art is â€Å"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing worksRead More Touching the Minds of Tomorrow’s Leaders Essay793 Words  | 4 Pages Touching the Minds of Tomorrow’s Leaders By nature, children are curious. I do not agree with philosophers who believe that children are either good or evil. Instead, I believe that children want to take the world in and experience the new things life has to offer to shape their personalities. The nature of knowledge is very relevant to what point they are at in life and at what particular place. For example, if a child is raised in a place where there is nothing but put-downsRead MoreScience, Math, And Music Centers1634 Words  | 7 Pages The three content areas that I will be focusing on is science, math, and music centers. The science to children is finding out about different things about the everyday world that is around the children. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analyse Role Of A Success Clinical Leader In Healthcare Profession
Question: Discuss about the Analyse Role Of A Success Clinical Leader In The Healthcare Profession. Answer: Health care is a complex system which involves a large number of individuals and organisations. In order to function effectively the clinicians are required to understand these inter-connected complex pathways and systems of care. Moreover, they must also remain comfortable while working both with and within, these inter-regulated systems for the overall benefit of the patients. The following essays aims to in order make effective change in practise and improvement of the quality of care while working in sync with different organisations and group of professionals. Overview of different styles of leadership According to Gleeson (2018), effective leadership is an integral part of any organisations and not all the situations demands same leadership styles. The leaders adapt changes in the leadership styles based on the surrounding environments and thereby empower the team to succeed. Some of the unique approach of leadership styles as stated by Gleeson (2018) is illustrated below in tabular format Having faith in your beliefs Making hard choices Earning respect of the team members: Not taking all the credits Knowing the team from the core: Recognising talents Recognising the members of the team as the key towards success: Extracting the best from the team Having a clear and articulate vision Pushing the members of the team to achieve their best: Cultivating an Environment for growth Serving for a greater cause Focusing on helping the members of the team: education, motivation and delegation Never to lead by force: Leading by example and inspiring without intimidation Table: Traits of an effective leader (Source: Gleeson 2018) Clinical leadership in nursing According to the reports published by the National Health Service (NHS), Institute of Innovation and Improvement (2011), the health systems round the world is gradually grappling with the task of delivering system-wide evidence based approach, person centred care along with effective and efficient mode of care models. Clinical leadership particularly in the domain ofnursing profession is proposed to be an integral pillar towards reaching this potential goal (NHS Leadership Academy 2013). According to Ogrin and Barrett (2015), there is no definite definition of clinical leadership however role of a clinical leader summarise to the process of developing a culturally competent environment and then leading a set of tasks for continuous improvements of the quality and safety of service delivery model of healthcare to the service consumers. Effective mode of clinical leadership encompasses individuals with accurate skills and traits at all spheres of the organisation along with prime focus on the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary service delivery model Ogrin and Barrett (2015). According to Ogrin and Barrett (2015), the nurses who are under the formal leadership position like the nurse managers are of the opinion that the clinical leadership attributes they required in their roles fall under the three main areas namely personal attributes, team attributes and capabilities. Personal attributes Having sound confidence in the ability of self to procure best practise Nimble in the domain of effective communication Emotional intelligence Team attributes Encouragement of trust and commitment among the team members via valuing skills and expertise of others. Increasing the focus of the team members Capabilities Building and maintaining steady relationships among the team members Encouraging contribution from other members of the team Creating a clear direction of progress and ability to serve as a role model My perspective in clinical leadership innursing is solely based on the Clinical Leadership Competency Framework of NHS Leadership Academy. According to NHS, the core traits that must be executed among the a clinical leader innursing profession is demonstration of personal qualities, working with others, managing services, improving services and setting directions. All these traits highlighted by the NHS under clinicalleadership in nursing profession related with the core principles of the leadership models and thus can be prove to be effective in achieving desired quality outcomes. Leadership characteristics influencing practise change in quality improvement The importance of the application of effective clinical leadership in order to ensure quality health care system that constantly provides efficient and safe care has been restricted in the domain of the scholarly literature only an in other reports of the governmental publications. At present, commission, inquiries and reports have promoted the engagement of the clinician and clinical leadership as the principal pillar of achieving along with sustaining the improvement in the domain of quality care patient safety (Daly et al. 2014). According to Ogrin and Barrett (2015) organisations are now beginning to embrace the model of clinical leadership in order to improve the quality of care. According to Ennis, Happell and Reid?Searl (2015), clinical leadership helps in the quality improvement via reinforcing the importance of delivering individualised evidenced-based care model to the clients. Research have demonstrated that the model of clinical leadership can lead towards the possible ga teway of improved outcomes with more positive experience coming from the consumers of the health care and thereby contributing towards the recruitment and retention of the nursing staffs. According to Davidson, Elliott and Daly (2006), effective clinical leaders use confident and calm approach under clinical situations. This type of approach helps to achieve positive clinical outcomes on the patients along under crisis situations or other unplanned events under the healthcare settings. This improvement of the outcome during the crisis situation helps to increase the overall quality of the health-care model. Swanwick and McKimm (2011) opined that execution of the clinical leadership models that vouches for the confident and clam approach during the emergency situation helps in the establishment of effective therapeutic leadership and thereby promoting effectiveness of the output of the multidisciplinary team and thereby helping to improve the overall health outcome of the patients. I n the domain of health improving the health outcome, Swanwick and McKimm (2011) opined that comprehensive healthcare cannot be delivered by a single healthcare professionals but demands a complex systems working in concert that both tenured and novice healthcare professionals. Thus one-to-one clinical leadership is not enough; quality care involves effective participation of multidisciplinary team along with assistance from the trainee professionals. This comprehensive support apart from improving the overall health outcomes also facilitated proving effective training with the newly enrolled healthcare professionals and thereby helping to upgrade the system as a whole. This gives an evidence towards teaching of nursing leadership from the perspectives of management. Ennis, Happell and Reid?Searl (2015) further opined that clinical leadership is also proved to be effective in procuring quality mental health. Effective clinical leaders enrolled under the mental health nursing can faci litate more positive environment and thus potentially contributing both the patients and the newly enrolled nurse to develop positive attitudes towards the care plan and the services being offered. However, the NHS in UK is now focusing on empowerment of the clinicians and the front line employees in order to refine their decision making capabilities via working in unison with sharing of information via active communication (Ogrin and Barrett 2015). Davidson, Elliott and Daly (2006) further stated that systematic strategic initiatives are important in order to develop effective clinical leadership model. These systematic strategic strategies are required to be undertaken under collegial collaborations between the health care and the academic sectors and thus helping to provide united strength for making advancement in the nursing profession. Critical analysis of the interview In order to enquire more detailed about how leadership characteristics can influence practice change, and what are the important traits of the clinical leaders in the healthcare organisations, I have interviewed two nurses with experience in nursing leadership (the interview question are provided in the appendix). Response to first question In response to the first question nurse (1) replied, First of all, I would like to say that I admired my on-job trainer as my leader role model in my nursing profession and the main trait executed by her which I admired most is working effectively with others as a team. I think this attitude of her helped in building and maintaining relationships with the other members of the teams and thereby helping to deliver quality service along with increasing the team bonding. I think what nurse (1) opined in relation to question 1 is absolutely relevant in the domain of clinical leadership model. According to NHS Institute of Innovation and Improvement (2011), it is the duty of the healthcare professionals to execute leadership via developing networks via working in partnership with their representatives, colleagues, patients, carers, service users. This in turn helps to improve the quality of service and at the same time helps to promote sharing of information among the resources. It also he lps to create opportunities to bringing individuals or group of individuals together in order to achieve a defined set of goals and thus explaining the qualities of exemplary nurse leaders. Though nurse (1) have only state her comments based on her perspective of the subordinated working under the leader, it also has an emotional intelligence approach. According to Tomey (2009), creating association with the patients and their family of carers help to develop care plan through informed decision-making. In response to question (1), nurse (2) came up with that one of th'e important traits of her role model of nursing leadership is setting directions. She said that, My role model as a leader was able to identify the contexts for change and this he used to do via anticipating and preparing for the future consequences via scanning for new ideas along with best practices and emerging trends that will helpful to cast an significant impact on health outcomes. He also used to apply the knowledge and evidence-based approach towards framing the care plan while influencing others to make proper use of the knowledge and evidence to achieve the best possible results. I thing, the issues highlighted by nurse (1) extremely evident in the present days scenario. This is because, according to DiCenso, Guyatt and Ciliska (2014), application of evidence-based approach is an unique approach in nursing care as it provides the nurse with new tools for evaluating the nursing literature and clinical scenari os and then developing the care plan based on that approach. Thus, this aspect of clinical leadership helps in the improvement of the literature based knowledge of the healthcare professionals and thereby helping them to devise the care plan in accordance to the prevailing outcomes and standards. Melnyk et al. (2012) further opined that nurse leaders or the educators must provide opportunities regarding the EBP while facilitating supportive culture to achieve effective clinical decision making. Response to second question In response to second question, nurse (1) is of the opinion that she as a nursing leader always try to work effectively with her team members. She said that, I always try to work along with my team members in order to improve the overall service. She also said that the first thing which I keep in mind while working in unison with my team members is ensuring the safety of my patients while critically evaluating the vital parameter of the patients health outcomes. She also stressed over the fact that while working in with her team members she always encourages improvement and innovation. She said that, It is the role of a leader to encourage innovative approach among the team mates and this helps to increase the participation among the team members while increasing the increase in the flow of the effective information and thereby helping to increase the overall health outcomes. As per my understanding, the main clinical leadership model practise by nurse (1) is improvement of the overa ll service delivery via encouraging effective participation of the team members and effective flow of the information. According to Weng et al. (2015), it is the duty of the leader to promote learning and developmental opportunities via creating and promoting opportunities for colleagues. This will in turn help to generate open debatable ideas and there encouraging change, and improvement in practise. Moreover, an efficient clinical leader must systematically appraise the evolving practise via acknowledging the team members who have given effective contribution towards framing of that practise. This in turn will help to earn respect from the team members as taking all the credit may demotivate or generate unrest among the subordinate team members. Nurse (2) also opined that towards the improvement of the quality of care, she trains and subordinates locally and engages them under local networks to practice and publicise good practise thus improving effective treatment. As per opinion her clinical leadership model as an influence of the transformational leadership in nursing profession. According to Weng et al. (2015) the role of the transformational leadership is to foster nursing innovation via improvement in the organizational climate. Her aspect of the leadership model facilitated transformation and thus further providing the reference of transformational leadership model in her clinical leadership framework. However, she did not highlight the strategies that she undertakes in order to review patient satisfaction. According to Martin et al. (2012) under the domain of clinical leadership, it is the role of the leader to consult with the senior colleagues to review the patient satisfaction in order to develop strategies for implementing and thereby managing innovative solutions within the organizations. Nurse (2) opined she apply her clinical leadership skills towards managing the service in an effective manner. Via managing the service, she opined that she manages her people, available resources along with the management of the performance. I think, this is another important attribute of the nursing leader under the clinical practice. This is because as per the findings of the NHS (2011), it is the duty of the member of the management team towards contributing development of the business and this development of business in healthcare is achieved via initiating along with proper collaboration and ola ning of service improvement projects. Response to third question In response to third question both nurse (1) and nurse (2) said that their leadership approach towards under the ethics of the clinical leadership model framework helps in comprehensive management of the recourses and thereby helping to manage the performance. They also said that the proper management of the performance is done via critical evaluation of the service procured and this helped them to bring further improvement and innovation into the overall system. I think, what they have opined is indeed significant towards bringing a crucial practice change in the health care system but according to Gantz et al. (2012), further setting of goals and pushing members of the team towards more improved outcomes along with helping them to work in unison in a confident and compose manner will help to critically manage the crisis situation. Moreover, I also feel that they must also not preach leadership via force and must practice leadership via inspiring without intimidations as this will i ncrease the sense of participation and satisfaction. Thus from the above discussion it can be concluded that the practise of clinical leadership helps to impose proper practise change in the healthcare organisations and thereby helping to improve the quality of care among the patients and the family of carers. However, from the interview it is evident that the nursing leader must further emphasise on the more improved outcomes via asking their team members to work under calm, composed and confident manner and thereby improving the overall health outcomes during the crisis situation. References Daly, J., Jackson, D., Mannix, J., Davidson, P. and Hutchinson, M., 2014. The importance of clinical leadership in the hospital setting.Journal of Healthcare Leadership. Davidson, P.M., Elliott, D. and Daly, J., 2006. Clinical leadership in contemporary clinical practice: implications for nursing in Australia.Journal of Nursing Management,14(3), pp.180-187. DiCenso, A., Guyatt, G. and Ciliska, D., 2014.Evidence-Based Nursing-E-Book: A Guide to Clinical Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. Ennis, G., Happell, B. and Reid?Searl, K., 2015. Clinical leadership in mental health nursing: The importance of a calm and confident approach.Perspectives in psychiatric care,51(1), pp.57-62. 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